Cast the Book: Quarter Reading Project

After reading your independent novel, you can cast the book into a movie! This project has three parts to it: Casting, Setting, and Screenplay.The book you choose cannot already be a movie. If it is, you must use different actors and a different location. (i.e. you cannot cast Harry Potter and use Daniel Radcliff)
Casting: Write up a cast of characters & tell who would play each one. Include pictures of celebrities that would play these roles. How and why does each actor best represent the character?You only need to cast the main characters in the book and any other characters you choose.
Location: Where would you film it? Include a detailed description of where your movie will be filmed. (i.e. Lord of the Rings was filmed in Scotland because the geography fit the description in the book). Include a map, picture, or drawing (if your movie will be filmed on a set).

Screenplay: What parts might you change or omit from the book and why? Be sure to explain all of your choices.


4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Total x2
Cast / All characters are cast. Pictures and written reasons are included and well reasoned. The actors fit the description of the characters well. / All characters are cast. Pictures and written reasons are included and mostly well reasoned. The actors mostly fit the description of the characters. / All characters are cast. Some pictures are missing and the written reasons are not very well reasoned. Some of the characters fit the description. / Few of the characters are cast. Pictures are missing. Reasons are not well reasoned. Lacks effort, thought, and time.
Location / Description of the location fits appropriately with the book. A picture, map, or drawing is included. / Description of the location mostly fits with the book. A picture, map, or drawing is included. / Description of the location mostly fits with the book.. A picture, map, or drawing is missing. / The description of the location is lacking in thought, time, and effort. A picture may be included.
Screenplay / Thoroughly explains choices for what to omit and why. / Mostly explains choices for what to omit and why. / There are not many changes made to the screenplay, or they are not explained thoughtfully. / Explanations are sparse and do not show effort. They do not show that you have carefully considered bringing the book to film.
Total: / Total: / /24