Lord of the Flies Chapter 5 Questions

Note: Answer each question on this document. This is a Doctopus assignment, so please no not rename or delete. When finished, move this file to your LA/Lord of the Flies Folder for future use and review. As well, each question will be marked out of 4 marks. Marks are allotted for use of detail, inference and connections to the novel. Fully develop each answer and ensure that your mechanics of writing enhance your piece. Use paragraphing and topic sentences wherever possible.

Chapter 5: “Beast from Water”

1. What change has come over Ralph as a result of the signal fire incident? How have his values changed?

After the fire signal incident, Ralph slowly began to lose his position as leader. The children were no longer listening to Ralph’s directions. All the children understand that being saved was a big part and that Jack gave away that chance. But the children were all so hungry they didn't bother to care about not being saved. They would rather have food. They’ve lived on the island for a while thinking that they wouldn't be saved and so they got use to living life like that and in order for them to survive they must go hunt food to live off of. Since the first main meal that was captured was the pig by Jack. Most of the attention is on him, many of the children are praising him for providing with food to live on. Ralph is realizing the children don't recognize that he is doing everything that is right. Ralph now has to fight over the attention of all the children. Ralph not only has to do what’s right but now he has to do things that will keep all of the children’s attention to him in order to stay a leader of this clan. Since Ralph needs to spark things up every so often in order to obtain the children’s attention, he will have to work harder to impress the children and he will have to fight for the attention as a leader. Ralph is seeing that to be a leader you must always have something planned to grasp the attention so that the children follow as he says and so that Ralph is respected. The job is extremely tired and wearisome. Ralph is getting weaker, and he now has to put more effort to stand out. But since he is losing his strength, he is beginning to fall apart.

2. What point does Ralph make at the meeting? What general point does he make that he wants people to discuss? Why are these points so important or significant?

The point that Ralph presented at the meeting was that he said “The thing is: we need an assembly.” What Ralph meant by he needed to create an assembly was that he wanted to make a group of people who are clever and smart, not people who would fool around and play all day. His general point was that he needed everyone to work harder, and everyone had to be serious it was no longer play time for the children. They all had to put effort in survival or they will all die together. An example of the children’s misbehaving is when Ralph discussed how the children would no longer use the area set as a lavatory (where the tide can wash away number 1 and number 2) they are now taking advantage and doing their business where every they liked, they would even pee near the food. But every time Ralph spoke in anger to the littluns they would all start to giggle to each other thinking they did nothing wrong. Lastly he brings up the topic of how the fire burnt out and that was the way of being rescued yet it managed to be let out. He yelled at all the children, saying how they can't even keep a fire going. He tried to show the children the fear they should have and how they are in danger if they manage to get saved. Ralph tried to discuss and tell the children that the factor of being rescued is much more important than hunting down a pig. Ralph spoke in a harsh tone to hope that the people would understand what kind of situation they were in, Ralph was letting out all his anger. These points that Ralph has made are very important because he is trying to put some sense in the children that we must get saved otherwise the whole group will end up dying. The boat that came by was their closest object to life but they are now waiting on luck and hoping that someone would come by to rescue them. Ralph is pointing out how they've gotten themselves into a life or death situation.

3. What does Jack say in response to Ralph’s comments? Why do you think Ralph is shocked?

During Ralph’s speech when Ralph took a breath and paused, Jack starting chipping a piece of wood with his knife. He whispered something to Robert but Robert just turned around and ignored him. Once Ralph mentioned about his anger towards the hunters Jack waited for his chance to speak. Once it seemed like Ralph was finished speaking Jack stood up immediately and started to scowl at Ralph to defend himself and his hunting crew; but Ralph scowled back ‘I haven't finished yet.’ Jack replied ‘but you've talked and talked.’ Ralph told Jack that he had the conch meaning that Ralph had the right to speak. Jack sat down in anger; he followed the rule of the conch, but was irritated about Ralph’s speech. Ralph continued to rant on about his concerns. As soon as Ralph put the conch down Jack grabbed it immediately. Since Jack had the conch in his hand it was his to speak. He then began to discuss about the so called “beast” that all the littl’uns are worried about. Jack was trying to tell the children “..of course we’re frightened sometimes we put up with being frightened.” Jack is trying to make the fear of the “beast” to vanish. Jack was being quite rude to all the children calling them babies and sissies. Jack said they do absolutely nothing yet they still complain about nightmares and some “beast.” Jack protested about the beast being an animal, he told the children that there is no animal to be afraid of. Ralph interrupted saying “What is all this, who said anything about an animal. Ralph begins the understanding that the beast is not something that can be killed by hunting it down; it is a fear that was created through the mind of the children. I think that Ralph is so shocked because Jack is being so rude and the children are young. They have the right to be frightened, since they are trapped on an island waiting for rescue. Ralph is maturing and he understands the children’s fears he is starting to see that the fear of the children is not a living thing but is an image altered in their minds.

