Name: ______

Class: ______

Homework Schedule

Lesson / Date / Read / During Class / Homework
1 / YouTube Clip Kenadie. / Read part 1 and answer the questions.
2 / Part one - August / Questions part 1
Lyrics / Papers clippings for drawing August
3 / Part two – Via
Part three – Summer / Jone Lancaster
Text fragments
Draw Auggie
4 / Part four – Jack
Part five - Justin / Assignment Mr.Brown
Story mapping
R U 4 real

Cre8 yur own message

/ Make a list of difficult words
5 / Part six – August
Part seven – Miranda / Think and share
6 / Part eight - August / Awardshow
7 /

Living with Treacher Collins


"Just follow the day and reach for the sun!"—The Polyphonic Spree

Lesson 1

Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley

You are going to watch a YouTubeclip of Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley. While watching the video, think about the following:

·  Do you admire Kenadie’s parents?

·  What would you do if you had a sister like her?

·  Do you know any special children?

·  What kind of ‘disease’ does he/she have?

·  How did you react? How did others react?

·  Do you treat him/her different than you treat other friends?

Discuss these questions in small groups of 4.

Questions part 1 (Homework)

Answer the following questions after reading the first part of the book.

®  Why is August going to a new school?

®  Who are Jack, Julian and Charlotte?

®  What did Jack say about August at Halloween?

"When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." —Dr. Wayne Dyer

Lesson 2


·  Work in groups of 4.

Auggie has been home-schooled by his Mom. Some of the reasons were that he had to have many surgeries and he was sick for many times.

Can you name some of the advantages of this situation? And disadvantages?

Now he is going to school at an age of 10. His mother thinks this is a good idea, his father is not certain of that.

You are a few years older now than Auggie is, and you have learned a lot in these years! And we are not talking about mathematics and languages, lesson stuff.

Can you come up with some things Auggie will be able to experience at school, things he will be able to learn?


Write the name of your idol in the middle of an empty piece of paper. You can also draw his/her face/body.

Collect as many describing words in English about him/her: what makes him/her beautiful? Think about physical virtues but also about behaviour, what they do that impresses you.

Use your dictionary, you can ask your neighbours too.

Beautiful – Christina Aguilera

Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.

Every day is so ______
Suddenly it's hard to breathe
Now and then I get ______
From all the pain, I'm so ashamed

I am ______no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no
So don't you bring me ______today

To all your friends you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Tryin' hard to fill the ______, the piece is gone
Left the ______undone, ain't that the way it is?

You are ______no matter what they say
Words can't bring you down, oh no
You are beautiful in every single ______
Yes, words can't bring you down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today

No ______what we do
(No matter what we do)
No matter what we say
(No matter what we say)
We're the song outta a tune
Full of beautiful ______

And ______we go
(Everywhere we go)
The sun will always ______
(Sun will always shine)
But tomorrow we might wake on the other side

'Cause we are ______no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down, oh no
We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us ______, oh no
So don't you bring me down today

"Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much."—Blaise Pascal

Lesson 3

Jono Lancaster

Watch the movie and discus the following questions.

Jono interviews Lucas.

What does Lucas tell about some friends in primary school?

What has been the attitude Jono has chosen to cope with his facial disfigurement?


Exercise: Put the pieces in the right order

Write 1/2/3/4/5 in front of the right sentence

When ready, check with your neighbour

There are two parts.

Part 2 Via

……………… “Mom, I’ m fifteen! Everybody my age takes the subway by themselves!”

“She can take the subway home,” said Dad from the other room.

……………… What I always loved most about middle school was that it was separate and different from home. I could go there and be Olivia Pullman – not Via, which is my name at home.

……………… I don’t remember the day they brought August home from the hospital.

I said: ”It doesn’t look like Lilly. That was the name of a doll Grans had given 1 me when Mom was pregnant so I could practice being a big sister.

……………… It was obvious to me that Ella and Miranda had gotten together a few times during the summer without me, though they never actually said that.

…………….. “Well, I’m telling Mom and Dad about Jack Will if you stop going to school, “ I answered. “Tushman will probably call you into school and make Jack and those other kids apologize to you in front of everyone…..

Part 3 Summer

……………… Basically , he heard Jack bad-mouthing him and saying really horrible things behind his back. It kind of explained his attitude, and now I knew why he’d been out “sick”.

……………… it was actually because I was playing Four Square with August that I found out about the Plague. Apparently this is a “game” that’s been going on since the beginning of the year.

………..…… (At her Haloweenparty) You know, Summer,” said Savanna, “you would be a lot more popular if you didn’t hang out with him so much. I’m going to be completely honest with you: Julian likes you. He wants to ask you out.

……………… I sat with him that first day because I felt sorry about him. That’s all.

…………….. “It’s so weird,” Jack said. “I have no idea why he’s mad at me all of a sudden. None. Can’t you at least give me a hint?” “Bleeding Scream,” I whispered in his ear, and then walked away.

Make a drawing of Auggie’s face

Make a drawing of Auggie’s face.

What do you think how he looks like? Create your own Auggie.

If you brought pictures or magazines from home, please use them. If not, you can use pencils and markers.

