Shepherd University * Faculty Senate * Meeting Minutes* November 16, 2009
Senate Membership:
Roland Bergman (SOC/GEOG) present
Jason Best (IES) present
Larry Daily (PSY) present
Sonya Evanisko (ART) X
Meg Galligan (BADM) present
David Gonzol (MUSIC) present
Douglas Horner (SCWK) present
Mike Jacobs (HPERS) present
James Lewin (ENG) present
Barbara Maxwell (LIB) present
Clarise Ottley (NURS) X
Kathy Reid (ECON) present
Sylvia Shurbutt (ACF) present
J. W. Thatcher (ACCT) present
J. B. Tuttle (EDUC) present
Eugene Volker (CHEM) present
Qing Wang (CME) present
Joyce Webb (COMM) present
Bob Willgoos (HIST) present
David Wing (BIOL) present
Denis Woods (PSCI) present
Guests: Dr. Russell Porter, Dean of Graduate Studies; Rhonda Smith, Art Department faculty; Dr. Suzanne Shipley, SU President; Dr. Richard Helldobler, VPAA
The November 16, 2009 meeting of the Shepherd University Faculty Senate was held in the Cumberland Room of the Student Center Senate President Best called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.
Meeting Schedule (2009-2010): 8/17, 9/21 10/5, 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 4/5, 4/19 (Cumberland Room, Student Center)
I. M/S/P—(Tuttle/Jacobs—Unanimous)—Minutes of the November 2, 2009 meeting be approved as distributed.
II. Announcements:
A. President Best asked for permission to suspend the agenda when Dr. Shipley arrived, so that she could speak to the Senate about Council of President’s conference call concerning salaries.
M/S/P—(Shurbutt/Daily—Unanimous) Moved to suspend agenda when President Shipley arrives.
B.Dr. Brian Noland, Chancellor of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, is scheduled to meet with the Faculty Senate on December 7th to discuss statewide education initiatives. This meeting will be held in the CLS Auditorium.
III. Guests/Unfinished/New Business:
A. Field Trip/Sponsored Event Notifications (Senator Daily)
Senator Daily reported that the Psychology Department faculty wants the notification of field trips to follow the rules from the Faculty Handbook This notification procedure would eliminate increased use of last minute emails that contain lists of students going on field trips. Senators Shurbutt, Reid, Webb, and Jacobs spoke in favor of a reminder to faculty about field trip procedures. The same language about field trips appears in the Student Handbook. (See Attachment 1)
M/S/P—(Daily/Shurbutt—Unanimous) Shepherd Faculty Senate endorses the proposal of the Psychology Department faculty to remind faculty to follow the Faculty Handbook concerning the notification for field trips.
*After Dr. Shipley spoke with the Senate, President Best said that he would send a letter to faculty concerning field trip notification.
President Shipley speaking about raises:
President Shipley distributed a sheet about “Increase of Classified Employee Salaries.” Shipley spoke about her conference call with other state presidents and the Governor’s Office. The only salary raises that will be allowed this year are those statutorily mandated for classified personnel that move upward on the salary schedule and faculty by policy that achieve promotion in rank.
Dr. Shipley said that the University is in a three-year budget cutting cycle (3% for this fiscal year, 5% next fiscal year, and 7-10% in the third year). The first two years are slated to be back filled by stimulus monies.
Senator Shurbutt asked about adjunct raises. President Shipley responded that those raises would be carried out since they do not involve operational dollars from the state.
M/S/P—(Best/Shurbutt—Unanimous) The Faculty Senate endorses the policy of raises that are statutorily mandated for faculty and classified personnel.
Dr. Shipley said that she would send a letter to the campus community as soon as she had more information concerning the budget constraints and ways to cope with the situation. She said at least at this time the University is able to hire unlike other state agencies.
B. ACF report (Senator Shurbutt)
Senator Shurbutt reported that ACF Legislative/HEPC/CTCC Issues for 2010 were unanimously endorsed on all campuses.
C. Faculty Sick Leave (Senator Shurbutt)
Senator Shurbutt presented a copy of the Marshall University faculty sick leave policy. Shepherd follows an informal policy regarding faculty sick leave.
President Best moved the sick leave policy to the Professional Development Committee for consideration. He asked that the Committee consult with the VPAA and report back to the Senate at its March 1, 2010 meeting its recommendation concerning faculty sick leave.
B. Request for Senate Representation to Athletic Director Search Committee
Senator Jacobs questioned the makeup of the search committee. Dr. Helldobler responded that the Committee needed academic membership for balance and NCAA compliance. Four members of the Athletic Department were already on the search committee.
M/S/P –Bergman/Daily—Unanimous) Senator Willgoos will serve as the Senate representative on the Athletic Director Search Committee.
