September 20, 2006
Business Meeting Minutes
Ronald Olcutt, President opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. The following is a synopsis of the business portion of the meeting held before the Competition:
Upcoming Events/Announcements:
The Syracuse Camera Club Show at Baltimore Woods
Hanging of the show-September 28th and 29th
Show begins October 1st, 2006
Artist Reception-October 1st at 1:00-2:00.
See Tim Etter-Outreach Chair if you have any questions.
Ron Olcutt will be having a workshop on Nature Photography at Baltimore Woods
On October 14, 2006 from 10:30-12:30.
Deborah Stearns-Show at Liverpool Library for the month of September.
Syracuse Camera Club Shows will be held at the Liverpool Library in the month
Of November and in January at the Central City Library
Syracuse Camera Club Directory-Reminder: Please fill out the form for the new directory provided by Bob Gates and return it to him with your membership payment if you have not already done so.
Syracuse Camera Club Workshop-October 4th-Tim Etter will guide us through the steps to prepare images for a show.
Syracuse Camera Club Workshop for Wednesday, November 1st-Bob Gates has asked that all camera club members email photos to him (). He will be using the photos in a demonstration of the uses of Photoshop to enhance/solve problems with images.
Future Slide Shows –Dan Harris and Linda Cohen are looking for more people for the month of October slide show. Two minis shows are being prepared but more are needed for a full evening’s presentation. Also there are spaces/slots open for the months of January, February, March and April. Please contact Dan and Linda if you would like to do a show.
Special Competitions for this year:
Nature-(January) –Slight hand of man, nothing domesticated or cultivated.
Patterns-(March)-Designs that repeats
Syracuse-(June)-Depict/Represent/Speak about Syracuse
There was some discussion at the meeting about the exact definition of this last topic –
A motion was brought by Bob Gates to refer this matter to the Image Committee, same was seconded by Kate Zacharewski. The matter was tabled by President Olcutt so that members could have the opportunity to contact Marie Ryan at with any ideas regarding this discussion.
Eric Dressler-Nature Photographer-Beaverlake Nature Center-Monday September 26, 2006 -$2.00 admission-for more information about this photographer you can either Google his name or go to
Tim Etter- Now showing at the Rennaisance Gallery in Rochester
Art Guild Show-will be held in Radisson-October 14th and 15th from 1-4:30 p.m.
Tim Etter and Dan Ruscitto will hold a workshop/seminar on the History of Photography in March.
Maria Aridgides-will conduct a workshop –Blending in Photoshop-to be held February 7th, 2007.
Mary Gridley and Ron Olcutt have a show through the middle of October at the May Memorial Church.
Lastly, I will post the email received from Maria Aridgides regarding the Art Mart in the files section of the syrcam website.
-Kate Zacharewski
Syracuse Camera Club Secretary