"Have no friends not equal to yourself."—Confucious

Lesson 4

Mr. Brown’s assignment

Write a paragraph about some time in your live when you did something very brave and how.

Story mapping

Go to

Or search in Google for ‘read think write story mapping’.

Fill in all the forms. You can pick any scene from the book. Pick something you can use. If you can’t fill out all the boxes, be creative.

1.  Title: title of our book (Wonder).

2.  By: use your own name.

3.  Fill in all the organizers. You can change the organizer at the top right.

a.  Character map

b.  Conflict map

c.  Resolution map

d.  Setting map

4.  Make sure everything is in correct English.

5.  Click on print. Don’t forget to click the box of each organizer.

6.  Hand it in.

Have fun.

R U 4 real?

Could you read the title? I bet you could. As you know, some people use a different kind of ‘language’ between friends, as they use for others. Young people often use a fast, short written language.

Try to translate the following text messages of Jack and August.

Cre8 yur own message

·  Work in pairs.

Write a short message to your neighbour. You can use a 100 letters max.

Be smart and use the same trick Jack and August use.

Translation, written by your neighbour.

Did you translate the message correctly? Which mistakes did you make?

Vocabulary (homework)

Make a list of 15 words that you didn’t know when you read the book. You need this for your next lesson.

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

5.  ______

6.  ______

7.  ______

8.  ______

9.  ______

10. ______

11. ______

12. ______

13. ______

14. ______

15. ______

"Fortune favors the bold."—Virgil

Lesson 5

Think and share

Share your vocabulary list with your neighbour. Did they have the same words as you? Did they have another words? Did you know their words?

Write down the words you didn’t know.

·  Do this assignment again in groups of four/five.

Again, please write down any words you didn’t have.


Auggie got a hearing aid implanted. He wasn’t sure how it would look.

What if…

You were born deaf and needed a hearing aid. Write a letter to your parents explaining why you would or wouldn’t want a hearing aid. Think about the

advantages and disadvantages. How would you look. How would your friends react.

Use at least a 100 words. Remember how to write a letter in English!

Space Oddity – David Bowie

Remember how Miranda calls August Major Tom? Major Tom is a character of a song, sung by David Bowie.

Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.

Ground control to major Tom

Ground control to ______

Take your protein pills and put your ______on

(Ten) Ground control (Nine) to major Tom (Eight)

(Seven, six) Commencing countdown (Five), ______on (Four)

(Three, two) Check ignition (One) and may gods (Blastoff) love be with you

This is ______to major Tom, you've really made the grade

And the ______want to know whose shirts you wear

Now it's time to leave the ______if you dare

This is major Tom to ground control, I'm stepping through the ______

And I'm ______in a most peculiar way

And the stars look very different today

Here am I sitting in a tin can far above ______

Planet Earth is ______and there's nothing I can do

Though I'm past one ______miles, I'm feeling very still

And I think my ______knows which way to go

Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows

Ground control to major Tom, your circuits dead, there's something ______

Can you hear me, ______? (3x)

Can you...

Here am I sitting in my tin can far above the ______

Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do

"It is better to know some of the questions thanallof the answers."—James Thurber

Lesson 6

Award show

·  Work in groups of 4/5.

At the end of the book there is an award ceremony. Mr. Tushman gives awards to students who did something special or are very good at something. We are going to do the same thing with our class.

The Awards at Beecher Prep:

Overall academic excellence

Overall excellence in music

Overall excellence in sport

Overall excellence in creative writing

The special award named after Mr. Beecher, to do with Courage, Kindness, Friendship, Character.

1.  Discus which awards are usable for your school or invent a new one.

2.  Decide which student of your class should get one.

3.  Make a poster to announce the winners of the Awards and stick it on the wall.

4.  Present your poster to the class.

"Your deeds are your monuments."—Inscription on an Egyptian tomb

Lesson 7

Living with Treacher Collins

Watch the YouTube clip and answer the following questions.

According to some people, Simon looked like……

Which character of the book is the same as Vicky?

What effect did Vicky have on Simon?

What is Simon’s motto?

What do people say when they see Simon and Vicky together?


Now you’ve seen Simon and how he handles things.

Write a reaction to this clip for Simon to read. Use a maximum of a 100 words.

"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can."—John Wesley’s Rule


Make a film.

Today you are going to make a short animation film. Wait, stop, do not don’t have to be creative. It is quite simple.

Let me explain.

1.  Go to

2.  Click on ‘Make a Movie’.

3.  Choose a background and a sky. You can pick anything you like, the programm does all the work. Click next.

4.  Select a plot. If you click on a plot, you can see a short example of how it is going to be. Click next.

5.  Select the characters. You have to pick two of them. One for character 1 and one for character 2.

6.  Fill in the characters lines. You can use as much or as little text as you like.

7.  Select the background music. Yes, they are all brilliant.

8.  Now you can choose between two options.

a.  Add a new scene, if you want to make another scene to add to your film.

b.  Finish movie, if you are finished.

9.  Give your film a title and a fill in the director’s name. Don’t forget to select a title design as well.

10. Fill out the last page:

a.  Recipient name: fill in your teacher’s name.

b.  Recipient email: fill in your teacher’s email address.

c.  Your email: fill in your own email address. You can only fill out one!
