Recruitment Selection Report Instructions for General Campus and SIO

You should complete a UCSan Diego Recruitment Selection Report shortly after the department has interviewed the short-list candidatesand the search committee has reached a consensus on selecting a candidate. An offer of employment should never bemade before the dean has approved theSelectionReport.

Save the completed Selection Report form and the materials listed below as PDFs and attach them to an e-mail to .

  • Academic Recruitment Analysis Report: Shortlistgenerated from AP On-Line Recruit
  • The final candidate’s statement describing his or her current or potential contributions to diversity

OADEO will not accept or review the Selection Report until all required elements are included. Reports with missing or incomplete documentation will be returned to the department, and the dean’s office will be notified.

The following are detailed instructions for completing each section of the SelectionReport form and preparing the materials that must accompany it. Use the checklist to ensure that you complete all steps for submission of the Selection Report.

  1. Recruitment Information
  1. Fill in the name of the department conducting the recruitment.
  2. Fill in the Recruitment Plan number (e.g., 10-999 and JPF00999).
  3. Fill in the selected candidate’s first and last name. Only one person per Selection Report.
  4. (Optional) Fill in the Position Number. This number is for your department’s own use.
  5. Fill in the rank, title and step proposed for the selected candidate.
  6. Fill in the beginning date of employment and the end date of the new appointment.
  1. ShortList of Candidates
  1. Fill in the first and last name of every candidate that the search committee interviewed. (This list must match theAcademic Recruitment Analysis Report: Shortlist.)
  2. Fill in each candidate’s gender and ethnicity. (Genderand ethnicity codes are provided on the form and must match those on theAcademic Recruitment AnalysisReport)Please note: Currently the ethnic data on Recruit can only be accessed by the diversity office. You can send the form without filling in the ethic data. ADEO will do this for you until/if this changes.
  1. Selection Process

Describe the selection process used to determine the short list of candidates and the interview process used to determine the selected candidate.

  1. Selection or Deselection of Candidates
  1. State the reason whyeach short-list candidate was either selected or deselected. The explanation should be clear, concise and complete. Refer only to the established selection criteria previously determined.
  2. If contributions to diversity were a primary criterion for the search, indicate the contributions to diversity rating and the meaning of the rating.
  1. Notes

Completing this section is optional. It is available for including additional information, such as notes about the candidates or comments about why anticipated items are missing.

  1. Department Data and Chair Approval
  1. Fill in your name as the preparer.
  2. Fill in your e-mail address.
  3. Fill in your department chair’s name and title below the signature line.
  4. Ask your department chair to review the Selection Report, and then sign and date it.
  1. Divisional Dean or Other Approval Authority
  2. Select the name of your divisional dean or other approval authority from the drop down box at the bottom of the form. A list is provided below.

Arts and Humanities / Cristina Della Coletta, Dean, Division of Arts and Humanities
Biological Services / William McGinnis, Interim Dean, Division of Biological Services
IRPS and Rady Schl of Mgmt / Kim Barrett, Dean of Graduate Studies
Libraries and University Extension / Carla Solomon, Director, Academic Diversity and Equal Opportunity
ORUs / Sandra A. Brown, Vice Chancellor for Research
Physical Sciences / Mark Thiemens, Dean, Division of Physical Sciences
School of Engineering / Albert Pisano, Acting Dean, Jacobs School of Engineering
SIO / Margaret Leinen, Vice Chancellor, SIO
Social Sciences / Carol Padden, Dean, Division of Social Sciences
Undergraduate Education / Barbara Sawrey, Associate Vice Chancellor, Undergraduate Education

OADEO will then review and endorse/not endorse the Selection Report.


The Academic Recruitment Analysis Report: Shortlistgenerated by AP On-Line Recruitmust be e-mailed to ADEO as an attachment, along with the Selection Report. Remember to identify short-list candidates and the final candidatebefore printing the report.

Please allow up to ten business days for OADEO to complete the Selection Report review process.