“I think, therefore I am”
-Rene Descartes
Welcome to a journey through time to discover the history of Europe. This course will begin in the late Middle Ages and will continue through the fall of communism, culminating with the genocide in Rwanda and 20th century environmental concerns.
AP European History is one of the most rigorous courses you will take this year but hopefully it will also be one of the most rewarding. We will discuss the lives of Chaucer, Joan of Arc, Shakespeare, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Elizabeth I, Voltaire, Thomas More, Martin Luther, Henry VIII, Magellan, Columbus, Louis XIV, Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Napoleon, Locke, Karl Marx, Darwin, Peter the Great, Einstein, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Freud, and Van Gogh just to name a few. By studying these people and others we will survey the intellectual, cultural, political, diplomatic, social and economic history of Europe.
This course will be a lot of work and has a demanding curriculum. I am excited that you have decided to challenge yourself and I look forward to teaching you this year!
Course Description-
This course focuses attention on material that is equivalent to a college-level introductory course. Emphasis will be placed on European history from the 14th century to the present by analyzing and evaluating the political, diplomatic, intellectual, cultural, social and economic history of Europe. Students will be required to complete a large amount of reading on a daily basis in order to gain a better understanding of European history. By registering for this course students are expected to take the AP European History Exam.
Academic Requirement-
This class is designed to provide additional challenge for the student who accepts responsibility for active involvement in their own learning. Students should be willing to demonstrate the necessary task commitment to maintain satisfactory progress (“C” average or better each grading term). Students must maintain satisfactory progress (“C” average or better) for each grading term or will be removed from the course.
The AP European History Exam-
The AP European History Exam is three hours and five minutes in length, consisting of a 55 minute multiple choice section and a 130 minute free response section. The multiple choice section counts for 50% of your total score. The free response section accounts for the other 50% of the exam and consists of one document based question (DBQ) and two free response questions (FRQ).
Section one, the multiple-choice section, consists of 80 questions designed to measure a student’s knowledge of European History from the 14th century to the present. Section two, the free response section, begins with a mandatory 15 minute reading period followed by Part A, in which students are required to answer a document based question (DBQ) in 45 minutes. In Part B, students are asked to answer two thematic questions (FRQ’s) in 70 minutes. Students choose one essay from each of two groups of three essays. Students are advised to spend 5 minutes planning and 30 minutes writing each of their thematic essays.
Preparing and Reviewing for the AP Exam-
To be successful on the AP European History Exam, it’s essential that you prepare and review THROUGHOUT the school year. The exam requires that you have a solid understanding of writing and analysis of content. You must study throughout the school year in order to score high on the exam. We will have after school review session periodically throughout the school year. It is encouraged that you purchase an AP European History REVIEW BOOK online or at a bookstore and use it throughout the school year to prepare for the test.
AP EUROPEAN HISTORY EXAM-Wednesday, MAY 15, 2013 beginning at Noon
Required Text-McKay, A History of Western Society, 8th Edition. Houghton-Mifflin
Required Classroom Materials-
You are required to purchase and bring to class daily:
ü A binder or folder for all class work
ü A notebook for class notes
ü A writing utensil
Discipline will follow school policy as stated in the student handbook
Proper Classroom Behavior-
There is to be NO food or drink, tobacco products, profanity or sleeping during class time. Stay in your seats. There is to be NO talking while someone else has the floor. You’ll have your turn.
Classroom Rules and Responsibilities-
1. You must be in class and seated by the tardy bell. Tardies will result in:
1-2 tardies=Verbal warning
3 or more= detention
2. Students will be given 2 hall passes each nine weeks (i.e. to be used for restroom, locker or office passes). For each hall pass NOT used 10 bonus points will be added to the student’s total points for the nine weeks.
3. Regular class attendance is critical since projects/quizzes/tests will be based on class notes/discussions, not always textbook material.
4. All assignments are to be turned in on time. NO late work will be accepted. If you have an excused absence, work is due the day you return to class.
5. An unexcused absence will result in a zero for the missed assignments. Even Unit Tests!
6. Cheating/plagerism will NOT be tolerated and will result in the enforcement of school policy.
A. DAILY GRADES (20 Points)
Study Guides
Current Events
Tests will vary. Some will be multiple choice tests while others will be short answer, matching, fill in the blank and open response. Other tests will consist only of FRQ’s.
