CDAA Annual Report1

/ CDAA Annual Report
April 2015


The Career Development Association of Alberta (CDAA) is proud to have served the career development community for the past 18 years and is optimistically looking forward to the future.

This past year has been an exciting one. With renewed interest in and commitment to career development throughout the province, and nationally, there has been a steady increase in the number of inquiries about the association, membership, and partnership opportunities. The Board, Board Committees, and Chapters continue to execute the association’s strategic directions which include strengthening and growing the association, engaging the membership, and positioning CDAA in the community.

Following is a summary of the work that has been conducted on your behalf this year, the achievements of the association, and some recommendations for the coming year:

Committee Reports

Strategic Direction #1: Strengthen and Grow the Association

Governance / Finance Committee Update (Dorothy / Scott)

Annual objectives:

1. Developing a budget for the year

2. Tracking the budget throughout the year

3. Discussing new initiatives in the context of the budget

4. Reporting budget activities to the Board of Directors and to the members

The CDAA continues to be as proactive as possible in developing its annual budget while adapting to the opportunities and unexpected expenses that present themselves throughout the year. It is important to the Board of Directors that your membership dollars are used strategically and that you are aware of how the funds are being used.

The association continues to run primarily on volunteers with three paid contractors, on a part time basis, providing operational support. Having an Executive Director, an Administrator / Registrar, and a Communications Coordinator is essential to managing the day to day business of the association. The consistency that is afforded by having these positions in place is invaluable.

While some line items have been overspent others have been underspent which leaves the CDAA on track to maintain a balanced budget for 2014/2015. The association was presented with several opportunities to take advantage of discounted volume purchases of career development books; these discounts were then extended to members. Opportunities to promote the association and the conference were also provided for a reasonable fee. Additional hours required by the contract staff to complete projects as directed by the Board were also required. Unexpected office equipment expenses were also incurred this year.

In order to continue to implement some of the strategic plans and projects that the association will be undertaking for the coming year additional hours will be required by the contractors. Strengthening and growing the association, engaging the membership, and positioning CDAA in the community as well as keeping up with the increased cost of operations will require additional financial resources. Currently the only source of revenue for the association is membership fees and conference revenues. To ensure the association is able to meet its obligations and to secure the resources required to implement the strategic plans of the association a 5% membership fee increase will be implemented in September 2015. The CDAA has not levied a fee increase since 2012.

Recommendations for 2015/2016 include:

  • Adding an administrative fee to all event registration fees in order to cover credit card / PayPal / cheque processing fees which are a significant expense for the association
  • Including a budget line for GST payable
  • Separating ACDC revenue / expenses from CDAA revenue / expenses
  • Sourcing an affordable and effective online registration program and payment program (ie: cancel current credit card service provider and use PayPal exclusively)
  • Building an administrative fee for CDAA contractor time into the ACDC budget

A draft budget for 2015/2016 is attached for your reference.

Effective April 9, 2015 the CDAA bank account balance is $63,803.11, a decrease of approximately $30,000.00 from this time last year, with a PayPal balance to be transferred of $6,176.00. The Board moved $20,000.00 into a GIC in February 2015 which accounts for a portion of the $30,000 deficit. The additional deficit is accounted for by the budgeted bank draw to balance the 2014/2015 budget and revenues not yet received.

The 2013 / 2014audit was completed in early 2015 for year ending August 31, 2014, by Crowe MacKay, with no concerns noted. Crowe MacKay is being recommended as the auditor for 2015 / 2016 and has already been approved as the auditor for 2014 / 2015. Audited financial statements are attached for your reference.

Registration/ Standards and Certification Committee Update (Scott Fisher)

Annual objectives:

1. Begin a review of the career development education / training criteria grid which is used for the pre-approval of post-secondary programs for the CCDP certification process.

2. Continue on in a lead role with the Canadian Council for Career Development (CCCD) Certification Working Group.

3. Promote the CDAA, and CCDP designation, provincially, nationally, and internationally as a leading organization in the professionalization of career development.


This year the committee finalized and presented a CCDP Leave Policy to the CDAA Board of Directors for adoption. The policy was passed by the Board at the November 3, 2014 Board meeting and came into effect immediately. The Leave Policy is intended to provide CCDPs with some flexibility related to their individual circumstances that may prevent them from performing their career development work for a period of time due to maternity / parental leave, illness, or injury. Other circumstance may also be considered. CCDPs accessing this policy will receive up to a one (1) additional year to meet their requirements for re-certification which include a minimum of 1,500 hours of accumulated work experience and 45 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

The committee remains a key and active member of the Canadian Council for Career Development (CCCD) Certification Working Group. Certification reciprocity and harmonization remain at the forefront of discussions at the national level as does the value of certification for all stakeholders, including practitioners. Two sub-working groups have been formed to further these discussions: one to develop a comprehensive Canadian stakeholder survey, and the other to identify the core elements of the various certifications and to determine the minimum requirements for certification.

