Photography & Digital Design
Photo Assignment A1- Photo Booth revised September, 2014
For our first assignment, we will take some photographs using the camera built into the iMac computers and PhotoBooth software. While this assignment will be fun, it is also something that we need to take very seriously. We will be using some of these photos in future projects, so it is critical that you follow directions exactly.
1. Log In
2. Set your Sound Level to “4”
3. Click on the Documents Folder(to the left of the Trash Can). Click on “Open in Finder”
4. With the Documents window open, N (creates a New Folder). Rename this folder “Photo Booth Pix GJK”
5. Double Click to open the Photo Booth Pix folder.
6. Resize this window to be quite small, then move it to the lower left corner of the desktop.
7. Launch Photo Booth( if not in the DOC, you will find it in the Applications Folder)
8. If the Photo Booth window fills up the entire screen, press ESC to view the small window,
then drag and place this small window on the right side of the desktop
9. Now that Photo Booth is running, go to the EDIT PDM and select AutoFlip New Photos
10. Below the composing screen there are three choices on the left—Single Photo, Four QuikPix, and Movie.
We will be using only the Single Photo option—definitely NO MOVIES. The red button in the middle is the shutter button, and the right selection will take us to EFFECTS—we will get to these later.
11. You will notice that the composing window acts like a mirror.
Your final photo, however, will not be a mirror but “right reading”
12. To compose the photo, get your head to fill the screen, Leave just a little headroom and a little chin room.
13. If your head does not fill the screen, your photos will not work for our projects later on.
14. Place your index finger over the Return Key on the keyboard—this is the HOT KEY, it will work as the shutter
15. Once you have the photo composed, move your eyeballs to look at the camera, not the middle of the screen
16. Press the RETURN key, the computer will then count down, 3…2…1…Click Click
17. Your new photo will appear in the lower tray. If you do not like it, select it and press DELETE on the keyboard
18. If you want to keep the photo, drag it into your Photo Booth Pix Folder, and
19. Immediately rename the photo pb gjk 01, then pb gjk 02 pb gjk 03 , etc.
20. I need FOUR SERIOUS photographs of you, full frame. No part of your hair, ears, or chin can be missing.
21. Once you have the four serious photos, you can experiment with the EFFECTS.
22. Give me one with STRETCH, one with SQUEEZE.
23. I want two using MIRROR. Each must have ONE NOSE, TWO EYES.
Do one tilting your head to the left, one tiltling to the right.
24. You can experiment with other effects and with the four QuikPic option. NO MOVIES.
25. I want 10 Photos—
Four Serious, The Four Effects mentioned above, and two more different EFFECTS of your choosing.
26. We will get instruction later on the next steps. HAVE FUN !