Roles of the President of the United States Name: ______


Chief of State (CST) Chief Executive (CEXC) Chief Administrator (CADM) Chief of Party (CPTY)

Commander-in-Chief (CIC) Chief Diplomat (CDPM) Chief Legislator (CLGS)


1.) ______As the head of the Federal Executive branch, the POTUS is vested by the U.S. Constitution the power to enforce federal law throughout the United States. The POTUS decides how the federal laws of the U.S. are to be enforced while choosing officials advisers to help run the Executive Branch.

2.) ______In the U.S., the POTUS is the main architect of foreign policy the nation’s chief spokesperson to foreign countries. Through this role, the POTUS also decides how American representatives ambassadors will interact with foreign governments. With the help of these advisers (through the U.S. State Department), the POTUS creates & implements the foreign policy of the U.S.

3.) ______In this role, the POTUS helps members of his political party get elected or appointed to office. The POTUS campaigns for those members who have supported his policies & administration. At the end of a term, the POTUS may campaign for reelection with his party’s support.

4.) ______Only the Congress has the actual power to make laws, but the Constitution gives the POTUS power to influence Congress in its lawmaking. The POTUS may urge the Congress to pass new laws or veto unfavorable bills. Through this role, the POTUS acts as the main architect of public policy. The POTUS may suggest, request & insist that the Congress enact laws he believes are needed.

5.) ______Refers to the POTUS as the symbolic head of the government & the symbolic leader of the American people. In the U.S., the POTUS is the symbolic leader of the Federal government. In many countries, the symbolic leader reigns over the government but does not rule.

6.) ______The POTUS is responsible for organizing & running the Federal Executive bureaucracy. This branch employs more than 2.7 million civilians throughout the country.

7.) ______This role gives the POTUS direct immediate control of the United States armed forces (through the U.S. Department of Defense): the Army, Navy, Air Force & Marines. The POTUS decides where troops shall be stationed, where ships shall be sent & how weapons shall be used. All military generals admirals take their orders from the POTUS.


8.) ______Appointing someone to serve as the Secretary of Homeland Security.

9.) ______Awarding medals to the winners of prestigious college scholarships.

10.) ______Calling out a state’s National Guard to stop a local riot.

11.) ______Choosing leading party members to serve in the POTUS’ ‘Cabinet.’

12.) ______Congratulating returning astronauts on their journey into space.

13.) ______Deciding, in wartime, whether to bomb foreign cities.

14.) ______Entertaining Japanese ambassadors visiting the White House.

15.) ______Holding a Cabinet meeting to discuss government business.

16.) ______Inspecting a Naval yard.

17.) ______Inviting Congressional leaders to lunch in the White House.

18.) ______Making a patriotic speech on the Fourth of July.

19.) ______Presenting the ‘State of the Union’ before a Joint Session of Congress.

20.) ______Reading reports about internal problems within the FBI.

21.) ______Signing a bill of Congress into law.

22.) ______Traveling to London to meet with British leaders.

23.) ______Traveling to Ohio to speak at a rally for a potential U.S. Senator.

24.) ______Writing a message or a letter to the leaders of the Soviet Union.

25.) ______Issuing an Executive Order to the Department of the Interior concerning national parks.

26.) ______Diplomatically recognizing the newly created State of Israel.