PRESENT: Chair: The Mayor – Councillor J Batt

Councillors: I Avery, A Gallico, M Gallico, T Handley, P Ireland, K Sewell, A Willoughby, C Willoughby and A Wright

Staff Present: The Clerk

Also Present: Ms A Coulthard & Mr G Lee (Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust) and District Councillor A Jones.

Late arrivals: None Early Departures: Cllr Anne Jones

C12/360 Item 1 – To receive Apologies for Inability to attend the meeting

Apologies were received from Councillors P Beardsell, H McNamara, P McNamara, C Reid and N Smith.

C12/361 Item 2 – Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

All declarations are personal, unless otherwise stated.

Councillor J Batt / Member of HBC and NYCC – will consider any same item at HBC/NYCC in the light of any new information.
Councillor P Ireland / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Councillor A Willoughby / Item 7 (NY/2012/0245/FUL) – Prejudicial – Part of Councillor A Willoughby’s household income is from NYCC.
Councillor C Willoughby / Member of HBC– will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Item 7 (NY/2012/0245/FUL) – Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – Part of Councillor A Willoughby’s household income is from NYCC.
Councillor A Wright / Item 7 (6.100.2861.FUL) – Carried out similar works on a house close to 32 Stockwell Grove. Councillor is also a friend of the resident of 15 Stockwell Crescent, which is the property to the side of 32 Stockwell Grove.
Item 7 (NY/2012/0245/FUL) – May benefit from playing on the new floodlit pitch at King James’s School.

C12/362 Item 3 – To consider and if thought fit approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 22nd October 2012

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 22nd October 2012

be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair (Nem Con).

C12/363 Item 4 – KTC Public Speaking Session

To come back to this item at a later stage in the meeting. The Chair moved to the

next item of business.

C12/364 Item 5 – Proposed Changes to Mental Health Services for Older People in the

Harrogate District:-

a)  Presentation from Director of Operations (North Yorkshire), Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust and to consider any matters arising from the presentation.

Mr G Lee advised Members that the Primary Care Trust are currently running a Public Consultation about the In-Patient Service at Alexander House. This is a robust public engagement process and they will consider the responses of all representations.

Ms Coulthard informed Members that there was an obvious need to ensure that best service possible was being delivered. Funding is limited so we must use it as effectively as we possibly can. There is a need to provide:

·  A good quality mental health service;

·  An In-Patient Facility;

·  More community care;

·  Acute Liaison Services; and

·  Nursing Home and Care Home Liaison.

There is an urgent need to boost the Community facility.

Alexander House will, in all probability, be a hub for the Community Mental Health teams and the Memory Management Services in this area. Along side this there will be Outreach Clinics in other areas such as Wetherby and Boroughbridge. To achieve all of the above we must remove the resources from the In-Patient Facility and reduce the number of beds in the area.
Members were given the opportunity to put questions to Ms Coulthard and Mr Lee.
The Mayor brought the presentation to a close by thanking the representatives for attending the meeting and for their informative presentation.

b)  Email dated 15th October 2012 from Engagement Manager, North Yorkshire and Humber Commissioning Support Unit.

RESOLVED: Receive and note.

C12/365 Item 4 – KTC Public Speaking Session

There were no members of the public who wished to speak, the Chair moved to the next item of business.

C12/366 Item 6 – Business Remaining from Previous Meeting(s)

a)  Knaresborough Castle Archaeology – Email dated 29th October 2012 from On Site Archaeology.

RESOLVED: That KTC respond thanking On Site Archaeology for their email and that we will

leave it to their expertise. It was agreed that KTC would not provide facilities (Unanimous).

The Clerk queried whether the above resolution meant that the office should no longer contact schools and community organisations with a view to them visiting the site. This was confirmed by Members.

