JULY 26, 2016

Mayor Larry Barrett called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. City Clerk/Treasurer Linda Balls was present to record the following minutes.

Council members present were: Mary Leisy, Brian Schneider, Alan Summers, Denise Wahlen and Craig Wampler. Karalee Bonzon was unable to attend.

Also present at the meeting were Public Works Supervisor Robert Goss and Chief Chuck Carroll.

Mayor Barrett stated that the meeting was to tentatively approve the 2016 – 2017 Budget. Barrett said that everyone should have a copy of the proposed Revenues and Expenditures and would give the council some time to look over the Revenues and if there are any questions, feel free to ask Linda Balls.

Councilwoman Leisy asked Linda to explain the written changed figures. Linda went through the Revenue Budget and explained the changes that were made and answered questions.

Councilwoman Wahlen asked about the status of Nolen Buffi’s bill for the curb and gutter that was put in and the city paid for. Mayor Barrett said that the city attorney is working on writing a letter to Nolen. Wahlen stated that the ordinance regarding the sidewalks, curb and gutter might want to be looked at and see if it needs to be clearer on the replacement of them.

Councilman Wampler went over the Waste Water Revenues. Wampler stated that the waste water revenues don’t meet the expenditures and he is proposing a $1.00 (or equivalent to a 1.025%) increase, which should bring in an additional revenue of $10,581.00. Wampler said that the money left in the Improvement Fund Reserve line, which would be around $100,000.00, will be used in the new budget to do more collection system work.

Councilman Summers asked how much could be done with the $100.000.00.

Mayor Barrett stated that he talked with Titan Technologies and Keller Associates to get an estimate, and he was told it costs about $95 a foot to replace sewer lines. So to replace sewer lines, refurbish three man holes, and for three blocks it would cost around $100,000.00.

Councilman Wampler said that he is hoping that little by little the city will be able to replace some sewer lines every year.

After more discussion on the revenue budget, Mayor Barrett asked if anyone had any more questions. There were no further questions. Barrett asked the council if they wanted to go over the Expenditures in the same way. The council all agreed to have Linda Balls go through the Expenditures and explain the changes there also.


Linda Balls then went over the Expenditure Budget and answered any questions that were asked. She explained the changes in the Law Enforcement Budget which included the addition of line items - Investigations, Code Enforcement and Community Outreach. Also, the Police Car Payment line item was increased to $27,000.00 to allow for the purchase of a new Dodge Charger Police Car in the new budget year.

Mayor Barrett asked if there were any further questions on the expenditures. No more questions were asked.

Councilman Wampler asked to be excused from the meeting for a personal matter. Mayor Barrett gave Wampler permission to leave.

Mayor Barrett stated that the council voted to pay Titan Technologies but not the Wetco portion of the bill at the last meeting, but we were told that we couldn’t pay them until Wetco had the SCADA system fixed. The SCADA system is now fixed, and the city has received a request for payment today, so the city can now pay Titan Technologies.

Mayor Barrett said that he was approached by Direct Communications, who wants to buy a small piece of city property in Block 105 across the alley from Wallace Drug. They want to put a small building there regarding the fiber optics they are putting through town. Barrett said that he felt the city should keep the property, but asked the council to take a look at the property and they would discuss it at the next council meeting.

Mayor Barrett stated that he was asking the attorney about minimum utility bills of $12.00 per month for empty houses, like Frank Becker’s where they are both in a care facility, and if the city can put a lien on the property if the bills don’t get paid. Barrett said there are quite a few empty houses and buildings in town.

Mayor Barrett asked if there were any other questions on line items in the proposed 2016 – 2017 budget, and if not the budget needs to be tentatively approved.


Councilwoman Leisy made the motion to tentatively approve the 2016 – 2017 Budget that was presented for $3,236,102.00. Councilman Summers seconded the motion.

Roll call vote: Leisy, yes; Schneider, yes; Summers, yes; and Wahlen, yes. Voting was unanimous, the motion passed.



Councilman Schneider made the motion to adjourn until August 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. Councilwoman Wahlen seconded the motion. All were in favor, the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 1:38 p.m.


Larry Barrett


Attest: ______

Linda Balls

Clerk / Treasurer