Sweetwater County Joint Travel and Tourism Board

June 8, 2016

Green River Chamber of Commerce

Green River, WY 82901

A.  Call to Order

1.  Allan Wilson called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

B.  Roll Call

1.  Members Present: Allan Wilson, Linda McGovern, Erika Koshar, Kelcie Hammond, Bridget Renteria, Mark Lyon, Janet Hartford and Greg Bailey.

2.  Members Absent: Liisa Anselmi-Dalton, Craig Nelson, and Amber Coble.

3.  Visitors, guests and staff: Jenissa Meredith, Johno Green, Carol Volsey, Kandi Pendleton.

C.  Approval of Agenda

1.  Janet moved to approve the agenda as presented; Erika seconded (motion passes 8-0).

D.  Correspondence

1.  Jenissa showed the board the appreciation card from the Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce.

E.  Presentations:

1.  SWEC- Kandi Pendleton:

i.  Kandi presented the Sweetwater Events Complex block grant request to the board. Explaining how important the funding from the T&T board is and why they are requesting the funding they are. They would like to use $20,000 for revamping the events complex website, $20,000 for event recruitment and $40,000 for advertising Wyoming’s Big Show.

a)  Allan Wilson said he does not feel that the board should be spending money on redesigning the events complex website. He feels if they do this for one organization we would have to do it for all.

b)  Greg Bailey asked how soon the events complex would know if they will receive the Little Britches Rodeo.

a.  Kandi explained that if Guthrie Oklahoma, feels they are unable to host after this year the Little Britches Rodeo will let them out of their contract and the events complex would be able to bid on it.

c)  Janet agrees with Allan about not funding to redesign the events complex website.

d)  Mark Lyon asked how many members of the events complex staff travel to locations to place bids for events.

a.  Kandi said they send 3 to 5 members.

F.  Public Comment

1.  N/A

G.  Approval of Minutes

1.  Greg moved to approve the March 9th, April 13th and May 11th, 2016 minutes as presented; Janet seconded (motion passes 8-0).

H.  Secretary-Signing of Minutes

1.  Kelcie signed the March 9th, April 13th and May 11th, 2016 minutes.

I.  Payment of Bills

1.  Bridget moved to approve checks #3102 through #3123, and electronic payment of $3,748.36 to EFTPS for federal taxes and payroll liabilities, in the total amount of $81,841.15. Mark seconded (motion passes 8-0).

J.  Chairperson’s Report

1.  Allan announced the resignation of Debbie Alvarez from the board and introduced Mark Lyon a Rock Springs appointment replacing Falon Morgan and Linda McGovern a Sweetwater County appointment replacing Debbie Alvarez.

K.  Vice Chairperson’s Report

1.  None

L.  Treasurer’s Report

1.  Bridget made a deposit of $27,797.41 on March 21st, 2016 and $59,531.91 on April 19th, 2016. She also deposited $50.00 which was a donation from Greg Bailey for the REACH Awards and $113,482.46 on May 26th, 2016. All deposits were made to the money market account.

M.  Committee Report

1.  Bridget reviewed the 2016-2017 proposed budget for the board.

i.  Bridget let the board know that the accountant caught an error in the proposed budget on the expected carry over $100,000, but it is actually expected to be $200,000. She also stated there was a question on the increase in the Executive Directors line item.

a)  Jenissa explained that that is not just her salary it also includes mileage, insurance and retirement.

ii. The board discussed taking $30,000 from both Advertising and Sponsorship grants and putting it into reserve, due to the actual grant requests over the past year.

N.  Director’s Report

1.  Committees, Commitments & Attended Meetings

i.  Jenissa reported on the meetings she attended this last month which included, SWC Directors meeting, WTIC Board Meeting, Lodging Tax Board Executive meetings, Lodging Association meeting, RS and GR Beautification meetings, Flaming Gorge Promotions Committee, T&T Finance Committee and T&T Grant Committee.

2.  Marketing Campaign

i.  Media Plan 2015-16

a)  All Media is running

b)  Website we are making tweaks daily

ii. PR

a)  T&T is hosting a writer on 6/23-24/2016

b)  The Press Trip is scheduled for August 1-4, 2016 hosting 5 writers with the same agenda as last year.

iii.  Mobile App

a)  Johno has been giving presentations on the app.

b)  Jenissa is looking into advertising the mobile app at the airport on their LED sign.

