Illness Policy

Hi. I just wanted to take a few minutes and remind everyone about my illness policy to make sure that everyone is aware and knows what to expect from my daycare, when their child is ill.

I’m sure you will agree that if your child is too ill to be outside then he/she is too ill to be at daycare. We go outside everyday and if your child is here he/she will have to go outside too. If your child is too ill to go outside than your child is too ill to be at daycare.

If your child is going to be extremely fussy or clingy and want to be held all day then your child is too ill to be at daycare. I don’t want to sound mean but I have six children here each day, plus my own. There is no way I can hold a sick child all day and provide proper care to all the other children. I need to be able to make meals and snacks, change diapers, pick up toys, do project, read stories and the list goes on. My day is a very busy day and I just do not have the time to sit all day with an ill child.

It is also not fair to the other working parents to have a sick child in my care and exposing their child and each child’s family to unnecessary germs.

Some illness such as a cold, if the child is not coughing constantly or extremely ill with it, will be alright to attend daycare.

Children will not be able to attend if they have the following aliments. Parents will need to find alternative care for these days. You will still need to pay for your child’s day at daycare even though your child could not attend; which was agreed upon when your child started in my home daycare. I have the right to refuse any child into my home because I feel he/she is too ill to here or may infect the other children.

If your child was sent home on Wednesday because they were ill then they will not be able to return for 24 hours. So please do not bring your child back before Friday or they will not be permitted to stay. Sick children need extra care that I just do not have the time to provide. Plus a sick child would rather be home (in their own bed) when not feeling well. They want the comfort of their “Mommy”.

Some examples of illnesses not allowed in my home daycare are listed below.

1. Fever (100 F. higher)-Child needs to be fever free for 24 hours

2. Nausea or vomiting

3. Diarrhea: runny or watery stools, or 2 or looser stools within last 4 hours.

4. Sore throat, loss of voice, hacking or continuous coughing, runny nose with colored discharge

5. Runny and/or Crusty Eyes: Watery, matted, and/or red/pink eyes are not acceptable in childcare.

6. Unexplained Rash

7. Excessive Crankiness: Child is irritable, excessive whining or crying, wants constantly held, or requires more attention than I can provide.

8. Lice (may not return child to care until no more nits are spotted)

9. Communicable diseases (chicken pox, roseola, conjunctivitis, mumps, measles, influenza, etc.)

This benefits your child and the other children. Your help at keeping your sick child home is appreciated.

Parents of a child with a diagnosed contagious condition (measles, head lice, pink eye, mumps, chicken pox, etc.) are asked to notify me as soon as possible so that I may alert parents to watch for symptoms in their own children.

Please note: This sickness policy applies to my family and me too. If I contract any of the above symptoms I will not be able to do daycare until they are gone.


If your child is on medication and it needs to be taken while he/she is at my home daycare, the medicine should be in the original container and labeled with the child’s name, doctor’s name, name of medication, dosage, and when to be taken. If medication is to be taken only twice a day, i.e. (morning & night) then it will need to be done at home. I have medication forms will need to be filled out that morning so please make sure you have a few extra minutes. I will not administer medication until it has been given by the parent/guardian at least for 24 hours. If a child is going to have an allergic reaction to the medication it should happen in those first 24 hours sometimes up to 48 hours. But if they are still fine after 24 hours I will feel better about them coming to my home. If your child refuses to take medication from me I will not force them to take it. You will need to come by to give your child the medication or you will need to find an alternative solution to the problem; such as a small bribe or maybe grandma can come by and give the child the medication.

Please do not bring non-prescription medicine to me in baggies. It’s so easy to forget later what it is or who it belongs to. Please label all medicines. Do not leave medicine in cubbies or diaper bags. If another child finds the medicine in your child’s cubby or diaper bag they could get very ill esp. if they are allergic to the medication. Please make sure all medicine is handed to me for safe storage. Thank you.

Please contact me right away if your child contracts a serious illness or contagious disease. So I can try to take protective measures to help this contagion not to spread throughout the daycare. Any parent not letting me know of a serious illness or a contagious disease will be terminated.

When Your Child Becomes Ill At Daycare

If your child becomes ill while in my care I will place your child away from the other children and try to make them as comfy as possible until parents can be notified and pick up their child.

If parents can not be located then the persons listed on your emergency form will be contacted. Child must be picked up within one hour after notification that your child is ill.