Guheswori Merchant Banking & Finance Ltd.

GuhesworiBhawan, Pulchowk, HariharBhawan, Lalitpur

Tel : 5550406, 5537407, E-mail : .

As at 3rd Quarter (2068-12-30) of the Fiscal Year 2068/2069

S.N. / Particulars / This Quarter Ending
(2068 Chaitra Ending) / Previous Quarter Ending (2068Poush Ending) / CorrespondingPrevious Year
Quarter Ending(2067 Chaitra Ending)
1 / Total Capital & Liabilities (1.1 to 1.7) / 1037349 / 1028270 / 1169948
1.1 / Paid up capital / 155680 / 155649 / 135347
1.2 / Reserve & Surplus / 53989 / 48494 / 46920
1.3 / Debenture & Bond
1.4 / Borrowings
1.5 / Deposits (a+b) / 748090 / 742349 / 903213
a. Domestic Currency / 748090 / 742349 / 903213
b. Foreign Currency
1.6 / Income Tax Liability / 86 / 1623 / 10064
1.7 / Other Liabilities / 79504 / 80155 / 74404
2 / Total Assets (2.1 to 2.7) / 1037349 / 1028270 / 1169948
2.1 / Cash & Bank Balance / 21114 / 20449 / 26041
2.2 / Money at call & short Notice / 209895 / 196053 / 215737
2.3 / Investments / 46185 / 38185 / 58567
2.4 / Loans & Advances (a+b+c+d+e+f) / 693498 / 709211 / 792033
a(i) .Real Estate Loan / 104332 / 84043 / 129858
a.(ii) Home/Housing Loan
bResidential Housing Loan (upto 60 lakh) / 63547 / 54800
166833 / 20000
c. Margin Type Loan / 168077 / 36612 / 180559
d. Term Loan / 34034 / 156165 / 43949
e. Overdraft Loan/TR Loan/WC Loan / 190489 / 389178
f. Others / 133019 / 210758 / 28489
2.5 / Fixed Assets / 58793 / 58793 / 60686
2.6 / Non Banking Assets / 16794
2.7 / Other Assets / 7864 / 5579
3 / Profit & LossAccount / Up to this Quarter Ending / Up to previous Quarter Ending / Up to corresponding previous year Quarter Ending
3.1 / Interest Income / 107372 / 74742 / 115266
3.2 / Interest Expenses / 71281 / 48983 / 74956
A. Net Interest Income (3.1 – 3.2) / 36091 / 25759 / 40310
3.3 / Fees, Commission & Discount / 363 / 205 / 727
3.4 / Other Operating Income / 5448 / 3371 / 7796
3.5 / Foreign Exchange Gains/Loss (Net)
B. Total Operating Income
(A+3.3+3.4+3.5) / 41902 / 29335 / 48833
3.6 / Staff Expenses / 4487 / 3076 / 4363
3.7 / Other Operating Expenses / 5479 / 3523 / 4861
C. Operating Profit before provision (B.-3.6-3.7) / 31936 / 22736 / 39609
3.8 / Provision for possible losses / 839 / 30 / 3474
D. Operating Profit (C.-3.8) / 31097 / 22706 / 36135
3.9 / Non Operating Income/Expenses (Net) / 501 / 257 / 355
3.10 / Write Back to Provision for Possible Loss
E. Profit from regular activities (D.+3.9+3.10) / 31598 / 22963 / 36490
3.11 / Extra ordinary Income/Expenses (Net)
F. Profit before Bonus & Taxes (E.+3.11) / 31598 / 22963 / 36490
3.12 / Provision for staff Bonus / 2873 / 2088 / 3317
3.13 / Provision for Tax / 8618 / 6263 / 9952
G. Net profit/Loss (F.-3.12-3.13) / 20107 / 14612 / 23221
4. / Ratio / At the end of this Quarter / At the end of previous Quarter / At the end of corresponding previous year Quarter
4.1 / Capital Fund to RWA / 26.61% / 27.57% / 21.15%
4.2 / Non Performing Loan (NPL) to Total Loan / 3.35% / 2.90% / 0.77%
4.3 / Total Loan Loss Provision to Total NPL / 157.65% / 173.97% / 534.62%
4.5 / Cost of Funds
C D Ratio(As Per NRB directive) / 12.36%
72.41% / 12.39%
74.94% / 12.04%

Interest Rates

Fixed Deposits Saving Deposits Saving Daily Balance up to 12.00%

One Year 13.00% Two Years 13.50% Loan & Advances 16%-19%