Sample statements on classroom management

Paul Arpaia, History 1003

Class decorum

[see for statement on academic honesty]

…Let us treat each other with respect. Although we will often challenge each other’s interpretations of history, we will never attack individuals or groups. Everyone has the right to speak and be heard. Let’s also treat the property of Baruch and each others as if it were our own.

Nota bene: All cell phones and beepers must be turned off in class. As a mark of respect, I ask all men to remove their caps or hats while in class unless they have a religious reason not to. If you need to leave the room, please raise your hand and asked to be excused.

Bert Hansen, History 1000

DISRUPTION OF CLASS is not permitted. Rude behavior is disruptive. We have a large class and a crowded classroom, so everyone's cooperation is required to maintain an optimal learning environment. (1) Arriving late interferes with other students' learning and is not acceptable. Subway delays and other problems are unavoidable on occasion, but it is each student's responsibility to plan carefully to arrive on time and well prepared. Late students may be counted absent or locked out, and they often miss a quiz, as the quizzes are usually given at the beginning of the class period. Repeated latecomers will be penalized. (2) You must TURN OFF beepers and cell phones BEFORE class. If your phone rings, you will be asked to leave and be marked absent for that day. You may not use cell phones (even for receiving text messages) or other ELECTRONIC DEVICES OF ANY KIND, including lap tops, during class meetings. (3) Leaving early is disruptive and unfair to other students' opportunity to learn, and you may be marked absent for that day. (4) It is not appropriate to leave and return during a class meeting. Plan ahead. Anyone with a medical problem that affects his or her presence in class should discuss the matter privately with the instructor in advance. Plan to use the restroom BEFORE class starts. (5) Finish all food and drink BEFORE you enter the classroom. Eating in class is rude and distracting to other students; it is responsible for dirty classrooms and is not permitted.

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