Edmond Santa Fe Snow PackSpeech and Debate Tournament
January 29th and 30th, 2015
You are cordially invited to Santa Fe’s annual Speech and Debate Tournament. We are excited to carry on the excellent tradition formed here at Santa Fe and at all EdmondareaHigh Schools and look forward to a healthy competition. Please find all pertinent information following, and don’t hesitate to contact Brit McCabe or Robin Robinson with concerns or questions. (,).
ENTRY PROCEDURES: PLEASE READ! Entries should be emailed by Monday, January 25th by 4:00 pm to OR entered at Tabroom.com. Please refer to the OSSAA manual about late entries and add/drop fees for the tournament.
ENTRY CONFIRMATION: If you do not receive your entry confirmation and revised schedule by Thursday, January 28th, please contact us.
JUDGES: All judges and qualifications are due Wednesday, January 21st before 4:00pm. A school MUST provide coaches as well as people who meet the qualifications for judging to serve as a judge for the following:
One (1) IE Judge per twelve (12) individual event entries
One (1) LD Judge per four (4) LD debate entries
One (1) CX Judge per two (2) CX debate entries
One (1) PFD Judge per two (2) PFD debate entries
Failure to provide judges will result in an additional flat fee (see OSSAA book for amounts). Additionally, failure to provide judges will result in angry glares and grumpy tournament hosts. At this time, there are no limits to entries as long as everyone provides required judges.
All 5A and 6A IE’s, Policy and Lincoln Douglas and PFD debate will be held as well as Champs in all events. If a student has qualified, you must enter them as Champs.
We will be running three prelim rounds of debate on Friday, and will break all 2-1’s to Saturday.
DROPS AND ADDS: Entry fees will be assessed as of Tuesday at 4:00pm. We will follow OSSAA rules and guidelines, which means we will be charging for late adds as well.
*No Smoking (including E-Cigs) in the building or anywhere on our campus at all by anyone. We must disqualify any student smoking on our campus.
*No food or drinks in the classrooms.
*Students should not enter a classroom until a judge arrives.
Buses: Please park in the North parking lot and enter next to the gym, into the auditorium foyer. When arriving Friday, please check-in in the foyer and enter the auditorium until rounds begin.