Physical Education
Students who miss a class due to an absence, or miss class participation due to a medical excuseor not dressing out for activity, need to do a written assignment and an activity make-up. Choose anassignment from the following list. Each assignment must be done neatly, written in your own wordsand turned in on time. You must use ink only and site your sources using the MLA format. It is thestudent’s responsibility to complete the assignment without being reminded by the instructor.
Students have the same number of days as the absence to complete and turn in the make-up work.
1. Attend or participate in a live sporting event or watch a televised sporting event andwrite about it. There are many local sporting events in our area (little league, recreationalsports, Sylmar sports events). Attend an event corresponding with your current unit ofstudy, or one approved by your teacher, and write about it as if you were a sports writer.Who, what, when, where, and how it went are all questions to answer. The assignmentshould be at least 250 words per length.
2. Watch a movie focusing on a sport or fitness: Summarize the movie and explain whichsport or fitness activity is addressed in the movie. Do you feel the movie realisticallyportrays this sport/activity? How would you rate this movie on a scale of 1-10? Your overallwritten evaluation should be at least 250 words.
3. Read a biographical article on a sports figure and complete a report. Write about asports figure that has excelled in the current unit of study, or one approved by your
teacher. Discuss what you learned from the reading, like a short book report (250 words).
4. Read an article about the current unit of study. Use an outside source such as the
Internet or newspaper to find an article specifically related to current unit of study or a
topic approved by the teacher. Read the article and highlight the key points. Write a
summary and critique of the article that is at least 250 words. Attach the article, or a
copy, to the summary.
5. Research a website relating to health, fitness or sports. If it is an interactive website,do the activities, print up the pages and attach to a summary (one page for each activity) ofwhat you learned on the website. If it is an informational site, print the article and write upan evaluation in your own words. (250 words)
Writing Assignment Format
Sylmar Physical Education
First Name Last Name
Date Aug 31, 2011
Period 1st Period
Teacher Ms. Snee
Heading: Top center of your paper
Name of Assignment Make-up for Absence
Neat: You must do all work in your own words and site your sources!
Use a full sheet of paper. Please do not tear paper in half.
Use legible handwriting, or type it with 12 font
No scribbles, food marks, stray marks, pictures, etc.
Use pen (blue or black ink only).
Do not fold the paper; keep in portfolio/binder when returned.
Turned in on Time and Completed:
Due the day requested. (For an absence you have the same number of days to turn in thatyou were absent)
If absent, it is your responsibility to make-up work, and request work
from the teacher or a fellow student.
All questions or statements need to be fully completed.
Completed Sentences: (examples)
Question: What is the type of health-related fitness that develops the heart?
Correct Answer: Cardiovascular endurance is the health-related fitness that develops theheart.
Incorrect answer: Cardiovascular endurance.
Correct Punctuation and Spelling:
Use periods, commas and capital letters when needed.
Use a dictionary if necessary.
Write out the Questions or Statements:
Write out the question or statement word for word.
Include a bibliography of all resources.
You must write out all sources. Use MLA format to site your sources.
Site your sources using the MLA format.