Argentina & Brazil Ministry Report November, 2013

The team and I are home now, and we want to thank you for your prayers. All the meetings in Argentina and Brazil were greatly blessed of the Lord. There is no way that I can share in this report all that we experienced during those days. We saw hundreds come to the altar to commit or recommit their lives to Jesus. In our first meeting in Buenos Aires, more than 2,000 people (by Pastor Mark’s estimate) flooded the altar and prayed the sinner's prayer. Some salvations were remarkable.

For example, on Sunday evening (11-17-13) Roy and Bob, two of our team members, were ministering at a church in the inner city area of Rio de Janeiro while the other team members were ministering at two other churches. Suddenly, eight gang members, who had been standing on the corner by the church selling drugs when Roy and Bob arrived, walked into the service and asked if they could receive Jesus into their hearts. Roy prayed the sinner's prayer with them, and they openly stated that Jesus is now their Lord and Savior!

In addition to salvation, the baptism in the Holy Spirit was the predominant ministry. Both in Argentina and Brazil--whether under the tent, at the Rehab Center, in the youth meetings, or

in the larger meetings with up to 7,000 in attendance--people crowded the altars and the aisles to receive the empowerment of the Spirit. There were visible manifestations of God’s presence: some wept, some shook, some shouted praises, and others fell under the power. It was glorious to hear so many people speaking in tongues out loud.

There were numerous miracles at each meeting. Many with addictions came forward to receive prayer for deliverance and were set free by the power of God. It would not be possible to report all the healings, but here are just a few testimonies:

A young lady in her mid-twenties was healed of a cancerous tumor the size of a baseball on her right side. While Wilford was praying for her, he felt the tumor shrink and disappear under his hand. There were several other tumors and hernias that shrank or disappeared. Pastor Mark and I prayed for a lady, a mother of four, who had an ovarian tumor. After prayer she went

to the bathroom and passed the tumor!

Wilford prayed for a man in his thirties who had been shot in his left eye and was partially blinded. The pupil was off center, and was in the left corner of his left eye. As he prayed for him, the pupil moved back to its normal position and he was able to see again. Many others received prayer for their eye conditions. Some checked their healing by asking for a Bible so they could read. I prayed for a 7-year old boy who could not see out of his right eye. After prayer, I tested his vision by covering his left eye and holding up fingers for him to count, and pointing to clothing for him to identify the color. He answered correctly each and every time!

There were numerous backs, shoulders, and knees healed. We saw many legs and arms lengthened, and as the people experienced alignment in their bodies, they were free from back pain and headache. Everyone on the team was busy praying for individuals, so only God knows what all took place. May He receive all the glory for every good thing that took place. And may each of you walk in His power and experience His abundant life. Your prayers were vital in bringing about such life-changing results.

With love and gratitude,

Eva Dooley