MRes Biomedical Science Student Entry Information

In order for St George’s to deliver its courses effectively there is information below that we ask all prospective students to sign up to. We ask you to carefully read these. If you anticipate a difficulty for you with any element of this document, please contact the admissions office and they will discuss with you how best to resolve your issue.

Please read the following statements and confirm that you understand them.

1.I will not allow my views about a person’s lifestyle, culture, beliefs, race, colour, gender, sexuality, age, social status, or perceived economic worth to prejudice my interaction with teachers or colleagues.

2.I will be honest and not abuse the trust of others, and I will not enter into an improper relationship with another person, for example, with a school pupil whom I may be mentoring.

3.I will maintain appropriate standards of dress, appearance and personal hygiene so as not to cause offence to teachers or colleagues.

4.I will expose my face fully to teachers and colleagues in all teaching settings. To ensure adequate communication, students are required not to cover their faces where they are working with teachers, or where they are expected to work together with other students. Students may cover their faces in lectures unless specifically asked not to do so by the teacher. Students will have to uncover their faces for identification purposes, including entry to examinations and the library.

5.I will attend classes as required by the regulations of the course, and I will work diligently to complete my degree. Classes are timetabled between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday to Friday and regular attendance is expected of all students. Students on placement may be required to work outside these hours.

6.I will be honest in submitting course work for assessment, and will never plagiarise material from other sources and submit it as my own work.

7.I will tell the Institution if I am charged with or convicted of a criminal offence at any time prior to or during the admissions process or during my time as a student at St George’s. We must also be informed of any allegations still under investigation which may be pending charges. Although students are not required to have a Criminal Record check before entering St George’s we need to know if a student has a subsequent conviction especially if that conviction may be contrary to university life.

8.I will inform St George’s if there is any significant change to my health that might affect my fitness to study.

9.I confirm that I have been truthful in my application to St George’s, and that I did not omit important information relevant to my application. If it is discovered that an applicant has been untruthful in his or her application, it may withdraw the offer or terminate the course of study.

Professor Deborah Baines

MRes Biomedical Science Course Director

2016 entry


Name (in CAPS)…….……………………………………….

Course NameMRes Biomedical Science


MRes Biomedical Science Student Entry Information

In order for St George’s to deliver its courses effectively there is information below that we ask all prospective students to sign up to. We ask you to carefully read these. If you anticipate a difficulty for you with any element of this document, please contact then school will discuss with you how best to resolve it.

Please read the following statements and confirm that you understand them.

  1. I will not allow my views about a person’s lifestyle, culture, beliefs, race, colour, gender, sexuality, age, social status, or perceived economic worth to prejudice my interaction with teachers or colleagues.
  1. I will be honest and not abuse the trust of others, and I will not enter into an improper relationship with another person, for example, with a school pupil whom I may be mentoring.
  1. I will maintain appropriate standards of dress, appearance and personal hygiene so as not to cause offence to teachers or colleagues.
  1. I will expose my face fully to teachers and colleagues in all teaching settings. To ensure adequate communication, students are required not to cover their faces where they are working with teachers, or where they are expected to work together with other students. Students may cover their faces in lectures unless specifically asked not to do so by the teacher. Students will have to uncover their faces for identification purposes, including entry to examinations and the library.
  1. I will attend classes as required by the regulations of the course, and I will work diligently to complete my degree. Classes are timetabled between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday to Friday and regular attendance is expected of all students. Students on placement may be required to work outside these hours.
  1. I will be honest in submitting course work for assessment, and will never plagiarise material from other sources and submit it as my own work.
  1. I will tell the Institution if I am charged with or convicted of a criminal offence at any time prior to or during the admissions process or during my time as a student at St George’s. We must also be informed of any allegations still under investigation which may be pending charges. Although students are not required to have a Criminal Record check before entering St George’s we need to know if a student has a subsequent conviction especially if that conviction may be contrary to university life.
  1. I will inform St George’s if there is any significant change to my health that might affect my fitness to study.
  1. I confirm that I have been truthful in my application to St George’s, and that I did not omit important information relevant to my application. If it is discovered that an applicant has been untruthful in his or her application, it may withdraw the offer or terminate the course of study.

Professor Deborah Baines

MRes Biomedical Science Course Director

2016 entry


Name (in CAPS)…….……………………………………….

Course NameMRes Biomedical Science
