Study Questions Chapter 10 and section 5-5

1. Who did the Glorious Revolution bring to England's throne?

2. By the end of the 1600s, what had England's system of government become?

3. Before the passage of the Reform Bill of 1832, the percentage of the British population that had voting rights was about what percent?

4. The Reform Bill of 1832 lowered the property requirements for voting in order to give voting rights to what group?

5. The Chartist movement pressed for what reforms?

6. What was the first country to give full voting rights to women?

7. Alfred Dreyfus was a French army officer who was unjustly accused of what?

8. What caused the pogroms that took place in Russia?

9. The only country to allow women to vote before 1900 was?

10. What promise by Abraham Lincoln frightened Southern states into seceding?

11. Most Protestants opposed the idea of home rule in what country?

12. What was the British colony originally set up as a penal colony?

13. The Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829 affected the rights of Roman Catholics who lived in what country?

14. The Great Famine was a time of widespread starvation in Ireland caused by the destruction of what?

15. Americans used the term "manifest destiny" to justify what?

16. The outbreak of the Civil War was a direct result of what?

17. In 1836, Texas fought for its independence from what country?

18. What was the point of issuing the Emancipation Proclamation when the United States government was not able, at that time, to enforce it?

19. Who developed the theory of evolution?

20. Who was the American inventor and industrialist who made factory production more efficient by introducing the assembly line?

21. Who developed the germ theory of disease along with discovering and naming bacteria?

22. Who invented the first practical electric light bulb?

23. Who invented the telephone?

24. Who participated in identifying and naming radioactivity?

25. Who won Nobel Prizes for both Physics and Chemistry?

26. Who invented the first radio?

27. Who started a well-staffed research laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey?

28. Who helped to invent the first airplane?

29. Who believed that human actions were often unconscious reactions to experiences and could be changed by training?

30. Who wrote the controversial book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection?

31. Who was a pioneer in the field of making motion pictures?

32. What effect did the major inventions of the 19th-century have on people's lives in industrialized nations?

33. Who were the Zionists?

34. What was Captain Alfred Dreyfus accused of in the Dreyfus affair?

35. What did it mean to be a dominion?

36. Why did Great Britain establish a penal colony in Australia?

37. To which country did the most Irish emigrants go during the Great Famine?

38. How was most of the territory west of Texas obtained by the United States?

39. What form of government did France adopt in 1875?

40. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

41. During the early 1900s, who was the British woman who formed the Women's Social and Political Union?

42. What influenced the formation of Upper and Lower Canada?

43. Why did Australia and New Zealand want to become dominions of Great Britain rather than independent nations?