C. PROJECTS (100 Points)
During each unit, students will complete one project, which may be individually or group assigned. This may include PowerPoint presentations, book reviews, etc.
150 Points possible each nine weeks
Sections should be divided according to the following titles:
Study Guides
Unit Tests
E. FRQ’s/DBQ’s (100 Points)
Students will also complete at least one FRQ and DBQ per unit to help prepare for the Exam
Students will take a semester exam in December and a final exam in May. Both will be comprehensive.
Grading Scale-
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 0-59
Required Reading-
· Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales (1st Quarter)
· Machiavelli, The Prince, (excerpts) (2nd Quarter)
· Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front (3rd Quarter)
· Wiesenthal, The Sunflower (4th Quarter)
Tentative Schedule of Units/Readings, including Video List-
Unit I: Were the Dark Ages Really Dark? The Late Middle Ages
Day 1:Go over syllabus, note book scoring guide, textbooks and seating chart
Play ABC Game to Brainstorm European History components
Chapter 12, The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages Reading Quiz and DBQ questions Due Today…NO EXCEPTIONS! FAILURE TO TURN IN SUMMER ASSIGMENTS MEANS REMOVAL FROM THE COURSE….
Day 2:
Brainstorm the Middle Ages and categorize terms, view pictures
Define characteristics of a culture
Participate in M&M Activity to simulate Medieval Feudalism
Discuss Canterbury Tales assignment: Due Day 14
Day 3: Bellringer: Candy Review
Complete map of Medieval Europe
Watch 15 minute jousting clip from A Knight’s Tale (PG) and discuss its accuracy and anachronisms
Day 4: Bellringer-Sample AP Multiple Choice Questions/Discussion
Watch 20 minute opening scene of Braveheart ® to understand culture/social class system of Medieval Europe
Outline political/diplomatic, social/economic and intellectual/religious
themes of Chapter 12
Day 5: Bellringer-People of the Medieval Period
Listen to “I Get Around” by the Beach Boys
Reading on The Black Death( “Rats” ), Questions and video clip
Day 6: Notes on Medieval Tournaments, Crime and Punishment
Watch The Europeans: The Middle Ages (20 min. Documentary) and complete a study guide
Day 7: Discuss the Crusades
Watch Islam 101 (Oprah Special) (45 min.) and tie to the Crusades and misconceptions about the Islamic religion
Day 8: Students will go over format of the AP Test
How to write a DBQ
Shoe Activity
Day 9: Receive Documents for DBQ
DBQ Learning Stations
H/W: Study for DBQ next class
Day10: Take in-class DBQ (45 minutes, timed)
Day 11: Begin watching Robin Hood (PG-13) and begin Historical Movie
Day 12: Finish watching Robin Hood (PG-13) and complete Historical
Movie Analysis
Day 13: Review for Unit 1 Common Assessment
Day 14: Unit 1 Common Assessment
Canterbury Tales book review due
H/W: Read Chapter 13, European Society in the Age of the
Renaissance, for reading quiz next class
Unit II: “Re-Birth”: The Renaissance, Age of Exploration, Reformation
Day 1: Reading Quiz over Chapter 13
Listen to Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are A-Changin’”, discuss
lyrics and tie to changes of the Renaissance
Watch The Europeans: Renaissance, Reformation and Beyond (20
min. Documentary) and complete study guide
H/W: Reformation Worksheet
Day 2: Go over homework
Chart political/diplomatic, social/economic, intellectual, religious
aspects of Chapter 13
Complete packet on The Elizabethan Era
H/W: AP Terms
Day 3: Collect Terms
Go to library to begin work on Renaissance Powerpoint Project
Day 4: Go to library to finish Powerpoint Presentations
H/W: Powerpoint Presentations next class
Day 5: Renaissance, Exploration and Reformation Presentations
Day 6: Watch “Renaissance: Scientists” (30 min. documentary) and take
active notes and discuss
Day 7: Bellringer-Sample AP Multiple Choice Questions
Discuss Machiavelli’s The Prince
Watch “Renaissance: Prince” (30 min. documentary) and discuss
H/W: Read excerpts from The Prince and answer questions
Day 8: Go over homework
Take interactive notes over Chapter 14, Reform and Renewal in the
Christian Church
H/W: Reading quiz over Chapter 14 next class
Day 9: Reading quiz over Chapter 14
Go over homework
Begin watching Ever After (PG) and begin critical viewing assignment
Day 10: Finish Ever After and complete critical viewing assignment
