School Local Offer - Wallands Community Primary School and Specialist Language Unit.

Local offer for children with special educational needs and disabilities


How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?

  • Class teachers monitor the children in their class through observations and assessments, highlighting any child who they suspect might be suffering from the following areas: language and learning difficulties; sensory impairment;physical, behavioural and emotional difficulties.
  • Parents can discuss any concerns that they have regarding their child with their child’s class teacher or the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo).
  • Please click on this link for information regarding the Language Unit.

How will the school staff support my child?

  • Class teachers differentiate work for individual children according to their need within the class, with support from SENCo with planning as necessary. Differentiation means that lessons are planned to take account of different learning styles.
  • Interventions to support specific needs include:
  • Speechlink
  • Language Link
  • Learning Mentors (nurture; groups and 1:1)
  • Individual Needs Assistants
  • Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistants (SENTAs)
  • Social skills groups
  • Designated MathsTeaching Assistants (TAs)
  • The class teacher and/or the SENCo will explain this.
  • Regular meetings between designated SEN Governor and SENCo.
  • Gathered informationfrom assessments completedthree times a year shows that children make progress; with three pupil progress meetings held a year by the Inclusion Team to ensure effective support.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

  • The school ensures that work is presented and delivered to children at the appropriate level, e.g. different methods of recording.
  • Children access the curriculum at their correct level and receive appropriate intervention to enable enriched learning.

How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

  • In addition to the normal reporting arrangements, parents can arrange meetings with class teacher or SENCo. Class teachers can set up home/school books, or be contacted via email.
  • The SENCo can also be contacted either by phone, email or by arranging a meeting.
  • Information is collected three times a year and children’s progress is discussed at subsequent Inclusion Meeting, with appropriate action taken.
  • The SENCo offers parent forums to support children’s learning.
  • Some children will need further support and a School Based Plan will be put in place.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?

  • The school has Learning Mentors who support children’s pastoral care.
  • Social skills groups run daily.
  • Medical support and personal care is administered by named staff.
  • Learning Mentors support children who may find choosing appropriate behaviour challenging.
  • The SENCo and class teacher will regularly meet with parents and if necessary set up a weekly Pastoral Support Programme to avoid exclusions.
  • The SENCo will seek advice and possible involvement from outside services e.g. The Education Support, Behaviour and Attendance Service (ESBAS), Educational Psychology Service.
  • The SENCo will have regular meetings with parents and class teachers to support increasing attendance if it is an issue.
  • If appropriate, the child will be asked to contribute to meetings via Pupil Voice.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

  • The school hasSpecialist Dyslexia Teachers, Specialist Dyscalculia Teachers, Specialist Speech and Language TAs and Specialist Dyslexia TAs
  • School is able to access the Speech and Language Therapy Service, Occupational Therapy Service, School Nurses, Educational Psychology Service, Local Authority Children’s Services, Traveller and English as an Additional Language Service (TEALS),ESBAS and the Hearing Impairment Service.

What training have the staff supporting children with SEND had or are having?

Staff have received training in the following areas:

  • Dyslexia
  • Speech and language
  • Numicon (maths)
  • Supporting children’s memory
  • Safeguarding and child protection.
  • First aid

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

  • A risk assessment will be carried out and appropriate action/support taken as a result.
  • Parents will be consulted about any needs the child may have, e.g. for residential trips etc.
  • The class teacher/SENCo will inform parents of any decisions taken regarding necessary support.

How accessible is the school environment?

  • Ramps and lifts throughout the building.
  • Disabled changing and toilet facilities (and the toilet also has a cleaning/flush facility.)
  • The school will seek support from TEALS to arrange translators and to provide information in the home language for families with English as an additional language.
  • If the school does not already have the appropriate specialist equipment, the SENCo will make applications to the Local Authority for additional funds.

How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?

  • Transition meetings with parents/carers, any outside services that have involvement with the child and professionals from previous/new setting.
  • Additional visits are arranged for vulnerable pupils.
  • Visits from the previous setting or to the new setting, social stories, photo books of the new setting layout and staff.
  • The SENCo will provide the new setting with all pertinent information.

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

  • SEN department, consisting of SENCo, SENTAs, INAs, Designated Specialist TAs.
  • 50% of Class TA time.
  • Outside services such as: the Children’s Outreach, Phone and E-mail Support Service (COPES); Educational Psychology Service;ESBAS and TEALS.
  • Resources throughout the school.
  • Training.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

  • The decision making process will include class teacher, SENCo and members of the Inclusion Team.
  • Additional staff that will be involved are the class TA, SENTA and INA.
  • Parents are kept fully informed of any support their child receives.
  • The school judges the success of support by analysing all gathered information.

How are parents involved in the school? How can I be involved?

  • Parents are actively encouraged to participate in all aspects of school life.

Who can I contact for further information?

  • SENCo (Fiona Escott)
  • Class Teacher
  • Class TA
  • School office
  • Outside services
  • County Hall
  • Admissions team