January 22, 2009

Approved February 26, 2009

The Chelsea School Committee met on Thursday, January 22, 2009, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 500 Broadway, Chelsea.

Members Present: Chairman Rosemarie Carlisle, Vice-Chairman James E Dwyer, Lucia Colon, Ed Ells, Ramona Foster, Lisa Lineweaver, Morrie Seigal, Melinda Alvarado-Vega, and City Council Delegate to the School Committee Deborah Washington

Also Present: School Superintendent Dr. Thomas S. Kingston, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Mary Bourque, Executive Director of Administration and Finance Gerald McCue, School Business Manager and Clerk to the School Committee Barbara Martin.

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance:

3. School Committee Minutes: The minutes of the December 18, 2008, School Committee Meeting and the January 6, 2009 Organizational Meeting were unanimously approved.

4. Public Comment: None

5. Report of the Superintendent of Schools:

Student Achievement: Deputy Superintendent Dr. Mary Bourque reported that data on graduation rates would not be available until next week and she will have a complete report at next month’s meeting. Dr. Bourque also announced that January 26, 2009, would be a professional development day for teachers and therefore there will be no school for students. A copy of the day’s agenda was distributed to members and forms a part of these minutes.

Personnel Report: Dr. Kingston commended the Personnel Report to the record. He also noted that Poncho Elder, Assistant Principal at the Clark Avenue Middle School retired as of December 31, 2008. Mary Leverone was promoted to Assistant Principal and will be working with Principal Linda Breau.

Enrollment Report: Dr. Kingston commended the Enrollment Report to the record. As of January 16, 2009, the district-wide enrollment was 5,566 students, including 124 students in out-of-district placements. In addition, there are three (3) Chapter 768 students for whom the district has financial responsibility.

Miscellaneous: Dr. Kingston reported on a recent Mass. Association of School Superintendent’s meeting he attended. He also reported that House I, the Governor’s FY 2010 preliminary budget will be released next Wednesday. Dr. Kingston touched upon the School Committee’s retreat and the strategic long range planning that was discussed, including the importance of reaching out to parents, corporations, and civic groups, especially in light of the current economic climate.

Questions and discussion ensued.

6. Unfinished Business: The four proposed modifications to the Chelsea School Committee Rules and Regulations were removed from the table and voted on individually. Because each modification passed unanimously, all modifications received the necessary two-thirds vote of the entire Committee to be enacted and incorporated into the School Committee’s Rules and Regulations.

7. New Business: The Committee unanimously approved to accept the $200.00 grant from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care for the Chelsea High School Alternative Program.

8. Communications: None

9. Committee Reports:

Budget and Finance: Ms. Colon reported that the subcommittee last met on January 14, 2009. A copy of the report is attached and forms a part of these minutes.

10. Announcements:

  • Mrs. Carlisle presented Superintendent Kingston with Walt Disney’s Cinderellaby Cynthia Ryland for the Early Learning Center.
  • Ms. Foster has volunteered to bring a book next month.

11. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7.25 p.m.

Recorded by

Barbara A. Martin

Business Manager

Clerk to the Chelsea School Committee