1. From what point of view is Othello told? Why?
2. What is the setting of Othello?
3. Where is the climax of the play? Explain your choice.
4. How much time passes during the play?
5. Think of a different title for the play. Explain your choice.
6. What are the main conflicts in the play, and how are they resolved?
7. Explain why Othello is a tragedy.
8. Describe the relationship between Othello and Iago.
9. Are Othello's actions believably motivated? Explain why or why not.
10. Are Iago's actions believably motivated? Explain why or why not.
11. Characterize William Shakespeare's style of writing. How does it contribute to the value of
the play?
12. Choose a passage from Othello (at least 10 lines). Analyze the meter, rhymes and word
choice in relationship to the meaning and action of the passage.
13. Compare and contrast Desdemona and Emilia.
14. Describe the relationship between Desdemona and Othello.
15. Why did Othello believe Iago instead of Desdemona?
16. What was the function of Brabantio in the play?
17. How and why was Cassio a victim?
18. Describe Shakespeare's use of light and dark imagery.
19. In what ways did Desdemona's "willow" song parallel her own life?
Othello Extra Discussion Questions page 2
20. All of the characters in the play seem to like Iago through most of the play. Why?
21. Why did Shakespeare allow Cassio to live?
22. As is typical of Shakespearian characters, the characters in Othello often make little puns or
jokes. Give several examples of these kinds of passages and explain the value of such
23. Are the characters in Othello stereotypes? If so, explain why William Shakespeare used
stereotypes. If not, explain how the characters merit individuality.
24. Discuss time in Othello.
Critical/Personal Response
21. Which minor character is the most important to the play? Explain why.
22. Did Iago have any redeeming qualities?
23. What do you think will happen to Iago?
24. Do you think the relationship between Othello and Desdemona is realistic? Explain why or
why not.
25. Why do you think Othello killed Desdemona?
26. Why didn't Brabantio want Desdemona to marry Othello?
27. Suppose Emilia had told Desdemona about the handkerchief. What effect could that have had
on future events in the play?
Personal Response
28. Did you enjoy reading Othello? Why or why not?
29. What would you have done if you were Othello? Would you have believed Desdemona (your
spouse) or Iago (your friend)?
30. If you have read other plays by Shakespeare, tell how Othello measured up to the others you
have read. Did you like it more or less or the same? Why?