/ Shanghai University of Finance
and Economics
Course Syllabus
Course / MRKT 5500 Professional Seminar: Marketing Engineering
Instructor / Name:
Email: / Shenyu Li

Catalog Description / This course introduces quantitative marketing models with the aid of the marketing engineering software. The course covers a range of classical marketing models including business unit analysis/CRM model, brand map, consumer segmentation and targeting, conjoint analysis, Bass model, choice model and non-linear advertising response/resource allocation model.
Prerequisites / Marketing and Micro-economics or Statistics or Marketing Research
Course Level Learning Outcomes / The students are expected to apply the quantitative methods for real life marketing planning and decision. At the end of the term, students will learn how to segment customers, identify attractive customers to target, determine the best positioning of the brand in customers’ minds, develop new products that add value to consumers and firms, understand and predict the new product diffusion process, and optimize the marketing resources.
Materials / Gary L. Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy (2004), Computer-Assisted Marketing Analysis and Planning, Revised 2nd Edition, Decision Pro, Inc. Trafford Publishing.
Software: Marketing Engineering for Excel V 1.6
Grading /
Grading System
Assignments 30%
Course Project – Quality 6%
Course Project – Presentation 4%
Class Participation 10%
Final Exam 50%
Letter Grade / Numerical Score
A / 95-100% (4.0)
A- / 90-94% (3.67)
B+ / 85-89% (3.33)
B / 80-84% (3.0)
B- / 75-79% (2.67)
C / 60-74% (2.0)
F / 59 & below (0)
·  A/A– Superior graduate work
·  B+/B/B– Satisfactory graduate work
·  C Work that is barely adequate as graduate-level performance
·  CR Work that is performed as satisfactory graduate work (B– or better). A grade of "CR”is reserved for courses designated by a department, involving internships, a thesis, practicums, or specified courses.
·  F Work that is unsatisfactory
·  I Incomplete work
·  ZF An incomplete which was not completed within one year of the end of the course. ZF is treated the same as an F or NC for all cases involving G.P.A., academic warning, probation, and dismissal.
·  IP In progress
·  NR Not reported
·  W Withdrawn from the course
Activities / The students are expected complete 7 assignments and 1 group case study/presentation in class. Please refer to the course policies for detail.
Policy Statements: University Policies / University policies are provided in the current course catalog and course schedules. They are also available on the university website. This class is governed by the university’s published policies. The following policies are of particular interest:
Academic Integrity and Honesty
The university is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of the University in this respect. Students are urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code of Student Behavior and avoid any behavior, which could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts and/or participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence. The punishment on academic dishonesty will be in accordance with the university policies.

Drops and Withdrawals

Please be aware that, should you choose to drop or withdraw from this course, the date on which you notify the university of your decision will determine the amount of tuition refund you receive. Please refer to the university policies on drops and withdrawals (published elsewhere) to find out what the deadlines are for dropping a course with a full refund and for withdrawing from a course with a partial refund.

Special Services

If you have registered as a student with a documented disability and are entitled to classroom or testing accommodations, please inform the instructor at the beginning of the course of the accommodations you will require in this class so that these can be provided.


Since every student is entitled to full participation in class without interruption, disruption of class by inconsiderate behavior is not acceptable. Students are expected to treat the instructor and other students with dignity and respect, especially in cases where a diversity of opinion arises. Students who engage in disruptive behavior are subject to disciplinary action, including removal from the course.

Student Assignments Retained

From time to time, student assignments or projects will be retained by The Department for the purpose of academic assessment. In every case, should the assignment or project be shared outside the academic Department, the student's name and all identifying information about that student will be redacted from the assignment or project.

Contact Hours for this Course

It is essential that all classes meet for the full instructional time as scheduled. A class cannot be shortened in length. If a class session is cancelled for any reason, it must be rescheduled.

Course Policies / 1, Textbook and course material preview and review before and after the class are necessary. The instructor will introduce some fundamental principles, modeling approach and tutorial in the classroom. The supplement technical notes and written tutorial material are posted on the website.
2, The instruction medium is mainly English accompanied by some Chinese interpretation. You are encouraged to obtain a textbook in English written by Lilien and Rangswamy (2004).
3, Class participation is an important component in the classroom instruction. Interactive learning and teaching with the instructor enhances the student’s learning experiences as well as the instructor’s knowledge of students. Class participation is worth of 5 points in the grading system.
4, There will be 6 assignments. Each of them is worth 5 points in the grading system. Students are expected to (1) submit the assignment in time (please refer to the schedule below) to the instructor (2) in English (3) without copying other’s work (4) due on the week immediately after the week of instruction.
5, The final exam is a close book exam in English. Yet students could ask the proctor to provide the translation for you. Students are expected to answer the examination questions in English.
6, Course project should be conducted in a group with your classmates. You should collect the data for your project, conduct an independent analysis and present your case study in the final class. The topics could be discussed with the instructor. The course project is worthy of 10 points in the grading system.
Weekly Schedule / Please refer to the following table.
Additional Information / The course offers four types of learning material. The textbook is to introduce the marketing engineering concepts. The technical notes introduce the fundamental statistical/mathematical techniques for modeling purpose. The tutorials specify the way of applying marketing engineering software to solve the marketing planning/decision problems

Weekly Schedule

Week / Time / Contents / Textbook Chapter (C)
Technical Notes (N)
Tutorial (T) / Assignment
1 / ¨  Introduction to the syllabus
¨  Introduction to Marketing Engineering
¨  Multi-way presentation of data
¨  Strategic Marketing
¨  Customer Relationship Management / (C) Chapter 1: Introduction
(T) Getting started with ME/XL
(C) Chapter 6: Models for Strategic Marketing Decision Making
(T) GE/McKinsey portfolio / Assignment 1: Customer Relationship Management
2 / ¨  Market Positioning / (C) Chapter 4: Differentiation and Positioning
(N) Positioning / Assignment 2: Brand map
3 / ¨  Segmenting and targeting the consumers / (C) Chapter 3: Segmentation and Targeting pp. 61-95
(N) Segmentation and Targeting / Assignment 3: Segmentation and
4 / ¨  New Product Development
¨  Conjoint Analysis / (C) New Product Decisions
pp. 233-251
Conjoint analysis / Assignment 4: Conjoint Analysis
5 / ¨  New Product Diffusion
¨  Bass Model and extension / (C) New Product Decisions
pp. 253-261
(N) Bass Model / Assignment 5: Bass Model
6 / ¨  Choice Model / (C) Chapter 3: Segmentation and Targeting
pp. 97-102
(N) Choice Model / Assignment 6: Choice Model
7 / ¨  Advertising and Communications
¨  Non linear advertising response
¨  Optimization / (C) Chapter 8: Advertising and Communications
(N) Response model
(N) Solver
8 / ¨  Course Project Presentation
¨  Course Review