English 9 Semester 1

5 Credits


W = Elements of Writing

L = Elements of Literature (third course)

8W / Reader’s Response 1 & 2
9W / Reader’s Response 1
10W / Reader’s Response 2
11W / Reader’s Response 2
12W / Writing and Thinking 1 & 4
27-28W / Create a web about a sport or hobby that you enjoy.
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries

Complete by the end of Week 1

30-31W / Exercise 6 Select one topic from the list to complete.
32-33W / Exercise 8 1–3 Write down the source of your information.
34-35W / Exercise 10 1-4
36-38W / Select three examples from the movie article. For each give a brief description of how it is written for a particular audience. Think about word choice, sentence structure and length.
40-43W / Analyzing the Order of Details 1-3
45-48W / Exercise 12
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 2
51-55W / Exercise 13 Complete your own revision of the Paragraph.
56-57W / Exercise 14
79-83W / Exercise 4 1-5
31L / Style: Powerful Verbs 1-3, Write a comparison of the verbs. Try It Out 1-4
116-119W / Prepare an outline for ‘Why I Like Elena’ on page 117
32-33L / Put this information into outline form. Make certain to include all the bold words and give approximately 3 details for each.
45L / How to Own a Word 1-10
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 3
46-71L, 74L / Who’s in Charge? Write a 1 page article.
75L / Try It Out 2. Use the verbs in your article from page 74L.
167-170W / Reader’s Response 1, Writer’s Craft 3 & 5.
334-335W / Write a brief (less than ½ page) set of notes about these Basic Elements.
90-99L, 101L / Shaping Interpretations 4 & 5. Select five images that Collier describes. After each list three or four words that she uses to create the image.
Write a 1-2 pages breakdown of this story according to its Basic Elements (see your notes).
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 4
102L / Resolving Conflicts 3. Prepare the two charts with a minimum of 5 actions for each.
103L / Try It Out 1-3
104-108L / Write a 1 page comparison of “Marigold” and “Black Boy.” Compare writing styles, location, topic, experience and effect on the reader.
109L, 165W / In his biography, Richard Wright mentions some of the things he overcame in order to survive. Write a poem about his story. Read page 165W for some ideas, but use any poem form you like.
132-141L / Shaping Interpretations 3. Extending the Text 6 & 7.
163L / How to Own a Word 1-10
166-179L / Shaping Interpretations 2-4. Extending the Text 6.
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 5
180L / Horse’s Journal 2.
181L / Try It Out 1
183-185L / Write a 1 page description of Salvador’s neighborhood. Give the place a name. Describe the buildings, streets, signs, etc. Where do the children play, the parents’ work and the people live?
406-409W / Exercise 1 1-10
200L / Try It Out
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 6
202-207, 209L / Shaping Interpretations 2 & 3.
210L / Turn of the Century 4. Write 1 page about finding an early 1900’s time capsule.
218-219L / Decide which point of view is used to write the Darron cartoon. Then write the same story using the other two points of view.
244-246, 248L / Finding Common Ground. 1-2. Minimum 2 pages long. Explain why you chose this fairy tale. Decorate the pages of your fairy tale.
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 7
264-275L / Shaping Interpretations 3 & 5. Reviewing the Text a & b.
276L / “I am” Poem.
277L / Try It Out 1.
289L / How to Own a Word 1-4.
290-297, 299L / Shaping Interpretations 2. Connecting with the Text 7.
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 8
464-467W / Exercise 2 1-20.
469-470W / Exercise 6.
470-471W / Exercise 7.
472-473W / Exercise 8 1-10.
477-481W / Exercise 13 1-10.
Evaluation / Begin Working on evaluation
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 9
482-484W / Exercise 18 1-8.
485-486W / Exercise 19 1-10.
486-487W / Exercise 21 1-10.
491-492W / Exercise 25 1-10.
Evaluation / Continue Working on evaluation
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 10
495-496W / Exercise 28 1-5.
301L / Style: All for a Good Clause 1-3. Try It Out 1.
302-308L / Most Native American boarding schools were established with good intentions, but brought anguish to the people they intended to help. Write a page about how good intentions can cause pain to other people. Use examples from the story or from your own life.
344-346L / The first story is fictional, the second story is non-fiction, but they are both about living with life choices. Write a one paragraph comparison about an element that appears in both stories.
421-425W / Exercise 3 1-10.
Evaluation / Continue Working on evaluation
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 11
426-431W / Exercise 6 1-5.
431W / Review A
432-434W / Exercise 8 1-5.
435-436W / Exercise 9
Evaluation / Complete and turn in Evaluation
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 12
436-439W / Review B
446-450L / Reviewing the Text. Connecting with the Text 4. Good Words 3.
Short Story / Begin working on Short Story
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 13
452-453L / Check It Out. Give at least 5 examples of fallacies and emotional appeals. Identify the sources.
454-458L / Shaping Interpretations 2. Reviewing the Text a & b.
460-465L / Shaping Interpretations 3.
Short Story / Continue working on Short Story
Journal / Complete 2 journal entries
Complete by the end of Week 14
460-465L / Write a 2 pages about growing up homeless. Where would you eat, sleep, play or go to school? Would you work? What if someone in your family was hurt? Think of the everyday activities of your life. How would they be the same or different if you were homeless?
467L / How to Own a Word
468-472L / Shaping Interpretations 4. Extending the Text 5.
473L / Try It Out 1 & 2. How to Own a Word 1-5.
Short Story / Continue working on Short Story
Journal / Complete Final 2 Journal Entries
Complete by the end of Week 15
Short Story / Complete Short Story by week 17
Oral / Give your oral presentation week 17
Test / Take the test week 18

All papers should be typewritten in 12pt. plain font with 1” margins. Spell and grammar check all work.


Write in your journal at least five days a week for about 10 minutes a day

1.  Read pages 516-517L for some guidance with this assignment

2.  Use a bound or spiral bound notebook or journal

3.  Each entry should be around half of a page or a full page hand written.

4.  Write freely and use your imagination. This is a collection of your works, ideas and feelings. Some topics might include

a.  Experiences, observations, quotes and sayings

b.  Feelings, opinions, ideas and questions

c.  Songs and Poems

5.  Decorate your journal

EVALUATION – 3 – 5 pages paper

Prepare a persuasive evaluation of a movie or television show

1.  Select any movie or television show that is at least one hour long

2.  Select one of the following topics as the focus of your evaluation

a.  Violence (example: encouraging violence by glorifying death and destruction)

b.  American culture (example: increasing problems with poverty and homelessness)

c.  Relationships (example: changing attitudes about raising children in single family households)

3.  Develop a well structured paper using the material you have learned in this course. (332-337L and 478-483L in particular)

a.  You will give a brief explanation of why you chose your selection. Why did it appeal to you? What did it mean to you?


Prepare an oral presentation of the material from your Evaluation paper

1. 2-4 minutes long

2. Use visual materials to make your point with the audience

3.  The goal of your presentation is to draw in and interest the audience with your voice, inflection, and tone. Make the audience feel why you like this particular piece so much

4. Make an appointment to present your material at the Outside Independent Study program


Create a short story of your choosing.

1. Fully develop your characters (130-131L)

2.  Use the writing techniques that you’ve learned this course (250-255L in particular)


1.  Review the grammar that you have studied in this course

2.  Take the test in your independent study class