10.3 ReviewName______

CalorimetryDate ______Period _____

Part I:Complete each sentence with the correct term.

waterheat capacityspecific heatheatcalorimetry temperature calorimeter

  1. The study of heat flow and heat measurement is called ______.
  1. The words calorimeter, calorimetry and calorie are all derived from the Latin word calor, which

means ______.

  1. The amount of heat needed to raise an object’s temperature depends on its ______.
  1. Every substance has a ______, which tells you how much heat is necessary to raise the temperature of 1 gram of the substance by 1 degree Celsius.
  1. ______has one of the highest specific heats of any common substance.
  1. A transfer of heat is detected by measuring a ______change.
  1. A ______is a well-insulated container used to measure temperature changes.

Part II: Define the following symbols:

  1. Ti ______
  1. Tf ______
  1. qrxn______
  1. qsur______
  1. m ______
  1. Cp ______
  1. How much heat is released when 432 g of water cools from 71.0 ºC to 18.0 ºC?
  1. How many grams of a sample of calcium carbide, CaC2, will be required if as it cools from

74.2 ºC to 11.5 ºC it releases 2680 J of heat? The Cp of calcium carbide is 1.00 J/gº

14) -95,800 J 15) 42.7 g

16. How much heat energy is required to raise the temperature of 789 grams of acetic acid,

CH3COOH, from 25.0 ºC to 82.7 ºC? The Cp of acetic acid is 2.05 J/g ºC.

  1. What is the specific heat of aluminum if the temperature of a 28.4 g sample of aluminum is increased by 8.1 ºC when 207 J of heat is added?
  1. 15.3 g of NaNO3 were dissolved in 100.0 g of water in a calorimeter. The temperature of the water dropped from 25.00 ºC to 21.56 ºC. Calculate ∆H for this process.
  1. What is the specific heat of silicon if the temperature of a 4.11 g sample of silicon is increased by 3.8 ºC when 11.1 J of heat is added?
  1. In order to make 4 cups of tea, 1.00 kg of water is heated from 22.0 ºC to 99.0 ºC. How much heat energy was required to do this?
  1. A 1.0 g sample of octane (C8H18) is burned in a calorimeter containing 1200. g of water. The temperature of the water rises from 25.0 ºC to 33.2 ºC. Calculate ∆H for this process.
  1. A metal has a mass of 23.4 g. If it takes 6.18 J of heat to raise the temperature 1.00ºC, what is the metal’s specific heat?
  1. How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 20.0 g of iron from 26ºC to 72.30ºC. The specific heat of iron is 0.447 J/gºC.

16) +93,300 J 17) 0.90 J/gºC 18) +9.22 kJ/mol 19) 0.71 J/gºC 20) +322,000 J 21) -4700 kJ 22) 0.264 J/gºC 23) +410 J