Chapter 5 Homework
- The two spongelike organs in the thoracic cavity are called
- bronchi.
- alveoli.
- lungs.
- sinuses.
2.The combining form meaning throat is
- laryng/o.
- pharyng/o.
- trache/o.
- rhin/o.
3.The prefix pan- means
- all.
- good.
- many.
- within.
4.The suffix -tomy means
- measurement.
- pain.
- heat.
- incision.
5.The term that means inflammation of the bronchi is
- bronciectasis.
- bronchitis.
- bronchoscopy.
- bronchospasm.
6.The meaning of the medical terms epistaxis is
- an infectious disease.
- fluid accumulation.
- a nosebleed.
- respiratory failure.
7.The medical term rhinoplasty is repair of the
- chest.
- nose.
- voice box.
- lung.
8.A capnometer is used to measure
- oxygen.
- blood.
- carbon dioxide.
- air.
9.Which of the following term means open?
- patent
- airway
- nebulizer
- aspirate
10.The abbreviation for chest radiogragh is
- CT.
- CO2.
- CXR.
Exploring Medical Language, 7th ed.
Copyright © 2009, 2006 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.LaFleur Brooks
Word Parts
A. Match combining forms with their definitions.
_____ 1. trache/o a. carbon dioxide
_____ 2. thorac/o b. pleura
_____ 3. lob/o c. nose
_____ 4. epiglott/o d. pharynx
_____ 5. nas/o, rhin/o e. adenoids
_____ 6. bronchi/o, bronch/o f. chest
_____ 7. pharyng/o g. lobe
_____ 8. alveol/o h. epiglottis
_____ 9. pleur/o i. trachea
_____10. adenoid/o j. diaphragm
_____11. capn/o k. alveolus
_____12. phren/o l. bronchus
B. Match combining forms with their definitions.
_____ 1. pulmon/o a. mucus
_____ 2. spir/o b. pus
_____ 3. hem/o, hemat/o c. oxygen
_____ 4. muc/o d. imperfect, incomplete
_____ 5. somn/o e. blood
_____ 6. atel/o f. lung, air
_____ 7. pneum/o g. lung
_____ 8. ox/i, ox/o h. straight
_____ 9. orth/o i. sleep
_____10. py/o j. breathing
_____11. phon/o k. fast, rapid
_____12. tachy/o l. sound
C. Match prefixes with their definitions.
1. poly- ______a. normal, good
2. a-, an- ______b. all, total
3. endo- ______c. many, much
4. eu- ______d. within
5. pan- ______e. without, absence of
D. Write the suffix next to its definition.
-centesis-meter-scope -stenosis
-algia-ectasis-metry-scopic -stomy
-ar, -ary, -eal-emia-pexy-scopy -thorax
-cele-graphy-rrhagia-spasm -tomy
1.______sudden, involuntary muscle contraction
3.______surgical puncture to aspirate fluid
4.______surgical fixation, suspension
5.______hernia or protrusion
6.______constriction or narrowing
7.______instrument used for visual examination
9.______creation of an artificial opening
11.______instrument used to measure
12.______pertaining to
13.______cut into or incision
14.______visual examination
15.______pertaining to visual examination
16.______rapid flow of blood
17.______stretching out, dilatation, expansion
18.______blood condition
19.______process or recording, radiographic imaging
Exploring Medical Language, 7th ed.
Copyright © 2009, 2006 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.LaFleur Brooks
Build Medical Terms
Use the suffix -itis to build the medical terms defined in numbers 1-4.
1. inflammation of the lungs______
2. inflammation of the pharynx______
3. inflammation of the (mucous______
membranes of the) nose
4. inflammation of the pleura______
Use the suffix -thorax to build the medical terms defined in numbers 5-7.
5. pus in the chest (pleural space)______
6. blood in the chest (pleural space)______
7. air in the chest (pleural space)______
Use the suffix -tomy to build the medical terms defined in numbers 8-10.
8. incision into the (nasal) septum______
9. incision of the lung and bronchus______
10. incision of the trachea______
Use the suffix -scopy to build the medical terms defined in numbers 11-12.
11. visual examination within______
12. visual examination of the larynx______
Exploring Medical Language, 7th ed.
Copyright © 2009, 2006 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.LaFleur Brooks
Diagnostic Terms
Exploring Medical Language, 7th ed.
Copyright © 2009, 2006 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.LaFleur Brooks
PPD skin test
pulse oximetry
pulmonary function test
arterial blood gases
chest CT scan
chest radiograph
ventilation-perfusion scanning
acid-fast bacilli smear
Exploring Medical Language, 7th ed.
Copyright © 2009, 2006 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.LaFleur Brooks
Write the appropriate diagnostic test in the sentences below. Also provide the abbreviation where appropriate.
1.______determines the presence of the bacteria that causes tuberculosis.
2.A positive ______indicates previous exposure to TB.
3.______determines the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, abbreviated as ______.
4.______ is used to diagnose tumors, abscesses, and pleural effusion.
5.______measures oxygen in the blood.
6.______ is used to evaluate the lungs and heart, abbreviated as ______.
7.______ is used to determine respiratory function or abnormalities; abbreviated as ______.
8.______ is used to diagnose pulmonary embolisms, abbreviated as ______.
Exploring Medical Language, 7th ed.
Copyright © 2009, 2006 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.LaFleur Brooks
Terms and Definitions
Each definition below is followed by two terms. Circle the term that has been defined.
Exploring Medical Language, 7th ed.
Copyright © 2009, 2006 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.LaFleur Brooks
1.The membranous lining of the nose
- mucous
- serous
2.The act of inhaling air
- inspiration
- aspiration
3.Pertaining to within the trachea
- endotracheal
- mediastinal
4.Collapse of a lung
- atelectasis
- pleurisy
5.Heart disease due to lung disease
- emphysema
- cor pulmonale
6.The medical term for sore throat
- laryngitis
- pharyngitis
7.Presence of fluid in the pleural cavity
- pleuritis
- pleural effusion
8.An instrument used to measure breathing
- oximeter
- spirometer
9.Fluid accumulation in the alveoli and bronchioles
- pulmonary edema
- pulmonary embolism
Exploring Medical Language, 7th ed.
Copyright © 2009, 2006 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.LaFleur Brooks
Write out the meaning for each of the following abbreviations.
1. COPD ______
2. URI______
3. LTB______
4. TB______
5. CXR______
6. ABGs______
7. flu______
8. CF______
9. LLL______
10. RML______
Write out the abbreviations for the following terms.
11. ventilation-perfusion scanning ______
12. right upper lobe ______
13. oxygen ______
14. carbon dioxide ______
Exploring Medical Language, 7th ed.
Copyright © 2009, 2006 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.LaFleur Brooks