4. What does Piggy mean by his claim that “Life is scientific”? What does he mean when he suggests that, “There is no fear, either … unless we get frightened by people”?

I think that the statement that Piggy said: “Life is scientific” can be interpreted in many different ways. To me, I think that this statement means that life is such a complicated thing. There are so many different paths to take. I believe that life is a complicated path equations that cannot be solve. Life is something that can never truly be understood. It is like a chemical formula that cannot be discovered. Life can take you to many places, each person is given a different formula. Therefore the answer to the equation cannot be shared with one another since each answer is different. Each person lives their life differently; each person has their way that lets them live their life so that they may survive. I think that when Piggy states that there is no fear among the children, he says this because he believes there is no such beast he also knows that a beast is not a living animal that can be hunted. Piggy thinks there is no fear, but the fear is what creates the beast. Piggy thinks that there is no fear on the island among the children, but then he suggest, “unless we get frightened by people.” This statement can be confusing, because it makes you question ‘Are we really scared of the others around us and what they are capable of doing.” I think that Piggy is saying the fear is what is in each person. I think piggy might mean that since they have to survive on an island with very little food, what the children will do to survive on the island. I think that the phrase “unless we get frightened by the people”, can also mean what will happen to the people who don't eat what will be the results. We only tend to fear the people who don’t trust and who look ‘rough.’ I think that trust between the children’s will be a really strong component necessary. Without the trust, you will fear one another.

5. What does Percival say when Jack asks him where the beast lives? Why do you think he says this?

Once Jack asked Percival the question Percival sagged in Jack’s grip. Percival did not answer the first time. Instead Piggy said, “that’s a clever beast if it can hide on this island.” Since Jack has been ‘everywhere.’ All the children rose up and chattered, but Percival muttered something. Then Jack leaned in to hear Percival speak. Percival was then let go out and Jack said that “He says that the beast comes out of the sea.” I’m not quite sure what Percival means but after Percival’s statement another little boy named Maurice speaks and he said ‘Daddy said they haven't found all the animals in the sea yet.’ I think that the statement Maurice states makes it possible for the others to believe that this ‘beast’ is a living animal. But also the statement that Percival said about how “..the beast comes out of the sea” could also be interpreted differently as well. Since they are stuck on an island and the ‘beast’ comes out of a sea. The beast is what is surrounding them. Everyone on the island is surrounded by the ‘beast’. Since the reality of the beast is just something formed by the children’s minds it makes sense that they trapped themselves in the middle of the beast. They’re biggest fear is that they may never be saved because they are stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere. The ‘beast’ is so large and they are feared that being saved is not a possibility. That is what i think Percival means when he tells the others that the beast comes out of the water. Why he says this is because he might actually understand the beast but covers its true identity with the title ‘beast.’ Since a beast is something considerably scary; the reality of being on the island is scary. The tile ‘beast’ is what covers the truth.

6. What does Simon say about the beast, and what do you think he means? How does everyone else react to what he says?

At first Simon responds saying that he doesn't know whether the beast truly exist or is just a myth. But moments just a moment later he says ‘but...’, then the rest of the children started talking and everyone kept chattering until Ralph shouted “hear him out!’” Now that everyone was silenced Simon got a chance to continue speaker, he finished off what he said by saying “What i mean is…. maybe it’s only us.” This is the point where the beast is exposed they are their own beast that they’ve created. In response to the truth Piggy yelled out “Nuts!” People started talking to each other thinking about Simon’s statement. But most of them did not understand what Simon meant which led them to disbelief. No one believed in what Simon was saying. Except Ralph seemed as if he understood what Simon has just stated. Since many of the children did not believe what Simon was saying; one of the children suggested that maybe Simon was talking about ghost. That led to Ralph raising his conch to settle everyone down. But then Piggy yanked the conch out of Ralph’s bare hands and said that he doesn't believe in no ghost. Jack being himself ignorant and rude he yelled at Piggy saying “Who cares what you believe- Fatty.” The children did not believe that the beast was themselves which caused chaos and everyone was speaking at once.