The Certification Working Group has been represented at various career development conferences across Canada to talk about certification and engage practitioners in conversations about certification. In broadening its presence on an international front, the CDAA will be represented at the National Career Development Association (NCDA) annual conference in Denver, Colorado. Furthermore, the committee has supported the submission and acceptance of the CDAA’s Executive Director to represent Canada, as a member of Team Canada, at the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP) symposium in Des Moines, Iowa.

A significant task identified for this year was the review of the criteria grid used to pre-approve career development post-secondary education programs. A sub-committee has been formed to start the review process and this will continue into the coming year. This activity is needed to gauge whether the CDAA is current with changing technology, program delivery, and the evolution of career development professionalization across Canada. As more provincial associations create certification programs and as the career development education and training landscape changes the association needs to be able to adapt to these changes.

A new membership category, Organizational Membership, was developed and adopted by the CDAA Board of Directors withinput from the Registration / Standards and Certification Committee. Since its launch in November 2014 five (5) organizations have become members. This is yet another example of how the CDAA is adjusting to current realities and developing association tools to strengthen and grow the association.

The CDAA continues to adapt and change to maintain the vitality and health of the association. The establishment and development of professional associations in other provinces is encouraging and the CDAA is continually sought out for its leadership and experience in this regard. Conversations with British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Ontario have been instrumental in the development of their certification programs. The CDAA now has reciprocity agreements in place with the British Columbia Career Development Association (BCCDA) and the New Brunswick Career Development Action Group (NBCDAG). Saskatchewan and Manitoba have, and continue to access CDAA, for leadership and guidance regarding the establishment of their own provincial associations.

Current membership numbers (as of April 10, 2015):

Calgary / Central / Edmonton / North / North of 60 / South / No Chapter / TOTAL
Total / 139 / 13 / 76 / 10 / 2 / 28 / 7 / 275
May 2014 / 128 / 8 / 80 / 10 / 5 / 25 / 8 / 264
Associate / 73 / 7 / 40 / 4 / 2 / 19 / 1 / 146
May 2014 / 60 / 5 / 44 / 5 / 4 / 14 / 2 / 134
Certified / 49 / 4 / 26 / 5 / 0 / 9 / 4 / 97
May 2014 / 53 / 2 / 29 / 4 / 1 / 11 / 4 / 104
Pre-Certified / 10 / 1 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 14
May 2014 / 12 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 15
Honorary / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 4
May 2014 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 4
Life / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 5
May 2014 / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 5
Sr. Assoc. / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
May 2014 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Student / 1 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 4
May 2014 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2
Organization / 3 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 5

Membership numbers from previous years:

2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009
Members / 275 / 264 / 277 / 274 / 298 / 326 / 349
Certified Members / 97 / 104 / 104 / 124 / 137 / 146

Alberta Career Development Conference (ACDC) Planning Committee Update (Paula Wischoff Yerama)

Annual objectives:

1. Plan and host the second annual Alberta Career Development Conference (ACDC).

2. Refine processes for the planning and hosting of future Alberta Career Development Conferences.

3. Secure dates and a location for ACDC 2016; details regarding ACDC 2016 will be announced at ACDC 2015.


Thanks to the commitment of a small but incredibly dedicated and hardworking committee the details of ACDC 2015 were put in place well ahead of schedule, in part due to having many documents and processes already in place from ACDC 2014.

With the success of ACDC 2014 still fresh in everyone’s mind several changes to the program were made including shorter conference hours and more opportunities to engage with exhibitors and network with colleagues. The theme for ACDC 2015 (Get Current) and the keynote speakers (Rich Feller and Todd Hirsch) could not have been more appropriate given the economic climate in Alberta. There was no conference registration fee increase for 2015 and every effort will be made to ensure the conference remains an affordable and accessible professional development opportunity for the career development community.

We were able to onboard several Supporting Organizations this year and were very close to meeting our targeted delegate and exhibitor booth targets.

Many thanks to everyone who has made ACDC 2015 possible.

Strategic Direction #2: Engage the Membership

Membership and Chapter Development Committee Update (Victoria Chio)

Annual objectives:

1. Maintaining connections with Chapter Planning Committees and developing professional development, networking, and communications strategies / opportunities that are relevant to each region.

2. Enhancing regular collaboration and communication between Chapter Planning Committees throughout the year for renewed chapter support and motivation; contributing to Career Momentum; and providing regional flexibility for Chapter Planning Committees to connect with their members through media they prefer.

3. Facilitating the planning and delivery of a “Fall Multi-Chapter Event”.


The 2014 “Fall Multi-Chapter Event” was held in Edmonton, Red Deer, and Calgary in October. Close to 100 Career Development Practitioners from various industries attended “Building Employment Readiness: Addressing the Soft Skills Gap” facilitated by Valerie Ward. Attendees were provided with an overview of the Employment Readiness Scale™ (ERS), the changing world of work, and how to build soft skills training into career and employment services.

Throughout the year there have been various events, workshops, and social events hosted by the Chapter Planning Committees that have engaged current members and attracted new members. A few examples include Edmonton’s “Who’s Who in Career Development” networking event, Calgary’s “Driving Your Career” Spring event, monthly “Lunch and Learns” at the Calgary Public Library, and social events held throughout the year.

