Help for workers who have recentlylost their jobs

If you have been made redundant, you are eligible for Australian Government funded employment services.

Where to start

1.Visit your local Department of Human Services office

The Department of Human Services can assess your situation and work out which services you are eligible for. They will provide you with information to enable you to choose a Job Services Australia provider and will make an appointment for you. Some eligible job seekers can register directly with a Job Services Australia provider without going through the Department of Human Services. To find out if you can do this call 13 62 68.

2.Meet with your local Job Services Australia provider

Your Job Services Australia provider will work with you every step of the way by getting to know you and your individual circumstances. A consultant will offer assistance to help you find and keep a job. This assistance could include a range of services such as:

  • writing a résumé
  • information on local employment opportunities
  • tailoring an Employment Pathway Plan to suit your circumstances
  • accessing work experience opportunities
  • gaining new skills or qualifications
  • overcoming other barriers to employment.

Your Job Services Australia provider also works with local employers, registered training organisations, state, territory and local governments, community and health services, and other organisations.

Your Job Services Australia provider will know whatjobs are available and what to do to help you get one. They can also advise you on what training, skills development and other flexible assistance you can access.

This could include gaining work experience which will help you to:

  • developyour on the job skills
  • demonstrate your abilities to potential employers
  • obtain references
  • meet new work contacts
  • take part in training
  • stay connected to the workforce.

Job Search Facilities

To assist you in your search for work, your Job Services Australia provider will provide you with access to personal computers with broadband internet connectivity and printers. You can use these facilities to access the internet to undertake job seeking activities, including updating and printing your résumé or searching and applying for jobs online.

You will also be able to access a range of job sites including Australian JobSearch at

JobSearch provides information about jobs and working conditions, careers and training.

Interpreter services

If you need assistance with language services, call the NationalCustomer Service Line on 1800805260and they will help you with an interpreter.

Assistance for redundant workers

Help to manage your finances

The Department of Human Services offers free, unbiased financial information about your redundancy package and Government assistance.

Please note: eligibility for income support will depend on your personal circumstances, including your income and assets. If you are eligible for income support, it may not be available for a period of time, depending on leave or redundancy payments made to you.

For more information call the Department of Human Services on 13 23 00or visit

Help for mortgage relief

If you are experiencing difficulty paying off a loan or mortgage as a result of losing your job, you may be able to postpone your mortgage loan repayments for up to 12months. You will need to contact your financial institution or bank directly to find out if you are eligible.

Help to make the most of your money

If you need tips and tools to help you make the most of your money, visit

Help with language, literacy and numeracy training

The Skills for Education and Employment programme, provides language, literacy and numeracy training to job seekers who find it hard to get work.

The Department of Human Services orJob Services Australia providers can refer you to a Skills for Education and Employment provider.

If you are eligible, this programme will help you to improve your reading, writing or maths skills with the expectation that such improvements will enable you to participate more effectively in training or in the workforce. Training may be available on a part-time or a full-time basis.

For more information contact your Job Services Australia provider or visit

Help with English language tuition

The Adult Migrant English Programme provides basic tuition in the English language.

For more information and to find out if you are eligible for this assistance call 13 38 73or visit

Structural adjustment programmes

Structural adjustment programmes are available to workers who have been made redundant from eligible companies such as those in the automotive manufacturing or the textile, clothing and footwear industries. If you have been made redundant from an eligible company you may be able to access further intensive employment services through the Automotive Industry Structural Adjustment Programme or the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Structural Adjustment Programme.

For more information visit

Job seekers with disability or mental health conditions

If you are a person with disability or have a mental health condition and have special workplace support needs, you may be eligible for Disability Employment Services. A Disability Employment Services provider can help you with specialist assistance and provide ongoing support to help you find and keep a job. Your Job Services Australia provider can talk to you about your eligibility and help you have your eligibility assessed if needed.

For more information about how Disability Employment Services providers can help you, or to locate your local service call a JobAccess Adviser on 1800 464 800or visit

Job seekers in remote communities

If you are a person located in a remote community, you may be eligible for the Remote Jobs and Communities Programme.A Remote Jobs and Communities service provider can give you the personalised support you need to take up job opportunities and participate in meaningful activities that contribute to your community.

For more information about how a Remote Jobs and Communities service provider can help you, or to locate your local provider

Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG)

Employees who are owed certain employee entitlements after losing their job because their employer went bankrupt or into liquidation may be able to get financial help from the Australian Government.

This help is available through the Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG) a legislative safety net scheme of last resort.

For more information visit or call the Fair Entitlements Guarantee hotline on 1300135040.

Redundancy entitlements

If you have been made redundant and believe you have not received the entitlements you are owed, contact the Fair Work Ombudsman. The Fair Work Ombudsman will help you recover your outstanding entitlements.

You can call the Fair Work Ombudsman on 13 13 94or visit

Your obligations

If you receive Newstart, Youth Allowance or Parenting Payment with activity test or participation requirements, you will need to look for work and take part in activities that will help you find a job.

Your Job Services Australia provider will consider your personal circumstances and negotiate suitable activities to include in your Employment Pathway Plan.

If you are unable to take part in activities you should discuss this with your Job Services Australia provider. If you fail to undertake your agreed activities then this may affect your income support payments.

Your right to privacy

Your personal information is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 and information about you may also be protected by the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 (for example, if you are receiving income support). Your information may be shared between Job Services Australia providers, the Department of Employment, the Department of Human Services and other Australian Government departments and agencies. This enables the organisations to provide you with the most appropriate services to meet your needs.

For more information about your privacy ask your Job Services Australia provider, contact the Employment Services Information Line on 13 62 68or visit

Our guarantee of service to you

Service Guarantee

You will receive ongoing personalised employment services provided by your Job Services Australia provider. These services will be sensitive to your circumstances and background. To view all Service Guarantees visit

Code of Practice

Job Services Australia providers are contracted to deliver Australian Government funded employment services and have agreed and are committed to observe the Employment Services Code of Practice. To view the Code of Practice visit -you-can-expect

For more information

For advice on Job Services Australia call 13 62 68 or visit

For advice on services offered bythe Department of Human Services call 13 28 50 or visit

For advice on coping with redundancy you can contact the following services:

Call beyondblue on 1300 224 636 or visit

Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit

The information in this brochurecan also be found at