7. Why are the rules so important to Ralph? What are the consequences of breaking them?

I think that the rules are so important to Ralph is because the rules is what keeps them together and cooperating. The rules that were created is what brought them together as a working society. The rules help to indicate what is right and what is wrong. Since they declared a Ralph as chief he can make the decisions and rules. Ralph decided to have the conch as they’re magic speaking wand. This means that whoever has the conch in their hand has the right to speak. Without the rules things would go out of hand, Ralph is trying to be responsible by setting out rules that should be abided by. At one point where Piggy’s got the conch, and Jack keeps speaking. Ralph states that Piggy’s got the conch which means Piggy has the right to speak. Jack responds stating that Ralph is in favor of Piggy not him. No, in fact that was just one of the rules that was set out so favoritism, fights, and other sorts of conflicts would not happen. Ralph repeats himself saying “The rules!” Jack is breaking the rules and everything is getting out of hand. That is when Ralph breaks out and says “Because rules are the only thing we’ve got.” That statement is very important because it is true; all they've got to control themselves are rules. The consequences of breaking the rules is not stated to the children The main consequence is if they do not follow the rules they will fight and conflict will arise. Which if they are unable to work together it will lead to death. If there is conflict between on another they will die together. In order to live and survive they must work together.

8. Why does Piggy say that Ralph should blow the conch to call everyone back, and why does Ralph decide not to?

I think Piggy is saying that because that was one of the rules. Where when the conch is blew everyone is silent and gathered together to meet. The conch is what brought together in the first place so now since everyone is speaking at once and discussing their views everything is going a little crazy. Piggy is saying that if the conch is blew everyone would stop speaking like you normally would since that is one of the rules made by Ralph. Piggy is telling Ralph to blow the conch because “You (as in Ralph) got to be tough now. Make em’ do what you want.” Ralph is hesitant and decides not to blow the conch because “If i blow the conch and they don't come back; then we’ve had it ….” I think that Ralph doesn't want to blow the conch because he doesn't want to see that the conch had no power any more. He doesn’t want to see that the conch is no longer something symbolic, so Ralph decides not to blow the conch. He knows that if they lose the power of the rules they will be like wild animals and they will never be able to get rescued. Ralph is really scared that the rules will no longer be there and he doesn't want to witness the first part of the rules failing. Therefore Ralph does not want to blow the conch. But Ralph is soon realizing that they are drifting apart and if they cannot work together they will all die. He doesn't know what else to do but to hand over chief to Jack. This is a really important chapter since there is a lot happening and plenty of detail. This chapter is the beginning of the unfolding of leadership and power. This chapter also unfolds the truth about the beast. The most important rule is they must work together or they will die.

Rubric rating submitted on: Wed Feb 05 2014 12:24:24 GMT-0500 (EST) by

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Content - Detail
4 / Answers to each question reveal a sophisticated use of story detail to support. / Answers reveal a good use of story detail. More details are needed within some questions. / Detail is lacking within several questions. More support is required. / Answers to not reflect a use of story detail to support answers or statements.
Content - Inference
4 / Answers show a strong use of inference and development of personal opinions. / Answers show a good use of inference. Some statements are not fully developed or supported. / Answers lack use of inference. More development is required to show thinking. / Answers do not contain inference.
Content - Literary Connections
4 / Answers show a deep understanding of the novel both literal and figurative. / Answers show a good understanding of the novel. Answers are generally at the literal level. / Answers a general understanding of the story, however there are obvious points of confusion. / Answers show little understanding of the story both literal and figuratively.
Content - Connections to Life/Messages
4 / Where possible, connections to life and reactions to messages are included and developed. / Some use of personal connections to messages and themes are evident. More development was required. / Very little use of connections to messages or themes are provided. They are not developed. / No connections to messages are included.
4 / Use of paragraphing and topic sentences are used effectively and consistently. / Paragraphing is used. Paragraphs do not always stay on topic. / More paragraphing and organization is required. Some confusion in flow of piece. / Piece is disorganized and lacks structure. No paragraphing or in-effective paragraphing is evident.
4 / Mechanics enhance piece. / Good use of mechanics. Some errors are evident, but not distracting. / Mechanics errors provide some distraction and detract from piece. / Mechanics errors provide a great deal of distraction and confuse the reader.
