6th Grade English Language Arts

Ms. Cabezas

Room 240


Supplies Needed for this Class:

One (1 ½” or 2”)three- ring binder (English only)

Wide Ruled Notebook Paper

Black/Marble Composition book (100 pages) wide ruled Highlighters (at least two) Checking pens


Colored pencils

Page Protectors

Personal mini pencil sharpener

Ear Buds

Grading Procedures

Assignments fall into these categories: Major Reading& Writing Grades (60%)Daily Grades (30%)and (10%) homework. Every three weeks parents will receive either a progress report or report card. Secondary schools are on a nine-week grading cycle now.

Make-up Work

It is the responsibility of the student to request and make up all work when absent. The student will have the same number of days to complete theassignments as the days they were absent. Requests for work to be sent home will be after three missed days. Request assignments from Mrs. Morris in the front office and you may schedule a pick-up day and time.

Weekly Tests

In order to keep students from having all of their tests on one day of the week, it is necessary to schedule weekly tests. The test days will be WednesdayandFriday.


Dictionaries are available for classroom use, but students having their

own dictionary is highly encouraged. This year the students will be able to

use a dictionary on the STAAR test in May.

Late Work

Any major or daily assignments will be accepted with a 10 point deduction up to three days. The fourth day may result in a zero.


Students will be expected to complete assignments legibly and neatly. Sixth graders will be working on their cursive penmanship at home. We realize that this skill that may have not been perfected and will work with students to learn proper cursive handwriting skills. Once perfected, the students may choose to neatly print or write in cursive. Most assignments will be in printed form, but must be legible and neatly prepared. Please practice at home and use this internet site to work with your child.

Classroom Expectations

Be Respectful- Show respect for self, teachers, other staff members, classroom peers and others.

Be Prepared- have chrome book charged daily, supplies, books and assignments each day.

Be Ready to Learn-be on time to class, copy any reminders, start on assignments and let others learn.

Please sign and return this information sheet. Students will keep thisin their binder for future reference. Thank you for your support, and I am looking forward to working with your son or daughter this year. We will work together for their success!

Student Name______Class Period______

Parent Name(print)______relationship______

Parent Signature______