SemmelweisUniversity, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Institute of Coaching and Sport Education



International Coaching Course (ICC)

March 21 - June 11, 2007

Special course for triathlon coaches including theory, methods, practice,

training planning in the application areas.

General Subjects (140 hours) include: Training Theory, Physiology, Sport Psychology, General Conditioning, Sport Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, Sport Sociology, Sport and Research, Coach in Action, Women & Olympic Movement.

Sport Specialization (180 hours) involves technical and practical components, including: theory, methodology, practice, training, planning and management of Triathlon.

Arrival to Budapest: March 19-21Departure from Budapest: June 13-15

Application Deadline:February 23, 2007

Participation Fee: EURO 7.500 (Including: instruction, examinations, accommodation, meals, the use of all facilities of the University -sport facilities, library, computer lab, etc.-, monthly transportation pass for all forms of public transportation within the limits of Budapest, all transportation included in the course program, transportation to and from the airport, route a visa to the Hungarian Embassy/Consulate in participant's country or to the Budapest International Airport (without paying for it), medical services (emergency treatment only), admittance to competitions and matches, cultural and social programs. All participants of the course receive the official course track suit with the ICC badge.)

Participation fee for the education only is EURO 5.200 (only education, admittance to competitions, cultural and social programs are covered in this amount).

Sport equipments and the price of the Hungarian visa are not included.

Those successfully completing the Course will receive a certificate recognized by the IOC.

Senior Lecturer: Mr. Tamás DERCZBACH

Rita HORVATH (Ms)Dr. Ladislav PETROVIC

Course CoordinatorCourse Director


for International Coaching Courses 2007

1. Course applying for (sport): TRIATHLON

2. Date of the course:

3. Name (first and family names):

4. Date of birth: / /19 5. Place of birth:


6. Sex: 7. Fax No.:

8. E-mail address:

9. Address:

10. Passport number:

11. Citizenship: Passport date of expiry:

12. Mother’s maiden name:

13. Sport activities (competitor, coach) until the present:

14. Highest education level:

College degree: University degree (bachelor or master):

Is your university degree education related?YesNo

15. Nomination and stamp of the sport organization or sport association of the

applicant’s country:

16. My participation fee will be paid by:

I hereby certify that all information provided by me in this application is accurate and complete. I agree with each paragraph and statement of the information sheet.


Please send the duly completed application form (filled in capital / block letters) and your short curriculum vitae to the following address:

SemmelweisUniversityTel.:+361-4879288 / 4879272

Institute of Coaching and Sport EducationFax:+36-1-356-5966

Hungary, 1123 Budapest, Alkotás u. 44.E-mail:
