Elementary Gifted Services

Identification Criteria

Grades 2-5


Students in the Rochester Public Elementary Schools may qualify for Gifted and Talented Services based on the scores achieved on a combination of two identification tests, the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Assessment. These tests assist the district with identification of students with gifted aptitudes in verbal or non-verbal courses of study. Verbal classes will incorporate reading and social studies standards. Non-verbal classes will incorporate mathematics and science standards. If students achieve a combined ranking on performance measures, then they will be formally identified to receive gifted services in Rochester Public Schools.

Identification Criteria: Initial identification is based on a combination of the criteria described below:

Definition of CogAT

The Cognitive Abilities Test is a group administered ability test used to assess students’ abilities in reasoning and problem solving using verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal (spatial) symbols. This assessment is administered to all students in grades 2 and 5. Students new to the district in grades 3 and 4 will be tested in the fall.

Definition of NWEA

The NWEA test is an adaptive measure of academic progress. Scores are reported in RIT Scores and national percentile rank. Gifted Services will be using the national percentile rank for identification. This assessment is administered three times a year to all students in grades K-8.

Definition of National Percentile Rank (NPR)

A student’s percentile rank shows the student’s relative position or rank in a group of students who are in the same grade and who took the tests at the same time of year as the student. A student’s national percentile rank (NPR) is the student’s standing as compared to a large, representative sample of students in the same grade from the entire nation.

Grade Level / Services / CogAT Score / NWEA NPR (Trend)
2-5 / Verbal / 122+ Verbal (V) / 80%ile+ in Reading
2-5 / Non-verbal / 122+ Non-verbal (Q+NV) / 80%ile+ in Math
2-5 / Verbal / 116-121 Verbal (V) / 95%ile+in Reading
2-5 / Non-verbal / 116-121 Non-verbal (Q+NV) / 95%ile+ in Math

Second grade students are identified for service beginning in the fall of grade three.

The table denotes the following:

·  If a student has a CogAT Verbal (V) score of 122+ AND a NWEA NPR in Reading (trend) in the 80%ile+, they will qualify for Verbal gifted services.

·  If a student has a CogAT Non-verbal (Q+NV) score of 122+ AND a NWEA NPR in Math(trend) in the 80%ile+, they will qualify for Non-verbal gifted services.

·  If a student has a CogAT Verbal (V) score of 116-121 AND a NWEA NPR in Reading(trend) in the 95%ile+, they will qualify for Verbal gifted services.

·  If a student has a CogAT Non-verbal (Q+NV) score of 116-121 AND a NWEA NPR in Math(trend) in the 95%ile+, they will qualify for Non-verbal gifted services.

Students who do not meet these criteria, but would still like to be considered for gifted services identification, may submit a portfolio of exemplary work. These portfolios may be requested through your building gifted services specialist and are completed in school between December 10th and January 10th.