C12/367 Item 7 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to

Knaresborough and make such observations thereon as may be appropriate

/ Applicant / Details of Application / KTC Comments
12/03897/FUL / Mr G Baines / Felling of 1 Lime Tree, tree T1 of Tree Preservation Order No 37/1996 – Linden, Wetherby Road. / i)  KTC have no objections subject to the Arboriculturalist’s Report.
ii)  If the tree is removed it should be replaced with a tree suitable for this site.
12/03577/FUL / Mr T Beaumont / Erection of single storey and two storey extensions – Marsden, Forest Moor Road. / i)  KTC object on the grounds that it is a substantial increase to the footprint.
ii)  It is within the Green Belt.
12/03800/FUL / Mr A Kilduff / Erection of two storey and single storey extension – 4 Widdale Road. / No objections (Unanimous)
12/02918/FUL / Mr & Mrs A Broadley / Erection of 1 dwelling with new vehicular access (site area 0.01ha) – 32 Stockwell Grove. / KTC are concerned about the proximity of development to 15 Stockwell Crescent and would seek assurance that this development does not become overbearing to that property re: privacy and light issues.
Councillor A Jones referred to the possibility of a site visit to 32 Stockwell Grove prior to the meeting and it was
RESOLVED: To request a site visit to 32 Stockwell Grove by the HBC planning committee. (Unanimous)
Councillor A Jones left the meeting at this point.
Having declared a prejudicial/disclosable pecuniary interest in the following item (Planning Application NY/2012/0245/FUL) Councillors A Willoughby and C Willoughby left the Chamber and took no part in the voting or discussion thereon.
The Mayor stated that he did not intend to take part in any discussion on the following application. He was glad to let anyone else take the Chair if they wished to do so. Members agreed that the Mayor should remain in the Chair.
NY/2012/0245/FUL / NYCC / Consultation on planning application for the installation of 8 no. 15 metre high floodlight columns on land at King James’s School, King James Road. / To support the application but request that all of the flood lights are focused directly onto the playing field so that they cause little or no disruption to residents and that lights are switched off by 10-10:30pm (Nem con).

* Item to be determined by HBC Head of Planning/Head of Planning /Chair of Planning Committee.

** Item to be determined by Planning Committee.

C12/368 Item 8 – Planning Correspondence

a)  Planning Enforcements

i)  Confidential Papers (2)

ii)  Outcome of Investigations

Ø  Enforcement/Case No: 12/00401/PR15

Location: Park Grove Methodist Church, Park Grove
Complaint: Use of car park as children’s playground
Outcome: No substantial evidence that demonstrates a harmful change of use requiring the commencement of planning enforcement action – no further action to be taken.

RESOLVED: Receive and note (Unanimous).

b)  To note outcome of appeals against HBC’s refusal of planning permission:-

6.100.235.L.FUL – Erection of single storey extensions, raising of roof height and conversion of roof space to form additional living accommodation with the erection of 2 dormer windows to front and 2 to rear | Sundowne, Forest Moor Road – Appeal Dismissed.

RESOLVED: Receive and note (Unanimous).

C12/369 Item 9 -To note date of the HBC Planning Committee – Tuesday 7th November 2012, 2pm at Crescent Gardens, Harrogate at which the following planning application for Knaresborough is to be discussed:

a)  6.100.125.I.COUMAJ | Change of Use of farm to equine breeding unit and temporary retention of siting of mobile home for use as 1 key worker dwelling | Three Gates Farm, Cass Lane | Applicant: Mr M Smith

HBC Officer Recommendation: That the application be granted temporary permission subject to conditions (see Officer report - available online).
KTC Comments: The Town Council object to this application on the following grounds:

i)  It is in the Green Belt

ii)  Cass Lane is a very narrow road and there will be an increase in traffic

iii)  It is an unsustainable location.

RESOLVED: That Councillor A Willoughby attends the above meeting and speaks on behalf of


C12/370 Item 10 -To consider the following Correspondence:

a)  Management Agreement of Knaresborough House (present agreement expires March 2013) – Email dated 24th October 2012 from Chief Facilities Officer, HBC.

RESOLVED: That Council responds to HBC by saying that in principal it wishes to remain in

Knaresborough House and we would like HBC to indicate its proposals for this building and the future terms of any lease (Unanimous).