IV. Committee Reports:
A. Admissions & Credits (Senator Wing) No report
B. Curriculum & Instruction (Senator Shurbutt) C & I items presented earlier.
C. General Studies (Senator Daily) Senator Daily reported that Core Curriculum Program Goals and Intended Student Outcomes have been distributed by email to faculty. The Committee needs feedback, and he asked senators to encourage faculty discussion. (See Attachment 2) The Committee endorsed the use of C & I’s goldenrod form for changes.
D. Honors Committee (Senator Daily) No report
E. Institutional Review Board (Senator Volker) Senator Volker said the Committee continues to review requests.
F. Library Committee (Senator Reid) No report
G. Professional Development (Senator Horner) Senator Horner announced that 14 mini grant awards have been given out. (See Attachment 3) He sees much need for travel assistance.
H. Scholarship & Awards (Senator Shurbutt) No report
I. Senate Bylaws (Senator Tuttle) Senator Tuttle reported that the Committee is working on the Admissions and Credits modifications.
J. Washington Gateway (Senator Willgoos) Senator Willgoos reported the committee is continuing to process gateway courses. This is the 20th year of the Gateway Program.
K. Calendar Committee (Senator Jacobs) No report
L. Diversity & Equity (Senator Lewin) No report
M. Enrollment Management Committee (Senator Wang) No report
N. Graduate Council (Senator Best) No report
O. Technology Oversight (Senator Gonzol) Senator Gonzol was unable to attend the last meeting, but he reported that TOC applications are due November 17, 2009. The TOC Committee is committed to having classrooms on campus equipped with basic technology.
P. Assessment Task Force (Senator Willgoos) No report
Q. Budget Advisory Committee (Senator Galligan) No report
R. Advisory Council of Faculty (Senator Shurbutt)No report
VI. Motion: (M/S/P –Daily/Woods–Unanimous) Motion to adjourn meeting at 4:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Maxwell, Secretary
Attachment 1
Faculty handbook p.124 (6)
Instructors who file travel requests for field trips must submit a list of students going
on the trip. This list is filed with the request when submitted to the department chair.
Faculty should advise students to make arrangements with their instructors to be
excused from other classes for field trips.
Student Handbook p.161
Attachment 2
Core Curriculum Program Goals and Intended Student Outcomes
Goal No. 1: Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World
ISO: Acquire knowledge in the sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the arts through progressively more challenging problems, projects and standards for performance
ISO: Engage in both contemporary and enduring questions
Goal No. 2: Intellectual and Practical Skills Throughout the Curriculum
ISO: Engage in inquiry and analysis
ISO: Demonstrate abilities in critical and creative thinking
ISO: Effectively communicate, in both oral and written English
ISO: Acquire quantitative, technological, and informational literacy
ISO: Demonstrate a capacity for collaboration and problem solving
ISO: Integrate the foundations and the skills for lifelong learning and wellness
Goal No. 3: Personal and Social Responsibility
ISO: Develop civic knowledge and civic engagement, global as well as local
ISO: Demonstrate understanding of multiculturalism and sensitivity to issues of diversity.
ISO: Practice professional ethics and ethical reasoning.
Goal No. 4: Integrative Learning
ISO: Demonstrate synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized studies through a capstone experience in the chosen discipline
These Intended Student Outcomes will be achieved through many pathways and many choices within each requirement, inside and outside the classroom beginning with a first year experience and concluding with a capstone, integrated where possible within the major and assessed in accordance with LEAP goals.
Attachment 3
2008-09 Mini Grant Awards
Denis Berenschot-Paper presentation-IX International Congress of Hispanic Literature-Lima, Peru
Timothy Nixon-Paper presentation-Groupe d’Etudes Nord-Americaines at the Universite de Toulouse-Le Mirail, Toulouse, France
Laura Clayton- Abstract presentation-First International Conference on Preparedness and Response to Emergencies and Disasters-Tel Aviv, Israel,
G. Rasheeda Ayanru-Travel Assistance-In-service teacher training and curriculum development, Ghana
Yuying Xie-Travel Assistance-“Business and Culture in China”
John Stealey-Research Assistance-Purchase of microfilms related to the Civil War era
David Gordon-Travel Assistance-Service as panel discussant at the Phi Alpha Theta History Honors Society conference, San Diego, CA.
Joseph Robbins-Paper presentation-Midwest Political Science Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
Rachel Ritterbush-Paper presentation-Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Chad Loewen-Schmidt, Travel Assistance-Organize and lead a series of panels, American Comparative Literature Assn. Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Mark Cantrell-Co-chairing seminar, paper presentation, American Comparative Literature Association conference, New Orleans, LA.
Carol Plautz-Research Support-Travel to meet with research collaborators.
Jason McKahan-Research Expenses-Book preparation
Max Guirguis-Present paper, Pennsylvania Political Science Association conference, Harrisburg, PA.