membrane that seem to connect it’s under arms with the stomach area. Its whole body appeared to be covered with numerous tiny sharp filaments.

The creature also seemed to be able to change skin color like a chameleon. The creature opened its mouth revealing two large fangs and a red interior of the mouth. The witness was able to scream and at that point the creature disappeared into the nearby woods with long quick jumps. In a nearby field the creature apparently attacked a horse, and local residents then chased it into the woods.

HC addition # 2306

Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 8 Type: E

91. Location. Anones, Naranjito, Puerto Rico

Date: middle of October 1995 Time: evening

Rosa Jimenez was coming back home from a nearby ranch when she noticed a round greenish luminous object slowly descend over the area. The object quickly descended and now she could see that it was an oval shaped craft ringed with large square windows. The craft hovered about 3 feet from the ground. The witness then noticed several figures looking out the window. She saw the short child-like being that she had encountered before and also a tall man-like figure with dark skin, and hair sticking up on his head. He wore a tight fitting silvery outfit. The object hovered for a few more seconds then lifted up and left at high speed.

HC addition # 2309

Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8 Type: A

92. Location. Near Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico

Date: mid October 1995 Time: night

While experiencing a number of unexplained animal killings in his farm, local farmer Pedro Castro encountered on various occasions a strange creature with luminous eyes that seemed to keep an eye on him every time he went into his yard. The being seemed to move in a peculiar sideways manner, but at all times keeping a fixed gaze on the witness. Every time Castro attempted to approach the creature it ran away at incredible speed, disappearing into the brush. Finally Castro decided to attempt to establish contact with the creature and began speaking softly to it, telling it to approach “that he was not going to hurt it.” His efforts were rewarded one night when the creature approached him moving its head up & down in a strange manner, it also closed and opened its eyes repeatedly.

The creature approached to within 5 feet of the witness, who noticed that it had huge oval shaped luminous eyes, but could not see many other details because of the darkness. Once the creature was within 4 feet of the witness, Castro took out a 45-caliber gun and shot at it, at almost point blank range. The creature quickly ran away, seemingly unaffected. Incredibly the creature came back 21 different times that night, only to be shot at on each occasion. At no time did the creature seemed to be affected by the bullets. The creature seemed to have a strange hypnotic effect on the witness with its eyes, at one time it looked at the witness apparently emitting a beam of light from its eyes causing the witness to feel very dizzy and disoriented. Around the same time various neighboring farmers reported seeing strange lights descend over the wooded hills & off finding dead mutilated goats in the area.

HC addition # 2567

Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 12 Type: D

93. Location. Torriente, Matanzas, Cuba

Date: October 15 1995 Time: 0930A

A farmer, Adolfo Serrate, was working on a field when he watched a silvery metallic shell shaped object descend from the sky and land on a nearby vegetable field. From behind a growth of weeds, he observed two small human like figures, one apparently behind a window inside the object, & the other walking around the object. Both figures wore some type of diving suit. The entity outside the object spent several minutes collecting “malanga” roots. Then with his arms full of uprooted plants he re-boarded the object.

The object then began giving off a blue fire and white smoke; it then quickly disappeared among the clouds at high speed. The Ministry of the Interior dispatched a team to investigate. At the site they found physical evidence, including footprints, and leaves scorched black by the object’s propulsion system. The material was reportedly turned over to the Cuban Academy of Sciences.

HC addition # 2136

Source: Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo Quoting “The Cuban Academy of Sciences.” Type: B

94. Location. Fairbanks, Alaska

Date: October 15 1995 Time: 1430

Three men saw a hovering disc-shaped object in the sky. They stood paralyzed under a bright light when they noticed a being wearing robes looking at them. They all then screamed and ran away. The being had a large head, with big black eyes. The object was more oval in shape with a bright light in the middle that gave off a strange hypnotic metallic shine.

HC addition # 3190

Source: NUFORC Type: A

95. Location. Guanica, Puerto Rico

Date: October 20 1995 Time: late night

The 5-year-old witness woke up hearing a noise. He then noticed a shadow next to the door that seemed to be running back and forth. Afraid he hid under the covers, but could still see the shadowy figure. He then got up and saw a short dwarf like figure outside the room, described as thin, with a wide face, with large pointed ears, huge dark eyes, and light gray wrinkled skin.

The dwarf made some hand gestures and showed him something resembling a cross and a piece of paper. The witness then looked outside and saw a metallic object with several bright lights hovering close to the ground. A beam of light came out of the object and retracted the dwarf-like creature inside. The object then left.

