of the
Mendocino CountyBoard of Supervisors
Recognizing the Recipients of the 2011 Art Champion Awards
as Nominated by the Community and
Selected by the Arts Council of MendocinoCounty:
Elizabeth Raybee, Artist; Pattie DeMatteo, Citizen;
Mendocino County Lodging Association & Visit Mendocino, Inc.,
a Business; and Carolyn Carpenter, Arts Educator
WHEREAS,October is National Arts and Humanities Month, the nation’s largest collective annual celebration of the arts and humanities, dedicated to help give millions of Americans the opportunity to explore new facets of the arts and humanities in their lives and encourage them to begin a lifelong habit of active participation; and
WHEREAS,the Arts Council of Mendocino County’s mission is to introduce, promote and benefit the arts in order to enrich the quality of life for the citizens of the county; and
WHEREAS,Elizabeth Raybee brought our community together to create “the Good Life Mendocino County,” a 10’ x 16’ community built mosaic mural, and in doing so brought government, businesses, non profits, and over 450 individuals aged 3-89 together to create a work of art that beautifully captures the many facets of daily life in Mendocino County; and
WHEREAS, Pattie DeMatteo, has showcased and featured local talent in her ongoing “Mendocino Stories” performing and literary arts series which draws locals and visitors alike; and
WHEREAS, the Mendocino County Lodging Association and Visit Mendocino County, Inc., have offered sponsorship, marketing assistance and partnership opportunities to local artists and galleries enabling them to benefit from County marketing efforts, including the development, printing, and distribution of multiple art publications; and
WHEREAS, Carolyn Carpenter gives her art students opportunities to share their talent with the wider community through murals, ceramic tile benches, banners, and the celebration of Laytonville historic personalities and in so doing builds her students’ confidence while celebrating and improving the town.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Mendocino, hereby recognizes Elizabeth Raybee, Pattie DeMatteo, Mendocino County Lodging Association/Visit Mendocino County, Inc., and Carolyn Carpenter as the 2011 Art Champions of Mendocino County, and calls upon its citizens to honor the contributions these individuals and organizations have made to our rich cultural life
Dated: October 25, 2011
Kendall Smith, Chair