Year 1

Course #Credit HrsCourse

HNSC 12003Food:Facts andFallacies

HNSC 12103Nutrition forHealthChanging Lifestyles

CHEM13003StructureModeling in Chemistry

CHEM1320 OR3Introduction toOrganic Chemistry

CHEM1310Introduction toPhysicalChemistry

BIOL 1410OR3-6Anatomy of theHumanBody 2(seepage2)

BIOL 1020Biology 12(seepage2

BIOL 1030Biology 22(seepage2)

BIOL 14123Physiology oftheHumanBody3(seepage2)

PSYC 1200OR6Introduction toPsychology

SOC 1200Introduction toSociology

Elective7(seepage 2)3Course Title:

Elective7(seepage 2)3Course Title:

Year 2

HNSC 21303Nutrition Through theLifecycle

HNSC 21403BasicPrinciples of HumanNutrition

HNSC 21503Composition,FunctionalNutritionalPropertiesof Food

HNSC 21603FoodPreparation & Preservation

CHEM27703Elements of Biochemistry 14(seepage2)

CHEM27803Elements of Biochemistry 24(seepage2)

HEAL 26003Integration ofHealthDeterminantsof Individuals

STAT 10003BasicStatisticalAnalysis 1

STAT 20003BasicStatisticalAnalysis 2

MKT 22103Fundamentalsof Marketing 5(seepage2)

Year 3

HNSC 3310OR3Macronutrients & HumanHealthOR

HNSC 3300Vitamins and MineralsinHumanHealth

HNSC 33503CultureandFoodPatterns

HNSC 33303IngredientTechnology forDesignedFoods

HMEC20003ResearchMethods andPresentation

HMEC30003Introduction toSocial Epidemiology

FOOD 41503Food Microbiology

ProgramElective 6(see page2)3Course Title:

ProgramElective6(see page2)3Course Title:

Elective7(seepage 2)3Course Title:

Elective7(seepage 2)3Course Title:

Year 4

HNSC 3260*3FoodQualityEvaluation

HNSC 42903Food,Nutrition& Health Policies

HNSC 41603Seminar inFoods & Nutrition

HNSC 4270*3Sensory Evaluation of Food

HNSC 42803FoodProduct Development

ProgramElective6(see page2)3Course Title:

Elective7(seepage 2)3Course Title:

Elective7(seepage 2)3Course Title:

Elective7(seepage 2)3Course Title:

Elective7(seepage 2)3Course Title:

* Required courses with an asterisk are offered every second year

You must have the prerequisites for any course you take. We will not override prerequisites in order to allow students to progress more quickly.


1Checkandconsult theUndergraduateCalendarforformercourse numbersand other equivalentsfor prerequisites.

2Students must takeBIOL 1410 Anatomy of theHumanBody orBIOL 1020 Biology1and BIOL 1030 Biology2ANDrequireBIOL

1412Physiology oftheHumanBody(3 credits)in ordertotake HNSC 3310Macronutrients and Human HealthandHNSC 3300

Vitamins and Minerals in HumanHealth. Free electives mustbeused to meet this requirement forBIOL 1412, ifBIOL 1020and BIOL

1030are taken.

3Students cantake eitherBIOL 1412 (Physiology ofthe HumanBody) orBIOL2410(HumanPhysiology1)andBIOL 2420 (Human


4Students cantake eitherCHEM/MBIO2770 (Elements ofBiochemistry1) orCHEM/MBIO 2360 (Biochemistry 1: Bio-molecules and an Introduction toMetabolicEnergy. Students cantakeeitherCHEM/MBIO 2780 (Elements ofBiochemistry 2) orCHEM/MBIO2370 (Biochemistry 2: Catabolism,Synthesis,and InformationPathways).

5A MinorinManagement is offered by the AsperSchoolofBusiness for HumanEcologystudents. Referto theUndergraduateCalendar fordetails. Youmay supplement MKT2210 (required)and the9credithours ofManagement courses taken for programelectives with6 more credithours ofManagement courses tocomplete the Management Minor. Also,students may choose to complete aVoluntary

Minor. Refer tothe Undergraduate Calendar fordetails.

6ProgramElectives– choose9credithours fromeithertheAsperSchoolofBusiness, orfromthe Department ofFood Science,Faculty of Agricultural andFood Sciences 3rdand 4thyearcourses only. Plan aheadtotake thecorrect prerequisites forFoodScience courses. Students must take coursesdesignated only as FOODcourses (may not beco-taughtwith an HNSC course)to fulfill the programelective forFood Science 3rdand 4thyearcourses.

7Electives are the student’s choice. Considertaking morecourses fromHumanNutritionalSciences (see below).

HumanNutritionDepartmentElectives withafoodemphasis(prerequisites in parentheses)Credit Hours

HNSC 3342 / Management forFood &Nutrition Professionals / 3
HNSC 4120 / SeniorThesis(Final yearof program.Application required.Enrolment limited) / 3
HNSC 4122 / Research Project inHumanNutritionalSciences(Finalyearofprogram.Applicationrequired.Enrolmentlimited) / 6
HNSC 4140 / Food Production &Management (HNSC 2160,HNSC3342,and Food Handlers Certificate) / 3
HNSC 4540 / FunctionalFoods &Nutraceuticals / 3
HNSC 3870 / Food Geographies / 3

Additional HumanNutritionDepartmentElectives(pre-requisites in parentheses)

HNSC 3320 / NutritionEducationDietary Change / 3
HNSC 4300 / Community Nutrition Interventions / 3
HNSC 4310 / Nutrition &the Elderly / 3
[offeredinalternateyears,opposite HNSC 4340]
HNSC 4340 / Maternal &ChildNutrition / 3
[offeredinalternateyears,opposite HNSC 4310]

Intheeventofdiscrepancies withthis document and theUndergraduate Calendar,theUndergraduateCalendarwill prevail.