Date: May 22, 2017

The mission of the Franklin County Commuity Early childhood Council is to support and strengthen the community by providing information to families, promoting quality in all early childhood programs, and to offer quality training to the early childhood stakeholders in collaboration with other agencies in FranklinCounty.

Meeting was called to order by co-chair, Lynn Baker.

Introductions were made. Those in attendance were : Lynn Baker; Edna Caldwell; Heidi Givens; Sunny Hardin; Mary Hugenberg; Leesa Mitchell; Charlene Myles; Amy Nance; Terri Spellman

February minutes were emailed to members. Motion made by Amy Nance to accept the minutes and seconded by Christy Brock. Motion carried.

Treasurers report was given by Lynn Baker. Lynn stated there is $4,485.18 left in grant monies; $1,317.19 bank account balance; motion to approve: Charlene Myles; 2nd Sunny Hardin; motion carried

Old Business:

Reviewed Bylaws (members provided a copy to review and discuss possible updates/amendments next month)

No new subcommittee reports

Budget—tabled from last month’s meeting:

Council voted to spend remaining budget as follows:

Remaining Budget: 4,485.18

-500 for Early Childhood Institute Travel

-2,495.00 movie theater commercial for 6 months

-745.09 brochures

-745.09 bags for Hospital Goody Bags

Amy Nance made motion to approve budget; Charlene Myles 2nd the motion

Motion carried

New Business

Lynn reported:

  • Jane Lucas would like receipts by June 10th, as she is retiring
  • Kayla Jones at the GOEC is now assisting with the CECCs (read email to council from Kayla)—

contracts end August 1; unused funds returned by August 1. Deadline to apply for budget

amendment is July 15. Annual report due August 30. A Template is forthcoming from the GOEC. Grant process will not roll out until August and be submitted in September.

  • Council members asked to consider participating on grant subcommittee and report next meeting if interested
  • Free ALL STAR trainings will continue through June 30. Lynn passed out training calendars

Heidi Givens made motion to adjourn; Terri Spellman 2nd

Report submitted by

Lynn Baker

FCCECC C0-chair (distributed by Cheryl Sandefur, FCCECC Secretary)