By: Avi

  1. What were the names of Ragweed’s parents?
    Clover and Valerian
  2. Among Ragweed’s 50 brothers and sisters, who were his favorites?
    Rye and Thistle
  3. What was the first animal that Ragweed encountered on his trip to see the world?
    An old vole who told him where the fork in the road went – one to the city and the other to Dimwood Forest.
  4. What did the vole tell Ragweed to be on the lookout for when he got to the city?
  5. How did Ragweed got to the city?
    By train
  6. Who was Silversides?
    A city cat that was owned by humans and hated mice.
  7. What two things happened to Silversides to make her hate mice?
    * The girl who lived in her house bought a mouse for a pet and named it Blinker.
    * She caught her grandson, Jasper, playing with a mouse one day.
  8. What was the name of Silversides’ organization against mice?
    F.E.A.R. – Felines Enraged about Rodents
  9. Who was the only other member of her club?
    Graybar – a street cat
  10. What was the name of the town that Ragweed travels to?
  11. What did Ragweed call the places where people live?
    Human nests
  12. How did Ragweed describe a car?
    Brightly colored metal boxes with humans inside and two bright lights in front.
  13. When the train stopped in Amperville, who was waiting?
  14. Who saved Ragweed from Silversides?
    Clutch, a female city mouse with a purple beaded earring and green fur on her head.
  15. What two things is Clutch really into?
    * Music – she plays guitar
  16. When Blinker’s girl has to do a report on mice for school, she brings a lot of books on mice home. When Blinker reads them, what does he long to do?
    Go see the world and be free.
  17. What is the name of the Mayor of Mousetown?
  18. Who were the other members of Clutch’s band, the Be-Flat Tires?
    Dipstick and Lugnut
  19. What is the name of the all mouse club where Clutch’s band plays?
    Cheese Squeeze Club
  20. What was the name of the Be-Flat Tires member that had been killed by Silversides?
  21. How did Ragweed save Clutch from Silversides when she attacked the club?
    After Silversides had knocked out Clutch, just as she was ready to pounce on Clutch, Ragweed wedged the skateboard in the cat’s mouth so that she couldn’t close it.
  22. Who are Clutch’s parents and what do they do for a living?
    Windshield – father is a painter who paints cheese
    Foglight – mother is a poet writing “Cheese of Grass”
  23. When Silversides returned to her human home after the Cheese club fight, what did she find out?
    She found out that Blinker, the white mouse pet, was gone. The girl of the house told Silversides to go find Blinker dead or alive.
  24. When Ragweed was going to leave town, what happened that made him miss his train?
    Blinker was going to be attacked by Silversides. Ragweed distracted him and saved Blinker’s life.
  25. How did Ragweed and Blinker escape from Silversides and Graybar?
    They got in a Dr. Pepper bottle and rolled down the garbage pile. It stopped close to Clutch’s door.
  26. When Silversides gets back home to her human nest, what does she find?
    She could not get in the house, the girl had the cat flap blocked.
  27. What idea did Ragweed come up with to show the cats that the mice were not afraid?
    He wanted to build a new club.
  28. They built the new club in an old abandoned bookstore, what did they name it?
    Café Independent
  29. Blinker decided he wanted to go home, what happened to him when he left the club?
    Silversides caught Blinker and made him promise to help the cat find a way into the new club. Then Silversides took Blinker home to the girl.
  30. How did Graybar and Silversides get into the club?
    Blinker told them to go through the sewer pipe in the basement of the bookstore.
  31. When the cats got into the club, how did the mice defeat them?
    The mice squirted a hose down the basement steps and knocked the cats down. The mice kept squirting until the cats were washed back down the sewer pipe.
  32. At the end of the story, Blinker and Clutch embrace Ragweed as he leaves on the train. What does Clutch give him?
    Her purple earring – and they rename the club, Club Ragweed.