Information on MIFP for New Board Members
I. History of MIFP
MIFP was founded 30 years ago in the mid 1960’s by Missoula people who were interested in helping the international students adjust and adapt to Missoula. It evolved into the Missoula International Friendship Program in 1988 after a site visit and consultation from NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisors). MIFP is a non-profit organization which networks with other campuses across the country. It is a member of NAFSA and the Western Montana Fund Raiser’s Association. In 2009, MIFP celebrated its 20th Anniversary. We look forward to a future of enhancing the experience of the international students at The University of Montana with integration into the community and the Missoula lifestyle.
II. Board Member Composition
MIFP has a working board of 10-16 people. The Board includes four officers: president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, and treasurer, as well as two ex-officio members from The Office of Foreign Student and Scholar Services at The University of Montana. There are also ex-officio positions for lifetime members. New Board members may be added to the Board throughout the year with effort placed on starting each fall term with a full membership.
III. Board Meetings
The Board meets in the evening of the first Monday of the month from August through May. In May or June a half day retreat is held during which plans for the following year are made. Meetings are either hosted by Board members or held at the International House on the UM campus.
IV. Board Member Duties
Board members are responsible for organizing and carrying out the MIFP activities and events throughout the University Fall and Spring semesters. For a description of the activities and events, please refer to the document MIFP Activities and Events.
Board members are expected to do the following:
1. Regularly attend the Board meetings
2. Organize and participate in the activities and events, as needed
3. Host a board meeting, as needed
4. Assist with fundraising
5. Assist with advertising and recruitment of new community friends
Board members are reimbursed for money spent on MIFP activities and events. The expenditure should be preapproved and receipts are necessary.
V. Selection Process of New Board Members
1. A prospective Board member is identified by the Board.
2. The candidate’s information is discussed at a board meeting or by email
3. If there are no concerns from the Board regarding the candidate’s eligibility, the candidate is contacted by a designated Board member. Information regarding board responsibilities is given to the candidate.
4. The candidate is invited to the next Board meeting to meet the Board members. At this meeting, the candidate is asked to share his or her reasons for making this commitment and what he or she hopes to contribute to the organization.
5. Later, the Board votes on acceptance or denial of the candidate by email distributed by the corresponding secretary.
6. The candidate is then informed of the decision by the President of the Board.
VI. MIFP Mission Statement
The mission of MIFP is to promote global awareness, understanding, friendship, and intercultural learning between international students and scholars at the University of Montana and the greater Missoula community. Our purpose is to develop a community hospitality program for University of Montana students and scholars in order to increase opportunities for intercultural awareness.
1. Provide cultural orientation, professional training and reflection as part of the community experience for international individuals.
2. Assist students in understanding American culture.
3. Increase curiosity and awareness of, and encourage participation in, diverse academic and non-academic programs offered throughout the year.
4. Create an atmosphere stimulating formal and informal learning.
5. Facilitate communication and interaction to share resources and to develop a sense of a ‘world community’.
Description of MIFP Activities
Welcome Dinner (Fall and Spring) - Social event given at the beginning of each semester to welcome the new international students. An informal dinner is given and the members of the MIFP Board of Directors are introduced.
Student Orientation to MIFP (Fall and Spring) - An educational meeting which provides information on adapting to Missoula cultures and its citizens. The purpose of MIFP is presented and students are informed about the student program that is available through MIFP.
Community Friends Orientation (Fall and Spring) - An educational meeting given at the beginning of each semester for new community friends who will be hosting students. Information on cultural tolerance, diversity, and uniqueness is presented. MIFP Board members as well as international students present this information to the community friends.
Meet and Great Ice Cream Social (Fall) – A social event during which the new international students and their newly matched community friends are welcomed and thanked for their participation. This is the time when the Fall Semester students and community friends meet each other for the first time.
President's Reception (Fall) - A social event hosted by the President of the University of Montana. The new international students and their community friends are welcomed and thanked for their participation. This is frequently the time when the Fall Semester students and community friends meet each other for the first time.
Holiday Party (Fall) - A social and educational event for community friends and all international students and their families. American traditions of Christmas and Hanukkah food and music provide the backdrop. Traditional holiday entertainment is a featured.
Potluck Dinner (Spring) - A social and educational event during which the new international students and their community friends are welcomed and thanked for their participation. This is frequently the time when the Spring Semester students and community friends meet each other for the first time. Fall Community friends and their students also attend.
February Bake Sale (Spring) – This is a fund raiser. Community friends and MIFP Board members bake goods to be sold at The University of Montana student center. .
International Festival (Spring) - A social and educational event organized by the international students. MIFP has a table to provide information about the program and to recruit new community friends for the next year. This is also a fund raising event where MIFP holds a silent auction of international goods.
End of the Year BBQ (Spring) - A social event given the weekend of graduation for all international students, their visiting families and community friends.
MIFP Special Projects
Welcome bags - At the beginning of each semester bags with non-perishable food items, a cup, silverware, and plate are given to each new international student when he or she is picked up at the airport or bus station. This bag of goodies is to let the student know that they are welcome to our community and to give them a little food to get them through the first day and night. The silverware and plate are returned when students have completed their education and are returning home.
Video on Staying Warm - MIFP created a video to inform international students how to dress warmly for Montana winters. This video has been sold nationally and the proceeds have been used to support the organization.
Visits to Local Cultural Sites - MIFP members assist the Foreign Student Office at the University of Montana during field trips, such as visits to Native American Centers or towns, ranches and farms, Hutterite settlements, Yellowstone National Park, and Glacier National Park.
Winter Activities - MIFP members assist the Foreign Student Office at the University of Montana in providing activities for the international students who stay in Missoula during the semester break in December and January.
Board members regularly attend and present workshops and posters at state, regional, and national Foreign Educator Association meetings.