Minutes of STOKE Climsland parish council

held on Monday 18th April 2016 commencing at 8.30 Pm in the Parish hALL

PRESENT: N COOPER (Chairman), P BARRIBALL, S Cazaly, J COUMBE,D Crawley, J forbes, M Howlett, S Ross,




SC 16/04/1 Apologies for absence: None

SC 16/04/2 Declarations of Interest: N Cooper in SPA16/02852; P Barriball in Grass Cutting contract.

SC 16/04/3 Public Session: None

SC16/04/4 Minutes: The minutes were accepted. It was proposed by M Howlett and seconded by S Ross that the minutes were signed. All agreed.

SC 16/04/5 Matters Arising

1. Replacement of Councillor: N Cooper has spoken to S Bruna who has volunteered to join the Parish Council. It was proposed by M Howlett and seconded by J Coumbe that she is co-opted onto the Parish Council and that she is invited to the next Parish Council Meeting. In a vote 8 member voted for and 1 abstained.

2. Improvements to Luckett car park: C Vulliamy reported that she had spoken to owners of some of the cars. They reported that the cars are used. Some owners had more than one car parked in the car park. N Cooper noted that some of the cars were registered as SORN and others had no MOT or tax. It was pointed out that the car park was not intended as a storage area for boats or bangers. C Vulliamy suggested that she speaks to the owners about this and report back at the next meeting. In response to a letter about the path in the car park, it was agreed that the clerk should gat quotes for the repair. It was noted that at a previous meeting the Parish council had decided not to put a light in the car park. There followed a discussion about extending the car park. Various options were considered. It was suggested that the Parish council visited the site. After further discussion it was agreed that the clerk would bring terms for the purchase of the car park to the next meeting along with a quote for increasing the parking space to the right of the entrance.

3. Grit Bin survey: There are 5 grit bins in the Parish; 2 in Luckett, 1 at Higherland, 2 in Downgate, 2 in Stoke Climsland and 1 in Venterdon. After some discussion it was agreed that there were grit bins needed in other areas, dependant on the steepness of the road and the number of houses. It was proposed by C Vulliamy and seconded by P Barriball that there should be 3 new bins, at Trehigsta, Tutwell and Beals Mill. In a vote 6 voted for and the rest abstained.

4. Tender for Grass cutting Contract: Two contracts were discussed, the Grass Cutting contract and the Footpath contract. Two tenders had been received for each. There followed a discussion about the tenders. For each tender the quotes were significantly different. It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by S Ross that the lowest quote for each tender should be taken. In a vote 6 voted for and 1 abstained. It was agreed that N Holding should have the contract for Footpaths and N Pethick should have the contract for Grass Cutting.

5. Parish Clerk extra time for work for Transparency code: The clerk handed out a timesheet for the average hours worked in a month and the suggested increase in hours to cover the transparency Code. The clerk left the room. There followed a discussion about the increase in hours for the clerk. It was proposed by J Coumbe and seconded by S Cazaly that the hours should be increased to 40 hours per month. All agreed. It was agreed that the hourly rate paid should be discussed at the next meeting.

SC 16/04/6 Planning:

Cornwall Council list of Application;

PA16/02852: Mr Wayne Stephens, Land South Of Chy - An - Meneth Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall: Construction of detached three bedroom bungalow with detached double garage (Revised design to application no. PA15/02576). The Parish Council supported this application.

Pre Planning PA16/00954: Mssrs Jenkins And Bartlett, Land Rear Of Basil Southcoombe Road Downgate Callington Cornwall: Construction of dwelling without compliance with condition 5 (existing highway boundary to be lowered) of PA14/02177: The owner of Basil also owns the wall and doesn’t want it removed or lowered. The Parish Council has other issues with the application; regarding the sewage and the size of the proposed development. It has been suggested that the proposed building will not fit on the site. Also, part of the application was to have parking for two cars and a turning space for these cars. The Parish Council did not support the application although it was accepted by Cornwall Council. N Cooper has spoken to the agents who say that there is little traffic on the road, but he had only been there about 45 minutes. The agent has suggested that the entrance can be through the lane but T Lightfoot owns the lane and has said that this is not possible. The agent has also suggested that there is sufficient view from the entrance to enable cars to exit safely and the pre-planning application is designed to encourage a site visit from the Highways Officer. After much discussion it was proposed by C Vulliamy and seconded by D Crawley that with reference to our comment on the previous application we cannot see any of the solutions as being practical. The gate way to T Lightfoot’s property is not an option. In a vote all agreed.

