Minutes of the Highways Committee Meeting

Held on Thursday 30th October 2014

at 06:00pm in the Parish Room

187/14 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Those present: Councillors G Constantine (Chairman), L Day, C Gibson, Cllr. Kitchen (County) and H Sherwin-Smith.

Also present Clerk Mary Burroughs, 3 members of the public and Steve Bicknell (WSCC Community Officer)

188/14 Declarations of Interests and Change to Register of Members’ Interests

There were no declarations of interest or changes notified to the Register of Members’ Interests

Public Session

Two members of the public spoke on the petition regarding speed restrictions on the A29. The Clerk advised that once again she had asked the Police to provide traffic data for the area and will do so again. She also advised that she had asked for mobile speed units in the area. Steve Bicknell advised that he could perhaps help with obtaining this data and also explained the process of obtaining a TRO. Cllr. Gibson advised that speeding is a key priority for the Police. The Clerk will request this information again so that the PC may review their position. It was also suggested that we explore a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) which will indicate to drivers the speed at which they are travelling.

One member of the public spoke on 3 matters

1.  Parking on the Corner of Clapgate Lane – this can be dealt with by the PCSO or no parking signs. WSCC has already advised that they are unlikely to put in yellow lines, they would not be enforced.

2.  Parking outside the Church gates – S Bicknell agreed to look to see if a keep clear sign on the road would be possible (has since advised that this will not be possible). It was suggested that signs or cones perhaps may be an option.

3.  Lyons Road – S Bicknell will write to a resident regarding a ditch that requires clearing; the Clerk is progressing the keep clear sign at the end of Lyons Road.

189/14 West Sussex County Council (other matters)

Operation Watershed – The Clerk provided an update to members. Cllr. Wellesley-Wood has submitted a grant for around £14k to WSCC to improve Hayes Lane drainage but a s278 agreement and a Health & Safety report has to be produced before the grant can be progressed further. This is being worked upon.

Speed limits

a.  A29 – 40/50 mph either end of the Slinfold village entrance, no overtaking lines;

b.  A281 – 50 mph Roman Gate to Clemsfold and on to Lawson Hunt;

Changes to any speed limits as noted above will be referred to the Parish Council for approval when accident data has been made available. See also public session above.

A264 - Five Oaks Road ’40 speed limit’– WSCC advised that they are still awaiting the data from speed surveys; when received they will share the same with he PC.

The Chairman thanked WSCC for attending.

190/14 Footpaths and Hedgerows

Routine Public Rights of Way (PROW) - Cllr. Day advised that ranger visits would be less frequent. The Clerk advised that we can also make referrals in between visits.

Lyons Road hedges – Cllr. Sherwin-Smith will make contact with the local landowner about cutting the hedges on the left hand side leaving the village.

LoveWestSussex – members of the public are encouraged to report highways issues using the website


191/14 Other Highways issues - None

192/14 Date of Next Meeting – January 2015 Meeting closed 7:15pm

Note from the September PC Meeting

i)  Speed Restrictions - A29, A264 and A281 - the Clerk had circulated further correspondence from the resident on Stane Street who was unhappy that the PC had not supported a request for a 40mph limit on the A29 together with other traffic calming measures for Park Street. The Parish Council continues to recognise that residents are concerned about speeding on the ‘A’ roads surrounding the village, as well as Lyons Road and they share these concerns but they are not convinced that a reduction in the speed limit to 40 or 50 mph on the ‘A’ roads is the answer, unless there is clear evidence to support the need for this. The Parish Council are however strongly in favour of the Police enforcing the speed limits that are in place.

Cllr. Gibson attended the HALC (Horsham Association of Local Councils) meeting on 18th September where Chief Inspector (CI) Howard Hodges, Inspector Claire McKnight and Jim Stobart (Operation Crackdown) were present, all representing Sussex Police.

Speeding, speed limits, noisy motorbikes all featured in the discussions with the Police. The CI said that Community Speed Watch use enforcement and education and that this can be arranged with the local PCSO (Slinfold are currently looking at this for Lyons Road) and the Police also have ‘Operation Vanquish’ working with the Road Policing Unit (RPU). The purpose of this unit is to provide traffic enforcement. The CI advised that the Police would not recommend a speed limit reduction unless there are fatality statistics. The Parish Council has asked the Police for the statistics for all ‘A’ roads around the village. The RPU looks at trends to identify whether a speed reduction is warranted or perhaps a speed camera. WSCC look at the history of the road, and statistics from the police can give greater weight for a speed reduction.

Having considered the strength of feeling registered by residents with regard to speed limits around the village the Parish Council welcomes further comment. It was reiterated that members of the public are welcome to attend the next meeting and put forward their point of view.