Friday, March 27, 2015, Diane Remy Dance Studio


President Arthur Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:00am. Present were membersHelen Bohman, Roberta Hilgendorf, Ann Hoppert Keller,Katherine King,Arthur Johnson, Louise Mann, Tricia Marton, Bonnie Shimulunas, Jane Voigt, Drea Wagner, and Marlene Wondergem.


The minutes of theJanuary 30, 2015 meeting were summarized (having been prior distributed to members.) Louise Mannmoved and Ann Hoppert Kellerseconded that the minutes be accepted.

  2. President Report—Arthur Johnson

National Guild dates will be May 7 and 8 with the entry deadline in the mid-April. Teachers can contact Jane Voigt for more information.

Dr. Johnson announced that this will be his last year as MMTA president. Additionally, his position at Lakeland College has been eliminated, and he is considering new positions for the future.

  1. Vice President Report—Ann Hoppert Keller

Ann Hoppert Keller announced that Robert Vandall will be our September presenter. Members who have ideas regarding publicity for this event are invited to speak with a member of the executive board.

Members are encouraged to contact Ann with updates about studio openings and offerings so she can keep our member referral list updated.

Volunteers are needed to bring refreshments to the May meeting.

The next coffee cadence is Friday, April 24.

  1. Composition Contest

PruPalecekannounced that Christopher Goldston will be the adjudicator this year. Postmark deadline is March 28, and the honors recital will be April 25, 2:00pm at Lakeland College.

  1. Young Musical Stars Committee

Tricia Martonreported that the YMS concert will be May 2, 2015. The first concert will start at 1:00. Over 100 participants in over 120 acts have been entered by 18 teachers. Morning rehearsal will be 8:00-11:00; students may not stay at the Weill Center unattended between rehearsal and the first concert. Proceeds from the concert will fund the 2015-2016 MMTA Awards.

  1. Awards Committee

Tricia Marton reported that summer music camp award applications are due April 30. Music Study Award is due April 11; the winner will be announced at the Young Musical Stars Concert. Application details are available on the MMTA website.

  2. Publicity Ideas—Katherine King

Katherine and Drea are recommending MMTA host a brat fry that would publicize MMTA to area music students and parents. The goal would be to make them aware of the opportunities MMTA offers to area students (of both members and non-members), and to provide them with an invitation to find out more about MMTA that they could share with their teachers. Members with feedback about this idea should contact Katherine. Louise Mann suggested that Katherine assemble a publicity committee to choose a date in June and prepare a detailed plan about this event that can be shared at the May meeting.

Members also discussed reaching out to school music educators.

  1. Nominating Committee

Ann Hoppert Keller will contact Maryann Robinson and ask if she will chair a nominating committee for the 2015-2016 slate of officers.

  1. We Do It Recital

Elisabeth Daniels volunteered to coordinate the We Do It Recital this year.


No old business


Meeting adjourned by member consensus at 9:42am.

A list of dates of MMTA events and member events was included on the agenda.

Next MMTA meeting will be May 8, 2015, home of Bob Weber; We Do It Recital

Today’s program: Spanish Dance, presented by Diane Remy

Submitted by

Drea Wagner, NCTM