HC addition # 3900

Source: Jose Martinez Puerto Rico Research Group Type: B

96. Location. Guanica, Puerto Rico

Date: October 21 1995 Time: late night

A young boy (involved in the previous encounter) was sleeping when a powerful light entered his bedroom. The brightness of the light woke him up. He then saw a small reddish sphere come in through the window and fall to the floor. When it hit the ground, it transformed itself into a short dwarf-like creature, with long pointed ears, and huge oval shaped eyes. Screaming he ran to the closet. His grandfather who had noticed the bright light in the boy’s room now came inside to see what had happened.

Upon entering the room he saw the bizarre creature. He tried to hit the creature with a bat, but the creature suddenly transformed itself into a ball of light and shot out the window. Looking out the window he then saw a landed metallic object on the patio resting on several legs. It had several lighted windows and lights. Suddenly the object shot up into the sky at very high speed.

HC addition # 3901

Source: Jose Martinez, Puerto Rico Research Group Type: C

97. Location. Jalapa, Mexico

Date: October 27 1995 Time: 0400A

Residents of the Las Margaritas and Santa Rosa development witnessed a collision between two UFO’s in mid-flight, directly above the Bosques del Recuerdo cemetery. Both objects had been flying at high speed low above the ground. It was reported to resemble an enormous light that divided into three smaller lights, two of which had collided in mid-air. One witness reported being awakened by a loud noise and saw his bedroom fill with light. After the objects had disappeared, three women appearing figures were seen standing in the middle of the cemetery, cab drivers that rushed to the scene could find nothing.

HC addition # 3204

Source: The UFO Phenomenon in Mexico Type: C or H?

98. Location. Anones, Naranjito, Puerto Rico

Date: late October 1995 Time: night

The witness noticed strange lights outside and upon looking out she saw a strange creature standing or perched on a branch of a nearby tree. The creature was described as having dark skin & hairy, with a large oval shaped head with large red slanted eyes. Two small holes for a nose, & with dark leathery wings on its back. It also had what appeared to be a long a long sharp needle sticking out of its mouth. The creature stared at the witness making a strange buzzing sound.

HC addition # 2310

Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 8 Type: E or C?

99. Location. Cidra, Puerto Rico

Date: early November 1995 Time: unknown

A local mechanic reported seeing a bizarre winged creature perched on a tree branch. The mechanic repeatedly stated that he had never seen anything similar in his life. Mutilated farm animals and pets had been found in the area.

HC addition # 3276

Source: Scott Corrales in Chupacabra & other Mysteries Type: E

100. Location. Urbanizacion Levittown Puerto Rico

Date: November 1995 Time: 0200A

A family of six was suddenly awakened by the sound of something heavy apparently crashing or landing on top of their wooden roof. A couple of the adult family members went outside to investigate and encountered an average size human figure standing next to a metallic-silvery motorcycle-like apparatus. The figure wore a luminous outfit & its facial features were not clearly distinguishable.

As one of the witnesses approached the figure, this one spoke in perfect Spanish, telling the witness not to worry that “he had experienced some technical difficulties” & that everything was all right. Moments later he climbed on top of the motorcycle like object and flew off silently at high speed. Marks were found on top of the wooden roof.

HC addition # 2142

Source: Hank Worbetz & Aida Rivero Type: A

101. Location. El Yunque, Puerto Rico

Date: November 1995 Time: night

As they drove home late at night several employees of a local US government facility encountered a giant bat-like creature. The creature descended on the car’s hood, stretched itself over the windshield, and stared with red eyes at the terrified witnesses. At the same time the car engine stalled. Somehow they escaped and made their way to a local restaurant where they related their story.

HC addition # 3240

Source: Jerome Clark The Unexplained Type: E

102. Location. La Grange, Georgia

Date: November 4 1995 Time: late afternoon

The witness wad driving south on Salem road when he topped a hill and saw in the headlights, five “shadow like” figures running in the middle of the road. The shadows were humanoid in shape and initially about 250 feet away. They stood nearly six feet tall, their head appeared to be blocky in appearance & roughly diamond shape. No arms were noted. Upon hitting the brakes the shadow-like entities suddenly disappeared.

The dark entities were described as “darker than dark.” Another person is reported to had hit one of the entities with his vehicle & upon impact the entity appeared in the cab of his truck, and then disappeared.

HC addition # 2625

Source: John C Thompson ISUR Type: E

103. Location. Canovanas, Puerto Rico

Date: November 6 1995 Time: night

Luis Angel Guadalupe and Carlos Carrillo observed a creature described as having large ears, oval and luminous eyes which alternated between orange and red, claws, and wings. It was about four to five feet tall. That same evening, 15 peacocks, and a heifer belonging to a Mr. Dominguez were found dead.