Members were concerned for the Clerk, that this time of year is busy anyway, but especially with her members of staff retiring and beginning Maternity Leave.


i)  That Councillors J Batt, T Handley, A Willoughby, C Willoughby and A Wright form the Knaresborough House Management Agreement Working Group;

ii)  That Mr Alan Benton (former Clerk of this Council) be asked to assist the Working Group as he helped to negotiate the original management agreement;

iii)  That Mr Alan Benton be provided with a small gift to thank him for his help

(if he agrees to assist the Working Group);

iv)  That the Terms of Reference for this Working Group be as follows:

a)  To investigate the future possibilities and arrangements for the terms of any future lease for Knaresborough House, with regard to any changes from HBC (Unanimous).

C12/371 Item 11 - Reports of Committees/Working Groups:

a)  To approve the recommendations of the Office Services Committee meeting held on Wednesday 31st October 2012 – Chair of OSC to report.

The Chair reported that the Committee approved the early retirement of the Deputy Clerk providing the ‘Member suffers reduction’.


i)  That Council continues with the procedure to recruit a Deputy Clerk on the basis of 21 hours per week.

ii)  The Clerk is authorised to spend a sum, within budget, to advertise the Deputy Clerk’s position in accordance with the agreements of the Office Services Committee.

iii)  The next Council agenda should include an item for Council to consider giving the Office Services Committee delegated financial powers for advertising.

iv)  The Clerk and the Chair of Office Services Committee are authorised to approve amendments to the Deputy Clerk’s job description and Person Specification prior to the advert being published.

b)  To note and approve any recommendations of the Emergency Response Working Group meeting held on 17th September 2012.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

c)  To note and approve any recommendations of the Emergency Response Working Group meeting held on 15th October 2012.


i)  That the report be noted.

ii)  That on the next agenda, Council will consider upgrading this Working Group to a Committee with delegated powers.

d)  Minutes of the Christmas Lights Working Group meeting held on 19th October 2012 – To consider report and approve the recommendations.

The Clerk raised the following queries:

·  Have the Working Group realised that the Council need to get the relevant permissions from property owners on Kirkgate/Silver Street before the lights go up? (this is clearly laid out in the contract)

And are the traders aware that the lights are only hired for this year?

·  Have the group checked that the entertainers have appropriate insurance cover as we will need copies for the risk assessment?

·  Have the group checked that Santa’s grotto, the hot chestnut stall, the hot food and hot drinks providers all have the appropriate insurance cover as we will need copies for the risk assessment?

·  The Clerk also pointed out that the risk assessment was completed in January 2012 and will now need to be altered substantially.

A suggestion was made that OSC look at the Council’s public liability insurance.


i)  That Council commissions our lighting contractor to build, install and light a stage to accommodate the Mayor and his party at the Christmas Lights Switch On Ceremony at a price of £285.00.

ii)  That Council contracts with our lighting contractor to hire and erect ‘Seasons Greetings’ on the wall of the Conservative Club at a price of £375.00 and to hire and erect string lights crossing the Market Place at a price of £500.00.

iii)  That Council contracts with our lighting contractor to hire and install lights in Kirkgate at a price of £500.00 and hire and install additional lighting in Silver Street at a price of £250.00.

The recommendation from the Working Group ‘That a bucket collection is taken during the entertainment which is to be split between all of the entertainers and the Silver Band and that Niamh who will lead the Carol Singing with the Rock Choir will be asked to switch the lights on with the Mayor’ was not approved by Council and postponed until the next meeting so that the Clerk can make enquiries and get confirmation regarding the need for permission for the ‘bucket collection’ and the viability of making donations to the performers.

C12/372 Item 12 – Motions Submitted by Members

None. The Chair moved to the next item of business.

C12/373 Item 13 – Reports from Clerk

None. The Chair moved to the next item of business.

C12/374 Item 14 – To receive the following documents

a)  County Area Committee for the Harrogate District, Results of Election to Fill Casual Vacancies for two Co-opted Members – Letter dated 24th October 2012 sent on behalf of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services).

The Mayor emphasised how KTC had fought for a place on the County Area Committee for the Harrogate District. The Mayor expressed that he was very disappointed to learn that the approved Councillor had not submitted the paperwork. The Mayor stressed that the next time a casual vacancy arises we should make certain that a nomination is put forward by this Council.