3.  Miscellaneous Projects

i.  REACH Awards 5/5/16

a)  Jenissa thought the event went very smoothly and the board agreed.

ii. RSCC Visitor Complex

a)  Jenissa showed the board a picture of the photos that were given to the visitor center to hang in their building.

iii.  Block Grant Review

a)  Jenissa showed the board the block grant requests for RSCC, GRCC and the Sweetwater County Events Complex.

iv.  Flaming Gorge Gateway Sign Grant

a)  Working on Phase II of the grant. The Structures are built; the map is in fabrication and should be delivered by 6/14-15/16.

v.  SWC Lodging Association

a)  Jenissa and Johno attended meetings on 4/14/16 at the Holiday Inn Express and 5/12/16 at the Hampton Inn.

vi.  Event Recruitment

a)  We will be hosting State HS Speech and Debate 2017-18.

b)  Offer to Host Invitation letters have been sent.

vii.  Board Member lunches and orientation

a)  Jenissa had orientations with Mark Lyon and Linda McGovern

b)  Jenissa will have lunch with Greg Bailey on 6/14/16.

viii.  Marketing Assistant – Johno Green

a)  Website

a.  Johno reported that he had a good call with Miles Media with 14,321 users to the website last month.

b)  Social Media

a.  Johno has set up a content calendar for June, July and August for Social Media.

b.  We have introduced new # for Instagram



iii.  We have 1,000 followers on Instagram, averaging 70 likes per post.

c)  Itineraries & Press Releases

a.  Johno is creating a bucket list (top 10 attractions to Sweetwater County). Johno is also creating different itineraries for people to do that will be on the website.

d)  City Beautification

a.  Pride of Place went to Wyoming Machinery in RS and Riverside Nursery in GR.

b.  Johno is working on grants for Rock Springs Landscaping plan and Green River Landscaping plan.

e)  Lodging Study Results

a.  Johno showed the board the lodging study results.

ix.  Measurables

a)  Jenissa handed out the charts for the Lodging Tax and Occupancy rates.

x.  Purchases

a)  Jenissa purchases for the month are RSCC Wall Photos, Display Posters, and Plant for $290.00. Highway Flaming Gorge Maps, App Stickers and Holder $560.00. Xeriscaping Plexi-glass stands $155.00 and Brochure Fulfillment Racks $245.00.

xi.  Greg made a motion to approve the director’s report. Mark seconded. Motion passed (8-0).

O.  Grant Hearing

i.  The grant committee met and recommended $9,500.00 for the four grants and a $500 marketing bonus.

P.  Old Business

1.  Ratify Email Votes

i.  April Votes:

a)  Bills $73,994.08

a.  Erika made a motion to ratify the email votes for April for the bills in the amount of $73,994.08. Janet seconded. Motion passed (8-0).

ii. May Votes:

a)  Bills $94,064.59

b)  Office Lease - $1,000 per month

c)  RSCC Brochure Racks - $1,247.00 actual approved

d)  ESTO Conference - $2,500 ( Half of total cost)

a.  Bridget made a motion to ratify the email votes for May for the Bills in the amount of $94,064.59, the Office lease of $1,000.00 per month, the RSCC Brochure Racks for $1,247.00 and half of the ESTO Conference for $2,500.00. Greg seconded. Motion passed (8-0).

Q.  New Business

1.  Grant Hearing

i.  Greg made a motion to approve the consent agenda in the amount of $9,500 with a $500 marketing bonus totaling $10,000. Mark seconded. Motion passed (8-0).

a)  Art on the Green (A) - $2,000.00 with a $500.00 marketing bonus

b)  2016 Roadmap to STEM Conference (S) - $5,000.00

c)  Sand Puppy Baseball Tournament (S) - $1,500.00

d)  Eden Valley All Around Performance Series (S) - $1,000.00

2.  Block Grant Contract Review

i.  Jenissa handed out the block grants for the Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce, Green River Chamber of Commerce for and the Sweetwater Events Complex which will be voted on during the Budget Hearing on July 19th.

ii. Jenissa handed out the Media Plan for 2016-17 which will be voted on during the Budget Hearing on July 19th.

R.  Adjournment

1.  Janet made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm. Erika seconded (motion passes 8-0)


Secretary’s signature Date

Minutes submitted by Carol Volsey