Friday Notes

June 6, 2014

Your path is beautiful and crooked and just as it should be.


Upcoming Meetings and Events

  • Friday, June 6, 2014Deadline for Website Forms & Photos
  • Friday, June 27, 2014EC/Candidate Progress Committee
  • Tuesday, July 15, 2014Deadline for Continuing Education

Submissions – Programs and Coursework

  • Friday, August 1, 2014Annual Meeting
  • Friday, August 1, 2014 Billing for Annual Fees and Tuition
  • Monday, September 1, 2014Due Date for Fees and Tuition


  • Financial News – Bills for Membership Dues and Tuition will be sent, via email, on August 1st and payments will be due on September 1st. If you have an outstanding balance you will be notified in the next two weeks and we would appreciate you clearing all balances by July 1st. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Elizabeth Buchanan at
  • Nominating Committee - Please consider nominating yourself/others for leadership roles in DPC. We are in need of:

Education Outreach Committee Chair & Members

Nominating Committee Chair & Members

Professional Development Committee Members

Please contact Gayle Marshall for details

  • Curriculum Committee - Course and Faculty Evaluation Forms have been revised and sent to Candidates via Survey Monkey. We are hoping for 100% participation. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Marc Rathbun, Curriculum Committee Chair at r Elizabeth Buchanan at
  • Programming – Any programs seeking CME/CEU credits for the 2014-2015 Academic Year, must be submitted with all supporting documentation by July 15th. Contact Elizabeth Buchanan at for forms.

Email/Address Changes

  • Please make note of Jason Berman’s new office address:

2419 Coit Road, Suite C, Plano, TX 75075

  • Please note Herb Gomberg’s new email address

If you would like to submit anything (articles, calendar items, quotes, book/movie recommendations…) for inclusion in the Friday Notes, please forward to: