Assessment Council

Academic Senate Office

Telephone: (989)774-3350Fax: (989)774-2038

Minutes -October 10, 2016

Present: D. Gray, S. Bechtel, S. Berkshire, M. Carson, M. Kreth, S. Richards, T. Stohlman, B. VanDeusen, J. Xi // Absent: T. Periyaswamy // Guest: J. Thomas, M. Senter, Y. Su-Ritzler, G. Umpstead

  1. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of September 26, 2016 stand approved.
  1. Announcements:
  2. HSBS Vacancy Reminder
  1. Old Business:
  2. Third Annual Assessment Retreat: Carson asked the Council to encourage all peers to attend. The retreat is on the university calendar and will be announced through multiple methods, including in the October Assessment Counsel newsletter.
  1. New Business:
  2. New Graduate Program Assessment Plan: Entrepreneurial Transactions(guest: Dr. Jeff Thomas): This program will provide transferable and practical skills for entrepreneurs, especially in light of their expected interactions, including an understanding of the key issues and factors. The program learning outcomes are aligned with college-level (CBA) SLOs and measures, include a comprehensive exam, portfolio, and advisory board evaluation.Senter recommended that including an alumni survey after some years of operation (e.g., 5 years). Another future consideration, if offering multiple course sections, would be establishing reliability in rubric scoring for ENT 695. Berkshire moved to accept the plan with the following revisions: retitle the final measure to “Advisory Board Evaluation”, clarify the technology objective (SLO4) to connect to purpose, and incorporate business ethics in the objectives. Gray seconded, approved with revisions.

1)Additional discussion: a future Council project should work to clarify what is meant by introduce, reinforce, and emphasize.

  1. Request for funding: Political Science & Public Administration: Kreth moved to award requested funds and Bechtel seconded. Motion approved.
  2. Assessment council volunteer: Recommendation to contact HR for non-student volunteer guidelines, possible confidentiality agreement. Stohlman moved to accept Katja Babcock as a volunteer if there are no HR concerns. As part of her volunteer role, Katja will take minutes for the Council. Berkshire seconded and the motion was approved.
  3. Social Justice in Global Health Certificate: Carson will notify the appropriate certificate leaders that the Assessment Council requires an assessment plan. This is a stand-alone certificate and the CAD is clear on the need.
  4. Certificate Program Discussion: Carson provided documentation of the complex history of certificates. There are at least 30 certificate programs at CMU. Kreth shared that the DASH committee conducted a study of peer institutions and CMU is unique in that we do not have a policy related to double counting of courses. Some institutions do not allow any double counting. Specialization does not show up on a transcript, but a certificate does – this supports some instances where students take a few courses in addition to the specialization in order to get the certificate.

1)The Council discussed that one important practical consideration is to make this issue as simple and efficient as possible. There are concerns with adding credit activity just for assessment – but difficulty in managing certificate assessment when tracked by students, not courses.

2)There are possible solutions through micro-credentials and/or badging concepts – especially when there is no capstone experience. In addition, the Council recognizes the potential of working with Blackboard capabilities and vendors such as Taskstream.

3)For the majors that encompass fully or mostly embedded certificates, students may not have confirmed the major or designated their intention to complete a certificate. One debated solution might be requiring students to submit their materials into a portfolio in order to have the certificate included on their transcript; however, this concept will not work if students do not save their work from the relevant courses.

4)The Council should establish a reasonable, practical structure for certificate assessment plans that includes 1-2 objectives and measures. The measures could include an ungraded student-driven additional action, such as an essay, case study, self-assessment of learning.

5)The Council also discussed establishing a grandfathering process and transition timeline for when existing departments/programs must have certificate assessment plans.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Bechtel

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