Updown Hill, Haywards Heath,RH16 4GD
Telephone : 01444 456715
9 September 2011
Dear Parents and Carers
Year 3 will be starting school swimming lessons for all abilities next weekon the 15 September 2011. These swimming lessons will be for the whole class each week for the duration of 10 consecutive weeks. The last class will be held on the 24 November 2011. Swimming lessons will continue after the October half term.
The swimming lessons will be held at the Dolphin Leisure Centre on Thursday mornings. The sessions will be overseen and taught by myself and a Leisure Centre instructor and supported by Mrs Mason and Miss Warren.
We will leave school at 09:15amby coach each Thursday and will leave the Dolphin at 11:00am. Please note that normal pick up, drop off times and lunchtime arrangements still apply to these Thursdays.
The cost of the 10 week course will be £45per pupil which includes coaches and hire of the pool. This is about the same as other schools pay for swimming.
Please see the checklist at the end of this letter to help children get ready for swimming days. All children must have aswimming hat; these can be either latex or silicone. This is not only for the children’s safety whilst swimming but also to try and keep the children’s heads as dry as possible during the winter months. Please also ensure that your child’s jewellery is removed before swimming lessons. As we will be swimming until late November it is important that children have suitable warm clothing to wear when we leave the Dolphin i.e. coats etc.
These lessons are a fantastic opportunity for our children, not only to learn and build upon vital lifesaving skills but to develop their physical fitness, ability and stamina. Swimming has many health benefits; it also helps to develop self confidence and esteem. This Swimming Unit will be taught alongside our curriculum in school and has many cross curricular elements. As a growing school in sport, this is a brilliant prospect for all of our pupils.
Please return the permission slip along with your voluntary contribution of £45to the School Office by the end of the course. Please make cheques payable to BolnoreVillagePrimary School. If we do not receive enough voluntary contributions we will be unable to run this course. If you would like to pay for thiscourse in instalments, please make arrangements with the office.
Please see Mrs Allen if you have any concerns about paying for swimming and do not hesitate to see me if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Miss Mason
ASA Teaching Aquatics Qualified Instructor
- Swimming bag – big enough to carry everything
- Swimming hat – named
- Swimming costume - named
- Towel – named
- Warm clothing for travelling – coat etc
- Drink and a snack
‘It takes a village to raise a child.’