Mansoura Clinical Toxicology lab
Originated by: EcoTrust / ISO 15189:2012 Standard Requirements
Issue Date:01/03/2013 / Document code: MCTL-MLM-01.03
Issue No: 1 / Page 1 of 3
Lab Staff CV

Curriculum Vita

  1. Family name:Abu El Maaty.
  2. First names:Reem Khalid.
  3. Date of birth:25-9-1986.
  4. Nationality:Egyptian.
  5. Marital status:married.
  6. Education:

[ Date from - Date to ] / Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
From March 2010
Till March 2011 / House officer
Mansoura Univirsity Hospital
From june 2011
Till may 2016 / Demonstrator of forensic medicine and clinical toxicology.
From august 2011 till now / Member of Mansoura clinical toxicology laboratory, Faculty of medicine, Mansoura university.
From may 2016 till now / Assistant professor of forensic medicine and clinical toxicology department.
  1. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
Arabic / 1 / 1 / 1
English / 1 / 2 / 1
French / 2 / 4 / 2
  1. Membership of professional bodies:

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  1. Other skills:
  • computer skills
  • EuropeanRessuscitationCounsilBLS/AEDPROVIDERCOURSE.
  1. Present position:
  • Assistant professor of Forensic medicine & Clinical Toxicology, Mansoura University.
  • Lab analyst, Mansoura clinical toxicology laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University.
  1. Years within the firm:(3years.)
  1. Key qualifications:
  • Trained on detection of drug abuse on high performance liquid chromatography, 2012
  • Trained on detection of drug abuse on autoanalyzer, MGC 240 2013.
  • Workshop on sampling in toxicological lab at 21-4-2012.
  • Workshop on safety in toxicological lab at28-4-2012.
  • Workshop on infection control in toxicological lab at 30-4-2012.
  • Workshop on Gap analysis at 20-5-2012.
  • Training for ISO 15189:2007 Clinical Laboratory Quality Management System foundation,technical & internal audits.
  1. Specific experience in the region:

Country / Date from - Date to
Egypt / Management of poisoning patients at Mansoura Emergency Hospital,2011 till now
  1. Professionalexperience

Date from - Date to / Location / Company / Position / Description
6-2011 till now / Egypt / Mansoura University / Demonstrator of Forensic medicine & Clinical Toxicology. / 6-2011 till now
  1. Other relevant information:

Master degree of forensic medicine and clinical toxicology department

Thesis title: correlation between blood lead and hyaluronic acid levels in knee osteoarthritis.