KCA Executive Board Meeting Minutes

July 15, 2015

Present: Tom Schmitt, John Lampe,John Snyder, Catherine Linaweaver,Kimberley Holm, Kristen King, Ashley Brown,Pat Dahl

  • Treasurer Report: John L. reported that KCA had a balance of $28,615.76 at the last Board meeting. Since then, three checks have been written: one was for $1,000 for the Law EnforcementTorch Run; one was for $115.80 to Studio Mercury for the website maintenance/management for the second half of this year; and one check was for $1,000 to the National Institute of Jail Operations for sponsorship costs associated with their upcoming conference in October of this year.. John L. noted that the Board received three credits toward the current balance: ACA dues in the amount of $17.50; a check for $720 from the Kansas Motor Speedway; and a check for $153. From the ACA for dues. The current KCA balance is $27,390.76. There are no outstanding bills and no deposits to make. A motion was made and passed to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
  • New Student Chapter President:The new incoming President of the Washburn University Kansas Correctional Association Student Chapter introduced herself to the Board. Her name is Kristen King (). Kristen is from Colby, Kansas and is a sophomore majoring in Criminal Justine and minoring in Military Studies at Washburn. Everyone welcomed Kristen.The board discussed accepting Kristen K. as the new Student Chapter President at the Board’s August meeting.
  • Pat Dahl Stepping Down: Pat D. used this opportunity to let the Board know that, regrettably, she has to step down from the Board as Secretary and from the Student Chapter as Faculty Advisor as part of the agreement to undertake a new role as Program Director for the Master of Criminal Justice program at Washburn. Pat will be replaced by her colleague, Dr. Erin Grant starting at the August board meeting. Dr. Grant is excited about working with the students as Faculty Advisor and with the board as a Washburn liaison. Pat will check with Dr. Grant to see if she is interested in the Secretary board position, too.
  • Jail Operations Conference: The jail operations conference will be held at Wyantotte Technical Services Building on October 15 and 16. NSA presenters are coming in and KCA will be a major sponsor of this event. It was noted that 5 to 7 board members can attend the event for free. John L., Kim H., and Cathy L. expressed an interest in attending the conference, if possible. The board discussed using the KCA banner (from the spring 2015 conference) for showcasing KCA at the jail operations conference. The board will also provide information about the KCA spring 2016 conference at the jail operations conference.
  • The next KCA Executive Board meeting will beheld at 0800 hours on Tuesday, August 18.


Patricia Dahl, Secretary

Kansas Correctional Association