The Membership and Chapter Development Committee is committed to maintaining regular communication and dialogue to gain shared perspectives on career development practice trends anddemands in each region. Through face to face and online meetings the Chapter Planning Committees have an opportunity to develop programming that works for their regions and their members.

In order to provide access to quality and relevant professional development to as many members and Career Development Practitioners as possible different delivery modes, such as webinars (recorded or real-time) are being explored. The geographical diversity of the CDAA membership means that in person opportunities aren’t always feasible so alternate delivery methods are increasingly important. The CDAA is pleased to share education, training, and professional development opportunities offered through other organizations, agencies, and service providers with its members as well.

Strategic Direction #3: Promote CDAA in the Community

Marketing and Communications Committee Update(Tracey Campbell)

Annual objectives:

1. Raising awareness of the association to potential members.

2. Retaining and increasing engagement of existing members.

3. Building the CDAA brand as a respected association with industry and the public.


1. CDAA Promotional Tools and Initiatives

  • Community Connector is a monthly publication designed to keep you current and connected with the association business and activities, and the career development field. The first issue was sent out to members and key stakeholders in September 2014. The CDAA Executive Director compiles and develops this piece of communication.
  • A NEW Ambassador Kit includes a series of tip sheets to help members market the CDAA. These tip sheets are available online to enable members to reference and forward key messaging on to others. Tip sheets can be used as a package or stand-alone information products.
  • CDAA pins, mugs, and postcards provide all members the opportunity to promote CDAA in the community. Promotional items were designed to engage the public, clients, and colleagues in conversations about career development.
  • The Executive Director and CDAA Board of Directors have made themselves available to make presentations to members of the career development community.
  • Show your CDAA pride by wearing your CDAA pin, displaying your member or CCDP certificate, and using the CDAA logo proudly.

2. Social Media

  • The CDAA has become increasingly more involved with social media. Members are encouraged to follow the CDAA on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Discussion groups provide members with a chance to discuss a variety of issues and explore linkages to other career development connections.

Our members can influence career development decisions in Alberta and contribute to the national voice.

3. Career Momentum

  • Career Momentum is a quarterly, members-only newsletter published by the CDAA. It serves as the primary vehicle for sharing information of interest to career practitioners in Alberta and beyond. Each issue is organized around a pre-determined theme. We are committed to introducing you to our new members and alerting you to upcoming events and opportunities. This year we added several new features:

Career Currents – highlights provincial, national, and international news

Industry & Labour Market Information Profile

Alberta Career Development Conference Update

Guest articles solicited by the editorial team featuring career development experts and other industry specialists.

4. Advertising and Promotions Policy

  • The CDAA has a new advertising and promotions policy to provide individuals and organizations with opportunities to promote events, career practitioner resources, and job advertisements. For more information:
  • The Marketing and Communications Committee is excited and pleased to present members and non-members with an opportunity to promote and advertise with the CDAA.

***Please note that there are discounts available to members and member organizations.

Over the next year the Marketing and Communications Committee will be reviewing the current content and structure of the CDAA website, adding information that is missing, and increasing the content for members, non-members, and the public. Opportunities to add more multi-media for an enhanced user experience will also be explored.

The Marketing and Communications Committee would like to thank CDAA Communications Coordinator, Carol Pylypow and Executive Director, Paula Wischoff Yerama for assisting the committee with refreshing the Career Momentum, and developing and designing our new Ambassador Kit. Special thanks also to Kayla Bagnell for her commitment to the committee. The committee wishes her well with her studies. The committee is fortunate to have members that are enthusiastic, energetic, and committed to excellence. New members are always welcome. If you are interested in joining the Marketing and Communications Committee, or know someone who might be interested, please contact the CDAA Administrator.

CDAA Volunteer Recognition

Volunteers will be recognized with a certificate of appreciation and volunteer credit letter at the Awards and Networking Reception on April 30, 2015. If you volunteered with the CDAA this past year and your name is not listed below please contact Paula Wischoff Yerama at . Please accept our most sincere apology if we have missed you!

CDAA Board of Directors / Committee Chairs:

  • Dorothy Ritz – Chair
  • Scott Fisher – Treasurer, Registration / Standards and Certification Committee Chair
  • Vicky Chio – Director, Membership and Chapter Development Committee Chair, ACDC Supportive Member
  • Tracey Campbell – Director, Marketing and Communication Committee Chair, ACDC Sponsorship and Exhibitor Chair
  • Arlayna Alcock – Director, ACDC Supportive Member
  • Shirley McBride – Director, ACDC Volunteer Chair
  • Freddi Dogterom – Director (resigned)
  • Elizabeth Solecki – Director

CDAA Contract Staff:

  • Paula Wischoff Yerama, Executive Director / ACDC Planning Committee Chair
  • Alice Funk, Administrator / Registrar
  • Carol Pylypow, Communications Coordinator

Registration / Standards and Certification Committee Members: