NZQA unit standard / 18614 version 4
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Title / Research and report on print industry production processes and technology
Level / 5 / Credits / 25
Purpose / People credited with this unit standard are able to: research the structure of the New Zealand print industry; research and report on the production processes, equipment, and materials used by the at least two of the main sectors of the print industry; research and report on the factors that determine the choice of print production process to meet customer requirements; the changing technology in the print industry; and evaluate and report on the production processes used to produce printed product to meet customer requirements.
Classification / Printing >Print Industry Management
Available grade / Achieved

Guidance Information


Research is systematic investigation and study in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. This may include: using appropriate print and electronic resources such as the internet, trade journals and suppliers’ resources; and workplace visits and interviews. For the purposes of this unit standard, research requires the accurate citing of reference sources.


Reports must include – the outline of the methodology used, a record of the main outcomes of the research, an analysis of findings, a conclusion to the findings,

sources of information gathered.

3Assessment information

Information must be in a medium that is appropriate for the research project and the research results. The presentation may be written, or oral, or produced as a visual presentation with suitable explanations.

Outcomes and performance criteria

Outcome 1

Research the structure of the New Zealand print industry.

Performance criteria

1.1Print industry organisation groups are identified, and the functions and services of each are explained.

Rangegroups include but are not limited to – employer organisations, worker organisations, training organisations.

1.2At least one organisation from each group identified in performance criterion 1.1 is researched.

Rangeresearched information includes but is not limited to – contact person, address details, phone number, email address, website, services provided.

1.3The activities of the main sectors of the New Zealand print industry are explained.

Rangemain sectors include – graphic pre-press, digital output, sheet-fed, reel-fed, screen, binding and finishing, fibreboard packaging.

Outcome 2

Research and report on the production processes, equipment, and materials used by at least two of the main sectors of the print industry.

Rangea minimum of two visits to different production sites must be undertaken. A report is to be produced for each site visited. Evidence of two reports is required.

Performance criteria

2.1Production processes and equipment are described in accordance with current industry practice.

2.2Flow of work from the time a job is raised to distribution is described in accordance with current industry practice.

2.3Substrates and materials used in the selected sectors of the print industry, and their properties are identified and described in accordance with current industry practice.

2.4Visits are undertaken to observe and research production processes, equipment and materials used within the selected workplaces.

Outcome 3

Research and report on the factors that determine the choice of print production process to meet customer requirements.

Performance criteria

3.1Different print production processes are identified and the characteristics of each are explained.

Rangeevidence is required for a minimum of three of – offset, flexographic, screen, digital, letterpress, gravure.

3.2Factors affecting the choice of print production process are explained.

Rangefactors may include but are not limited to – cost, speed of production, quality of finished product, run size;

a minimum of four factors are required.

3.3Factors affecting the end use of the printed product are explained.

Rangesubstrate and/or material requirements, cost, quality, finishing processes, delivery requirements, quantity.

3.4A report is produced explaining the factors that determine the choice of print production process used to meet customers’ requirements.

Outcome 4

Evaluate and report on print production processes used to produce printed product to meet customer requirements.

Rangea sample of at least one production job must be included.

Performance criteria

4.1A workflow procedure for the production job selected is produced to ensure customer requirements are met.

Rangepre-production, production, post-production.

4.2Processes to be used for the production job selected are analysed and evaluated to ensure that customer requirements are met.

4.3Information to be communicated, and method of communication at each stage of production, is analysed and evaluated to ensure customer requirements are met.

4.4Alternative processes that could be used for the production job selected are identified and analysed.

4.5A report is prepared that analyses and evaluates both the production processes used and the implications of alternative production processes. Consideration is to be given, in reporting on choice of process, to the impact on the producer, the customer, and the environment.

Outcome 5

Research and report on changing technology in the print industry.

Performance criteria

5.1Sources of information for new developments in print industry technology are listed.

Rangeevidence of at least three different sources of information is required.

5.2Reasons for monitoring changes in print industry technology are explained.

Rangeevidence of at least two reasons is required.

5.3Examples of new developments in the print industry are researched and a report produced.

Rangea minimum of three examples are required;

examples may include but are not limited to – graphic pre-press, digital output, colour management, sheet-fed, reel-fed, screen, binding and finishing, fibreboard packaging, inks, adhesives, substrates, materials, distribution, workflow management.

Planned review date / 31 December 2020

Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions

Process / Version / Date / Last Date for Assessment
Registration / 1 / 26 September 2001 / N/A
Review / 2 / 23 April 2008 / N/A
Revision / 3 / 12 December 2008 / N/A
Rollover and Revision / 4 / 31 May 2018 / N/A
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0005

This CMR can be accessed at

Comments on this unit standard

Please contact Competenz if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.

SSB Code 101571 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018