Chiropractic Care Plan

BEYOND WELLNESS CARE 3 Visits or 4x/ 2xVisits Per month:Basic, Intermediate or Advanced care sessions as needed. The 12-month program consists of up to36network office visits and a re-evaluation schedule. The 12-month program is program is a significant savings in comparison to care on an a la carte basis. Max of up to 36 network officevisits plus up to 2 Progress/Reevaluations



Initial Installment of $200 and 11 Monthly Installmentsof $166

Discount of 10% (save: $225)2030

Reduced Monthly Same As Cash Financing Installments of 159 or less

Discount of 15% (save: $338) 1917

One-timeDiscount of 20% (save: $451)1804

1st Installment due at initiation of care2nd Installment Begin Month ______

Benefits/ what’s included______Initial

1.Access to up to 12 months or up to 36 network office visits, whichever comes first, all recommended reevaluations in our office, as well as spinal exercise and lifestyle instruction within the scope of network spinal care. Practice members are allowed a maximum of up to 36 network office visits in the 12-month time frame.

2.Complimentary attendance to our New Patient Orientation Dinner for you and up to 4 adult guests, as well as for our in-office workshops.

3.Complimentary exams within 14 days for family members and friends.

4.40% retail savings for immediate household family members starting care within 30 days.

5.Free Referral Service for out of town family or friends.

6.Telephone consultations and/or office consultations. In an effort to help as many people as possible, adjusting times are for adjusting only. The doctor can address lengthy questions by special appointment or by phone after patient hours.





There’s Magic in a Healthy Spine!

Drs. John & JenJjones, D.C. 7775 65th Street, Boulder, CO 00901 (123) 995-7000