PA16/00683: Mr Ray Westlake, Winsor Court Kelly Bray Callington Cornwall PL17 8HE: Retention of metal framed shed. This application was considered at the last meeting. It was agreed to have a site meeting to look at the shed. A quorum of the Parish Council attended the site meeting. After looking at the site it was agreed that the Parish Council should support the application on condition that the shed is used for recreational purposes only.

Refusals, Approvals and Appeal

PA16/00921:Mrs Sharon Sleep, Glenmoor Road From Junction North Of Eureka House To Junction North East Of Sunningdale Higher Downgate Callington PL17 8HL; Retrospective application for amendments to layout of previously approved annex ref: PA13/11267. The Parish Council supported this application, however an email was received from the Planning Officer stating that they were minded to decline the application on the grounds that the property was not an annex but a new house on open land, which did not conform to the original application. N Cooper contacted the Planning Officer to state that we had not considered this as a retrospective application, but as a new application. He also pointed out that there were 6 other applications within 400 yards of this property which had been accepted. The Parish Council has asked that this goes to the Planning Committee. N Cooper has been informed that the property cannot be considered as an annex, as S Sleep is living in the annex and a tenant in the main house. An annex must be supported by the main building and cannot stand alone. It was agreed to look into this in order to resolve the problem.

SC 16/04/7 Items for Report and Discussion

1. Report from Cllr Burden: Cllr Burden stated that only 92% primary students got their first choice of school. This was lower than in previous years. Transport Planning are discussing the problems of car parking and traffic around schools.

2. Report on site meeting with people in Venterdon: Five members of the Parish Council met with 12 people who live in Venterdon who supported the provision of the bus shelter. One letter of objection has been received. A site for the helter was identified and the clerk was asked to contact the highways officer to request a meeting at the site. The people from Venterdon want a simple wooden shelter similar to the one on the Green. Cllr Burden suggested asking if Cornwall Council would supply a bus shelter.

3. Internet to Parish Hall: There is now internet in the Parish Hall. A projector has also been supplied. Information about connection to the internet can be obtained from the Post Office.

4. Election of police and Crime commissioner: The election for the Police Commissioner is on the 5th May 2016. Information on who is standing can be found in the Old School News and at the Post Office.

SC 16/04/8 Highways and Maintenance:

Concern was expressed that a new sign had been put up at the junction of Sand Lane and Luckett Hill. It was pointed out that this will lead to more HGVs going down Sand Lane with is not suitable for HGVs. The sign pointing this out is just above the junction so HGV drivers have on option but to travel on roads that are unsuitable. The Clerk was asked to contact highways to ask that a sign be put up at the top of the Hill to prevent HGVs coming down the Hill. Sand Lane is in a poor state and needs repair. The Stoke Climsland Villlage sign needs repair. The road from Lidwell to Broadgate has numerous potholes.

There has been flytipping at the Downgate turning just above Shuta, as well as Jerico Lane. It appears that someone has been house clearing and dumped the rubbish in the road. A camper van was seen on Saturday carrying rubbish just before it was dumped. D Crawley picked up what appeared to be a Wendy House from Sand Lane.

SC 16/04/9 Correspondence:

Letter about Venterdon Bus Shelter.

NHS Peninsular News

Caradon Network Panel Meeting agenda.

SC 16/04/10 Finance:

Payments: Cheques for £846.30 were written for the clerk’s wages, CALC membership and Duck Food.

Receipts: None.

The cash flow was presented. It was proposed by P Barriball and seconded by S Ross that this is accepted. All agreed.

SC 16/04/11 Items for Agenda for next meeting:

Luckett Allotments

Clerk Hourly pay

Overhead projector

Damage to Style at Higher Hampt

Notice Board replacement.

Luckett Car Park

Highway signs
Daffodil Food

Mr A Long

SC 16/04/12 Date and Time of Next Meeting

8.00 pm in The Parish Hall on 16th May 2016

Clerk: Mrs Power, Top Flat, Half Moon Court, Stoke Climsland PL17 8NY

Tel: 01579 370819


website: www.stokeclimslandparish.org