Review for Common Assessment over Renaissance, Exploration and
H/W: Study for Assessment
Day 11: Common Assessment over the Renaissance, Exploration and
H/W: Read Chapter 15, The Age of Religious Wars and Overseas
Expansion, for reading quiz next class
Unit III: Absolutism and Enlightenment
Day 1: Go over graded tests
Take reading quiz over Chapter 15
Discuss aspects of Absolutism by looking at pictures and answering higher order thinking questions with each
Day 2: Participate in learning stations on Absolutism
H/W: Read Chapter 16, Absolutism and Constitutionalism in
Western Europe, for reading quiz next class
Day 3: Take reading quiz on Chapter 16
Complete interactive notes on Enlightenment Powerpoint Presentation
Day 4: Watch “Age of Enlightenment” Documentary (50 min.) and discuss
Day 5: Take interactive notes over Chapter 18, Toward a New View
Day 5: Bellringer: Complete sample AP Multiple Choice Questions
Play CPS review game to review for multiple choice and FRQ test over the Enlightenment
H/W: Study for MC/FRQ Absolutism/Enlightenment Test
Day 6: Take Absolutism/Enlightenment Test
Unit IV: Economic and Societal Changes in the 18th Century
Day 1: Lecture/Interactive outline of Chapter 19, The Expansion of Europe
in the 18th Century
H/W: Read Chapter 20, The Changing Life of the People for reading
quiz next class
Day 2: Reading Quiz over Chapter 20
Analyze related pictures/political cartoons for the time period
H/W: Study for MC Test next class
Day 3: Multiple Choice Test
Unit V: The Age of Revolution
Day 1: Bellringer: Listen to the Beatles’ “Revolution” and discuss lyrics and
why people revolt and tie to Age of Revolution
Take interactive notes on the English Civil War and discuss
Day 2: Complete outline of the American Revolution and discuss
H/W: Create a flyer promoting colonists to revolt against the British
Day 3: Bellringer: Complete sample AP MC questions
Share flyers
Look at political cartoons depicting pre-revolution French society and
Discuss the estates in France and look at pictures of the Palace of Versailles
H/W: Read Chapter 21, The Revolution in Politics (1775-1815) for a
reading quiz next class
Day 4: Take reading quiz over Chapter 21
Take interactive notes during a PowerPoint presentation over the French Revolution
Day 5: Watch History Channel Biography on Napoleon (50 min.) and
complete study guide
H/W: Study for DBQ next class
Day 6: Take DBQ and discuss
Day 7: Participate in learning stations over The Industrial Revolution
Day 8: Bellringer: Complete sample AP MC questions
Complete a chart on the Turn of the Century advancements: Chapters 23, Ideologies and Upheavals, and Chapter 24, Life in the Emerging Urban society
Take interactive notes on Chapter 22, The Revolution in Energy and
Day 9: Go to library to complete a Webquest on Inventions/Inventors
H/W: Create an advertisement suitable for one of the inventions presented
in the Webquest. Due next class
Day 10: Present projects
Look at pictures over pre-revolution Russia/czars, etc.
Complete interactive outline on the Russian Revolution
Day 11: Watch UnitedStreaming video clip on Russian Revolution (15 mins)
Review for open response and FRQ next class
Day 12: Take FRQ over revolutions
Discuss forms of governments: pros and cons of each
Take open response for semester exam
H/W: Semester Exam next class and folders due for the nine weeks
Day 13: Semester Exam
Grade Folders
Students will receive All Quiet on the Western Front novels,
Chapters 1-6 will need to be read by Day 9 of Unit V for a reading
comprehension quiz. The second half reading will be due on Day I
of Unit VI.
Unit V: Imperialism and The Great War
Day 1: Students will create their own country, determine a location of it, design a
national flag, discuss reasons for the chosen location, etc.
Discuss what might happen if countries want to control the same areas
Complete word search/terms on imperialism
Complete map on imperialism
H/W: Read Chapter 26, The West and the World, for reading quiz next class
Day 2: Take Reading Quiz over Chapter 26
Complete reading packet on Saddam Hussein and tie to imperialism
H/W: Complete outline on imperialism
Day 3: Bellringer: Mapwork
Go over homework
Participate in Imperialism Powerpoint and take interactive notes
H/W: Bring in political cartoon for next class
Day 4: Complete Spanish-American War reading and questions