HC addition # 3528

Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo Type: E

104. Location. Barrio Palmasola, Puerto Rico

Date: November 5 1995 Time: 1930

Two men had been fishing for sunfish in the early evening when they suddenly became aware of a sound in the vegetation behind them. The men then saw a “horrible” devil-like creature emerge from the woods. It had large ears, luminous oval eyes alternating between orange, & red in color, claws and wings. It stood between four and five feet tall. Both men ran away in panic apparently being pursued by the creature flying just above the treetops.

Upon reaching his house one of the men grabbed a machete and turned to see the creature perched on a nearby hutch. The creature jumped to the ground, leaving deep prints in the soil, and dashed back into the woods, tearing down the hutch, fences, and other structures in its path.

HC addition # 3144

Source: Scott Corrales Type: E

105. Location. San Lorenzo Puerto Rico

Date: November 6 1995 Time: night

Unconfirmed reports stating that specially trained government soldiers had captured two strange creatures or “Chupacabras” and are being kept in the US mainland. These creatures are associated with a spate of animal and livestock mutilations in the island and elsewhere.

HC addition # 2183

Source: Jorge Martin UFO Magazine Vol. 14 # 6 Type: H?

106. Location. Manson Washington

Date: November 8 1995 Time: 1140A

A man reported encountering two humanoid figures in his apartment. These wore “scuba type suits” and had “wrap around” glasses. The beings pointed a flashing object at the witness then disappeared apparently walking right through the wall.

HC addition # 2140

Source: NUFORC Type: E

107. Location. Caguas, Puerto Rico

Date: November 9 1995 Time: 1900

Ada Arroyo director of a local nursing home heard a scream similar to those made by a lamb being slaughtered, coming from outside. She went outside the patio and saw a strange hairy figure, grayish in color, covering its body with a pair of wings. It had a flattened, vulpine face, with enormous red eyes. The creature held her gaze with its mesmerizing eyes before taking off into the air, quickly vanishing from sight.

HC addition # 3260

Source: Scott Corrales, Fate October 1998 Type: E

108. Location. Zacapa, Guatemala

Date. November 11 1995 Time: 0100A

During a spate of bizarre animal killings in the area, Alicia Fajardo encountered a strange winged creature in her property, described as about 4-feet tall, with large bat like wings, huge oval shaped eyes, a large mouth with huge protruding fangs. It was covered with dark hair & possessed a tail & claw-like feet. The creature flew away in a spiral like trajectory emitting a strange humming like sound.

HC addition # 2565

Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 12

109. Location. El Rosario, Puerto Rico

Date: November 11 1995 Time: night

Farmer Elliot Feliciano fired his gun at a large creature that jumped the fence surrounding his home. He described the creature as being about 3 to 4 feet tall, endowed with large eyes, and with what appeared to be wings. Others reported a brilliant, round object flying over the area while a large goat was also found mutilated.

HC addition # 3143

Source: Scott Corrales Type: D?

110. Location. Barrio Cain Alto, Puerto Rico

Date: November 16 1995 Time: afternoon

Several local residents heard a commotion coming from the place where the cockfighting roosters were kept. Upon investigating three of the neighbors encountered a bizarre creature, described as grayish and simian, with large almond shaped eyes, an oval face and small hands protruding from its shoulders. They began throwing stones at the creature, which rose to its full height, sprang upward into the air, and flew away in the direction of a nearby hill.

HC addition # 3277

Source: Scott Corrales Chupacabras & other Mysteries Type: E

111. Location. Canaboncito, Puerto Rico

Date: November 23 1995 Time: late night

During a period of bizarre animal mutilations in the area a strange green slimy substance was found on a window of a home where some unknown creature introduced a long, hairy clawed arm into the window of the house and shredded a teddy bear that happened to be within its reach. Before it ran into a heavily wooded area one of the occupants of the house saw a single red eye & the lift side of the intruder’s face.

HC addition # 3141

Source: Scott Corrales Type: E

112. Location. Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

Date: November 24 1995 Time: evening

A local resident reported encountering a short, four-foot tall creature, shortly after nearby residents reported seeing a saucer-shaped object crossing the skies. Around the same time several slain heifers were found dead lying in a perfect row in the middle of a lonely road.

HC addition # 3287

Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries Type: D

113. Location. Near Vega Baja, Puerto Rico

Date: November 28 1995 Time: night

Jesus Medina Montes reported that he found half of his herd of steers with several bizarre wounds on their backs. Some of the cows had a viscous slime around their necks. Later that night Irene Mercado & her 9-year old niece reported seeing a creature shaped like a bird that fluttered away while making a loud noise with its mouth.