Discussion of policy implications for improving the built environment and land use in ways that support community health

BCCHC Monthly Meeting – October 23, 2012

Community Health Equity Report
What else would you like or do you need to know?

·  Question about gender breakdowns, specifically teen pregnancies at census tract level.

·  Cultural eq. quotient. Highlight positive aspects. Use as asset.

·  Balance positives and negatives for a whole picture.

·  Look at elderly issues: poverty, access, transportation.

·  Homelessness and life expectancy (people without a place)

·  Number of persons per household

How could you use this?

·  Identifies the needs of the community

o  Pockets of areas that are usually forgotten.

o  Overcrowding

·  Influence process in neighborhoods experiencing need.

·  Coalition focus on land use, using the document as a tool.

·  Health in All Policies approach to planning process (resolution)

How does this inform our County Health Profile?

·  Provides links.

·  Compare elements of CHER and 2009 Community Health Profile, which doesn’t have health outcomes.

·  Look at the places experiencing disparities and compare it with the Community Health Profile.

·  Built environment is a piece to move toward priority areas. The CHER informs the identification of priority areas.

What recommendations might be included in the Profile?

What policies help/hinder communities from using HIAs to improve their neighborhoods?

·  Inventory of HIA or HIA-like documents.

·  Inform/educate neighborhood

o  Begin in most needed areas.

·  Hindered by little or no knowledge of HIA in communities

o  Neighborhoods not organized.

o  Expose/engage critical partners (APD, Planners, Human Impact Partners, Dept of Transportation, DOH, UNM, Parks&Rec, Environmental Health PRC, local area businesses)

How can we affect those policies?

·  Effective messaging

o  Positioning, property owners, CIP Program, include health criteria in all policies

·  Help: What triggers the need for HIAs? Global Policy e.g.: San Francisco

How does this inform recommendations for our Profile? (As Health Council / as individual organizations)

·  Inventory

·  Utilize upcoming statewide meetings to inform and educate

o  Policy Forum – NMPHA needs to be more active in advocacy

o  Statewide HC Alliance Meeting Dec. 5-6.

o  CTGers

·  Identify potential funding sources for HIAs

o  CDBG Infrastructure

o  Department of Finance and Administration

o  25K planning grants

o  Special legislative appropriations

·  HIAs impact all areas in the profile.