Theodore Gibson Oratorical Project
Criteria for Evaluation
Student/Grade: / School:
*Judges will rate each student by giving them a score between 1 and 5:
1 – Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Good 4 – Very Good 5 - Excellent
SELECTION / Regional / | / Final
  1. INTELLECTUAL UNDERSTANDING: is the structure of the selection conclusive to interpretation? Does the performer demonstrate emotional and aesthetic merit?

  1. HISTORICAL/CREATIVE SIGNIFICANE: Does the selection represent a thoughtful review of the breadth of African-American, Afro-Caribbean, African, human/civil rights experience, or creativity?

  1. VOCAL VARIETY/CONTRAST: Did the voice show variations in rate, speed mood? Were transitions smooth and in keeping with total message?

  1. TEMPO: Were time, pauses and hesitation used properly? Were emphasis and sub-climaxes acknowledged with associated speed-up speech? Was the pace set in keeping with the author’s intent?

  1. VOICE: Was there clearness, correctness, and effectiveness in choice and expression of words?

  1. VOCABULARY: Did entrant demonstrate a full command of the language of the piece and master complexities of vocabulary, pronunciation and context?

  1. STAGE PRESENCE: Does entrant manipulate floor space appropriately to dispense the full effect of the selections? Does performer appear comfortable and well adapted to the space?

  1. ANIMATION: Is the presentation performed appropriately to the tone of selection? Was animation appropriate or over dramatized?

  1. BODILY ACTIONS: Do gestures, stance and facial expression support and emphasize the verbal content of the speech, or do they detract and call forth undue attention?

  1. OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS: Overall presentation of piece, effectiveness, articulation and stage presence.

A 15 point reduction will be taken from the student’s overall score if: A prop or costume is used (see below), the presentation exceeds or does not meet the time restrictions, language is used that is derogatory or offensive.
A student will not be judged if: Within the presentation he/she stops and starts over from the beginning, leaves the stage before completing the selection, and/or he/she arrives late )after name has been called to recite).
NOTE: Any alteration to the student’s appearance will be considered a costume (e.g. rolled up pants leg or shirt sleeves, messed hair etc.) Also, any articles of clothing worn and is a significant part of the student’s selection is considered a costume (e.g. a piece in about wearing a hat and the student is wearing a hat). Afro-centric attire is acceptable.